1882: 5 c. blue (2) used on cover to Hannover, Germany tied by scarce "BUZON AMBULANTE / CORINTO, NICARAGUA" duplex in violet (Oct 26, 1889) with a further superb strike on reverse and arrival cds; and 1888 cover to Paris bearing single 10 c. dull violet tied by "GRANADA / SUP" duplex in violet (Aug 13) with Corinto and New York transits (Sept 1) to France. A scarce issue on letter. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Auction 309-320 - Europe & Overseas - Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 309-320 - Europe & Overseas - Day 3
CORINPHILA AUKTIONEN AG · Wiesenstrasse 8 · 8032 Zürich · Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Freitag 24. November 2023 / Friday 24 November 2023
9:00 h 30001 – 30330 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
12:30 h 4001 4681 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
St. Helena, Ascencion, Seychelles, British East Africa, Nyasaland
Samstag 25. November 2023 / Saturday 25 November 2023
9:00 h 30331 – 30713 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
Victoria, Westaustralia, Commonwealth of Australia
13:00 h 4682 – 5101 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Bushire
Montag 27. November 2023 / Monday 27 November 2023
9:00 h 1 – 463 309: Europe & Overseas Australia, Australian States Unused – The Peter Campbell Collection (part II)
14:00 h 464 – 1101 309: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
- incl. South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
Dienstag 28. November 2023 / Tuesday 28 November 2023
9:00 h 1102 – 1269 309: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth, including Crash and Interrupted Mail
11:00 h 5201 5923 311: Egypt, including the Constantin Kelemenis & Ronny van Pellecom Collections
18:00 h 6001 6241 312: Haiti – “Liberty Head” Issue 1881–1887 – The Brian Moorhouse Collection
Mittwoch 29. November 2023 / Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 h 10001 10241 319: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World‘s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part I)
11:30 h 6501 6696 313: British Stamp Perforation – The Ray Simpson Collection
13:30 h 1270 – 1497 309: Europe & Overseas Great Britain, incl. some Surface Printed „Abnormal Plates“
- Rocket and Space Mail, incl. The Beatrice Bachmann Estate
15:30 h 1498 – 2137 309: Europe & Overseas Europe A –E, Greenland 1721–1938 – The ‘POLAR LIGHT’ Collection (part II)
- Togo Postal History – The John Mayne Collection
Donnerstag 30. November 2023 / Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 h 2138 – 3365 309: Europe & Overseas Europe F – Z, Finland Revenue Issue 1881 and 1891 – The Jussi Tuori Collection
- Hungarian Post Offices in Romania – The Dr. Geza Homonnay Collection (part I)
- Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part I)
Freitag 1. Dezember 2023 / Friday 1 December 2023
9:00 h 3366 – 3477 309: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
10:00 h 3478 – 3563 309: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations, Literature
11:00 h 7000 7086 314: Europe‘s “Number 1” on cover – The ‘PENELOPE’ Collection
12:00 h 7501 7686 315: Incoming Mail to Spain 1850–1880 – The Luis Alemany Indarte Collection
14:00 h 9001 9179 317: Rotes Kreuz – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Jr.
15:30 h 9201 – 9567 318: Schweiz &
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 2. Dezember 2023 / Saturday 2 December 2023
10:00 h 8001 8053 316: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil I)
11:00 h 8101 – 8466 318: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken
15:30 h 8467 – 8613 318: Altschweiz Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) bis UPU
- Ziffermuster 1882-1899 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil II)
Sale Terms
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Lot #950 - Overseas nicaragua
Postal Stationery 1886/1929: The Postal stationery selection (18) with 1884 3 c. blue card (H&G 2) used to France; 1900 2 c. red card (H&G 48) up-rated with 1901 1 c. and 2 c. ex Corinto; 1901 2 c. on 6 c. blue card (H&G 54) up-rated with 1903 1 c. and 2 c. to Zurich; 1901 2 c. on 5 c. blue (H&G 55b) up-rated with 1 c. and 2 c. adhesives ex La Libertad to Germany, 1901 2 c. on 5 cent on 6 c. blue card (H&G 55e) up-rated...
