1860-77 selection of stamps with postal markings of the Italian (15), French (3), Austrian (2) and Russian (1) Foreign Post Offices in Alexandria, also three covers or FLs. Including 1874 envelope to Napoli, with Italian 40c canceled by "234" obliterator, 1875 unfranked FL from Naples to Cairo with 60c Italian Postage Due added on arrival and tied by Italian P.O. in Alexandria datestamp; plus 1868 FL from Alexandria to Paris franked with...
Worldwide Rare Stamps and Postal History
By: Cherrystone Auctions
Cherrystone Auctions Worldwide Rare Stamps and Postal History
Welcome to our May 3-4 Sale which will take place live in our Galleries as well as via CherrystoneLIVE. This 1,306 lot sale features United States and Possessions, with 19th & 20th Century single rarities, graded items, proofs, essays and back of the book material. A-Z countries include specialized Austria, Egypt, France, as well as Germany with a selection of WWII Occupation Issues and mail from POW Camps. Great Britain and British Commonwealth include rare singles, high values, BNA and British Africa. There are numerous rarities from Iran, Italy (with Old States and Italian Colonies), Israel, with sheets of 7-9 and J1-5, Korea, Latvia and many other collecting areas. The auction concludes with a solid section of Large Lots and Collections ranging from single country albums to specialized collections, multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact.
Sale Terms
Lot #298 - Egypt
1865 Prevost 10 para essay in beige with overprint to the right on 138x75mm white envelope; also three 1866 Riester Essays in brown, red, and green, fine-v.f. (Nile Post E6g, E21)
Estimate: $500
Lot #299 - Egypt
1866 1pi imperforate proof of background in gray black, without Arabic surcharges, fine, with 1979 Egypt Study Circle, London certificate
Estimate: $150
Lot #300 - Egypt
1866 First Issue, 1pi-10pi imperforate singles on unwatermarked paper, fresh and v.f., with 2009 Ceremuga certificate
Estimate: $250
Lot #301 - Egypt
1866 2pi yellow, 10pi slate blue, imperforate blocks of four, the former background Type I, the latter type II at top and type I at bottom, v.f., with 2007 Ceremuga certificate
Estimate: $200
Lot #302 - Egypt
1866 First Issue, 5pi rose, error of inscription "10pi" instead of "5pi", perforated 12 1/2x15 (by Penasson in Alexandria), upright "pyramid" watermark, unused without gum, color slightly pale, well centered for issue, usual perforations, fine and rare, with 2006 Ceremuga certificate (SG 6d,£1,000)
Cat. Val. $1,050
Estimate: $500
Lot #303 - Egypt
1866 1pi claret, 10pi slate blue, imperforate horizontal or vertical, imperforate plate proofs, printed "tete-beche", backgrounds upright and inverted, v.f., with 2010 Ceremuga certificates
Estimate: $150
Lot #304 - Egypt
1866 10pi slate blue, plate proof on white, unwatermarked paper, background type II, sheet margin block of four, part perforated 13 at bottom, fine and unusual item, with 2007 Ceremuga certificate
Estimate: $150
Lot #305 - Egypt
1866 10pi slate blue, variety imperf. at top and at left, other sides perf. 12 1/2, "pyramid" watermark inverted, unused, part original gum, fine and scarce variety
Estimate: $250
Lot #306 - Egypt
1867 Sphinx and Pyramid, 5pa-5pi set of six, unused without gum, couple of minor creases and thin specks, top value well centered, with 2010 Ceremuga certificate,
Cat. Val. $800
Estimate: $250
Lot #307 - Egypt
1867-68 Second Issue, 5pa orange, horizontal strip of 10 (positions 31-40 from the setting of 200) also 1pi rose red, block of four, some perf. strengthening, mostly n.h., fine,
Cat. Val. $760
Estimate: $200
Lot #308 - Egypt
1868 stampless cover from New York through Marseille to Cairo, with pmk of the French P.O. in Cairo on reverse. Also included is a 1836 stampless cover from Malta to Alexandria containing an attractive illustrated sheet with information about a shipment carried on the Austrian brig, "Monte Maggiore," probably hand-carried aboard the ship, fine and interesting incoming mail
Estimate: $250
Lot #309 - Egypt
1868-71 six FLs or covers, five franked with single 1pi, including one with "Poste Egiziane Alessandria" (missing "Regie") pmk, others with Cairo, Desuk and Tanta pmks, also 1868 FL from Tanta to Cairo franked with pair of 20pa, address portion with some ink toning, otherwise fine
Estimate: $300
Lot #310 - Egypt
1874 Third Issue, 2pi yellow, irregular block of 17 from lower left corner of the sheet, some perf. strengthening and part of ornamental border missing at bottom, scarce multiple,
Cat. Val. $1,530
Estimate: $300
Lot #311 - Egypt
1874 2 1/2pi violet, perf. 12 1/2, block of nine, middle stamp inverted, fine-v.f., scarce tete-beche, signed Diena,
Cat. Val. $600
Estimate: $300
Lot #312 - Egypt
1874-75 Sphinx and Pyramid, 5pa brown (2), 1pi vermilion, vertical tete-beche pairs, fine-v.f.
Estimate: $150
Lot #313 - Egypt
1879 10 para lilac, upper marginal, horizontal interpanneau block of eight, n.h., folded between stamps, also watermarked paper showing a corner block of 12 of the narrow watermark used for this issue, v.f. (catalogue value for singles)
Cat. Val. $580
Estimate: $500
Lot #314 - Egypt
1879 10 para pale claret, upper marginal, horizontal interpanneau block of eight, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f. (catalogue value for singles)
Cat. Val. $700
Estimate: $500
Lot #315 - Egypt
1879-85 selection of six Fourth Issue covers, including single 10pa pale claret on small cover to Switzerland, 10pa lilac block of four on cover from Port Said to Alexandria (stains), 20pa blue pair, used on back of small cover from Tantah to Cairo, 20pa/5pi pair on cover from Cairo to Lyon, some faults, mostly fine
Estimate: $500
Lot #316 - Egypt
1888 5m black, proof in vertical interpanneau block of eight on thick card, v.f.
Estimate: $500
Lot #317 - Egypt
1915 2m on 3m orange, surcharge inverted, h.r., fine, signed Sorani, with his 2013 certificate (SG 83a,£230)
Cat. Val. $250
Estimate: $150
Lot #318 - Egypt
1922 Kingdom of Egypt Proclamation overprints, seven different inverted or double overprints, mostly n.h., slight gum toning as always, fine-v.f., pencil signed, with 2010 Ceremuga certificates. A rare group, only one sheet of each recorded,
Cat. Val. $2,000
Estimate: $1500
Lot #319 - Egypt
1923 picture postcard from "Scibin el Kom" to Zagazik, franked (on face) with 1921-22 2m vermilion, taxed with a 1922 2m Crown-overprinted "Postage due" on arrival, fine and scarce card
Estimate: $150
Lot #320 - Egypt
1923-32 selection of seven parcel cards, including 1923 franked with 10m and 100m Harrison Pictorials and 20m Crown Overprint, others franked with the Second Fouad Portrait Issue plus piece franked 200m First Fuad Portrait issue, fine-v.f.
Estimate: $250
Lot #321 - Egypt
1923-37 King Fouad, 1m-£1, selection of 54, including varieties of 100m and 500m, different shades and perf. varieties, low values mostly n.h., others l.h., fine-v.f.
Estimate: $250
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc.
Cherrystone Auctions, Inc. holds a major international auction sale every two months, in the heart of New York City, featuring over 2,500 lots including: Important Rarities, Postal History and... Read More