Lot #951 - Overseas nicaragua
1887/1910c.: Cover selection, all postal statioinery with 63 covers / cards, 5 c. blue envelopes up-rated with 1883 5 c. used to Belgium and USA; usages with range of cancels including Acoyapa, Bluefields, Buzon (Box) markings, Chinandega, Corinto, Diriamba, Leon, Matagalpa, Momotombo, Rama, Rivas, together with some interesting up-rated usages. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #952 - Overseas nicaragua
1892: Colombus issue, covers/cards (3) with 1 c. yellow-brown on 2 c. blue stationery card (H&G 16) tied by "Bluefields" cds Nov 4, 1892) addressed to the Hamilton Banknote Co. in New York; small 1892 cover to Guatemala with 2 c. vermilion tied by "Corinto" duplex (Dec 21, 1892) and 1893 cover to Germany franked by 5 c. blue (4) tied by "Bluefields" cds's (Jan 25). A scarce issue on letter. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #953 - Overseas nicaragua
1893: Seebeck Arms issue, covers (2) with 1893 underpaid cover bearing single 5 c. blue tied by "Granada" cds in black (Sept 25) used to Germany via Paris with "T" marking of despatch and charged "40" pfennigs due in manuscript; and 1893 5 c. blue on salmon postal stationery envelope (H&G B19) sent registered/AR to Belmont, California, up-rated with 6 x 5 c. blue all tied by target handstamps at Corinto.
Lot #954 - Overseas nicaragua
1894: Seebeck Victory issue, covers (2) with 1894 unsealed circular to San Juan del Norte franked by single 2 c. vermilion tied by "LEON" duplex in violet (Dec 7) and 1894 5 c. blue pair used on cover to New York tie by scarce "CUIDAD RAMA" cds in blue-black with New Orleans transit cds (May 28) and New York arrival on reverse. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #955 - Overseas nicaragua
1896/97: Seebeck Map Issue covers (6) with 1896 cover at double rate to USA franked 1896 1 c. violet strip of four and 2 c. blue-green in a pair and strip of six used from "Bluefields" (April 26, 1896); 1897 single 2 c. blue-green used on circular rate cover to San Francisco ex Corinto; 1897 single 5 c. rose on cover to Leon tied by "San Jorge" duplex - an early use on 8th day of issue; 1897 10 c. blue on cover to New York tied by "San Juan...
Lot #956 - Overseas nicaragua
1898: Seebeck Coat of Arms issue, the selection of covers (10) with 1 c. brown on local Managua cover; 1 c. brown, 2 c. grey pair and scarce 5 c. olive green used on 1898 cover from San Juan del Norte to USA; 4 c. brown pair used with 1899 2 c. pale brown on 1900 cover from Bluefields to USA; 4 c. brown pair used as Postage Dues on cover from USA; scarce 5 c. olive-green used with 1 c. brown strip of five on 1898 cover by French Packet to...
Lot #957 - Overseas nicaragua
Canal Survey 1898: Seebeck Coat of Arms issue 10 c. violet, used on two 1898 covers to Ralph Bernstein and S. Bernstein in Philadelphia, USA with March 25th cover from San Juan del Norte endorsed at top left "Isla Grande, March 13" (North end of Lago de Nicaragua); and Nov 5th cover from Granada with toned 10 c. endorsed "On board La Union off Jobo Islands, Nov 4th, 98", with San Juan del Norte transit on reverse. A scarce and historic...
Lot #958 - Overseas nicaragua
Official 1897/1900: Selection of Official covers/wrappers (9) with 1897 2 c. red used on wrapper to Basel, Switzerland; 1898 stampless cover from Managua addressed to Postmaster in Berlin carried from Colon on French Packet; 1898 2 c. carmine used as single franking on covers to France; 1899 issue with cover franked 1 c. green pair to Bergerac, France and strip of four 5 c. blue used on 1901 cover to Marseille etc. Small imperfections but...
Lot #959 - Overseas Panama
1851 (Sept 13): Entire letter from Guayaquil, Ecuador to San Francisco, USA well struck on reverse with oval framed "FORWARDED BY / MACKISSON, NELSON & Co. / PANAMA" Agent's cachet, mailed on with "20" rate marking in red applied on arrival (Oct 18). Opens well for display, a scarce entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #960 - Overseas Panama
1853 (March 30): Entire letter from Callao, Peru originally sent outside the mails to Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera in Panamá, readdressed, again outside the mails to New York and struck with superb oval "ENCAMINADA POR / HURTADO HERMANOS / PANAMÁ" in red. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #961 - Overseas Panama
1854 (Aug 31): Entire letter from San Francisco to Boston franked by 1851 3 c. brown-red in a horizontal pair, margins touched to clear, struck on reverse with very rare oval INDEPENDENT LINE / AHEAD OF THE MAILS / UNCLE SAM AND NORTH STAR / VIA PANAMA in black, a tad pencil enhanced, the adhesives tied by 'New York' cds (Sept 27) in black. Rare.
Lot #962 - Overseas Panama
1855 (Jan 22): Entire letter from Panama to Bogotá, Mosquera correspondence, sent unpaid with superb oval framed "PANAMÁ / DEBE." in red with handstruck rate marking "15" centavos alongside. A superb and rare entire.
Lot #963 - Overseas Panama
1859 (March 10): Entire letter from Bogotá to New York prepaid to the border with oval BOGOTÁ / FRANCA and rate marks '40' (centavos) in blue on front and further rate mark '50' (centavos) on reverse; circular ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE COLON / FRANCA in red and oval "FORWARDED BY / RAMON LEON SANCHEZ / CARTAGENA N.G." in orange-red; thereafter carried outside the mails to destination ((April 25). Rare and fine entire.
Lot #964 - Overseas Panama
1859 (Oct 31): Entire letter from Buenaventura, Colombia to New York, forwarded in Panama with three line "Encaminada por / F. GOGORZA y CA. / Panamá" cachet in green on reverse. Struck on entry with circular "Steamship / 10" in black (Dec 1). File folds but a scarce Forwarder. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #965 - Overseas Panama
1860 (Nov 29): Entire letter from Lima, Peru to Acapulco, Mexico carried outside the Mails, struck with fine Forwarding Agent cachet "CABRERO HOURQUET / & CIA / PANAMA" in blue. One or two worm holes not detracting from the appearance of a scarce and most attractive entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.rn
Lot #966 - Overseas Panama
British P.O. in Panama 1858/69: Great Britain 2 d. blue pl. 12 and 6 d. lilac pl. 6 tied to 1870 underpaid cover to France by "C35" obliterator in black with rare usage of "INSUFFICIENTLY / PREPAID" handstamp in red below (short paid 4d.). Reverse with PANAMA cds (May 21) in black, thence via London where framed "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy marking applied with Calais transit adjacent (both also tying the adhesives). Charged '10' décimes...
Lot #967 - Overseas Panama
1879 (Jan 16): Unpaid entire letter from Santa Martha, Colombia to New York struck with rare straight line "TRANSIT" at the British P.O. with single ring "COLON" code A cds (Jan 27) both in black (late usages of both cancels). Struck on arrival with "New York / Due 10 Cents" duplex (Feb 14). A fine and rare entire. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #968 - Overseas Panama
1881 (Feb 4): Unpaid cover from Panama to Charles Diena in Modena, Italy with late use of single ring British P.O. "PANAMA" cds code A in black, mailed via London with red cds (March 1) on reverse and "T / 1-10" handstamp in blue. Manuscript "16" and taxed on arrival with Italy 1870 Postage Due 30 c. pair and 1 l. tied by Modena cds (March 3). Manuscript "Rifiutate, Carlo Diena" on reverse. A few imperfections but an unusual cover. Ex the...
Lot #969 - Overseas Panama
Incoming Mail 1881: Great Britain 2½ d. blue, plate 23, used on 1884 cover to "H.M.S. Swiftsure", Pacific Station, care of H.M. Consul in Panama, tied by "SANDWICH" cds (April 1) in black. An attractive usage to an unusual destination at this date. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #970 - Overseas Panama
Incoming Mail 1907: Cover from Oslo to ship "S.S. Fornebo" at Colon, Panama franked by Norway Posthorn 20 ö. blue tied by Kristiania machine cancel (Dec 31). Reverse with "Agencia Postal / Colon" cds (Jan 21, 1908) in violet, ship had sailed and struck on obverse with scarce "NON RECLAMADA" and "REBUT / COLON, / REP. DE PANAMA" cachets in violet. Scarce destination and treatment. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #971 - Overseas Panama
Incoming Mail 1917: Covers (2) each bearing Great Britain 1 d. red used on 1917 covers from London to Panama; both with Allied "OPENED BY / CENSOR" Reseal labels at left, each struck on arrival with large circular "T" markings and taxed at 6 c. - one with 1915 Postage Due 1 c. brown pair and single 4 c. brown, the other with 2 c. and 4 c. brown tied in violet at Panama. A scarce and attractive pair. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #972 - Overseas Panama
1887/88: 20 c. black on lilac, a used example on 1893 registered cover to New York tied by two strikes of "Agencia Postal Nacional / Colon" cds's (Aug 31) in violet. 10 c. brown on buff Registration label at left and reverse with New York arrival (Sept 12). A scarce issue on letter. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Lot #973 - Overseas Panama
1892/96: 2 c. rose in a vertical strip of five used on 1898 "The Colon Telegram" printed envelope to Des Moines, USA tied by octagonal "AGENCIA POSTAL NACIONAL / COLON" duplexes (April 1) in black. Reverse with further printed list of Colon Telegram items for sale and New York transit (April 9). Attractive cover. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
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