1854, Group of six covers, all with mixed 1 d. red, perf 16 in combination with 2 d. blue, perf 16, comprising four examples sent to Crimea War/Black Sea Fleet; of which one, an 1854 envelope sent from Plymouth to British Army in Turkey, is from the original find of the "Captain Radcliffe Correspondence"; others include one cover to France and an attractive strip of three 2 d. blue used with a single 1 d. red sent from Edinburgh to Lancaster...
Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 309-320 - Great Britain 1840–1841 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
CORINPHILA AUKTIONEN AG · Wiesenstrasse 8 · 8032 Zürich · Schweiz / Suisse / Switzerland
Freitag 24. November 2023 / Friday 24 November 2023
9:00 h 30001 – 30330 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
12:30 h 4001 4681 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
St. Helena, Ascencion, Seychelles, British East Africa, Nyasaland
Samstag 25. November 2023 / Saturday 25 November 2023
9:00 h 30331 – 30713 320: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part III)
Victoria, Westaustralia, Commonwealth of Australia
13:00 h 4682 – 5101 310: British Africa, St. Helena, Ascension, Seychelles, Bushire – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Bushire
Montag 27. November 2023 / Monday 27 November 2023
9:00 h 1 – 463 309: Europe & Overseas Australia, Australian States Unused – The Peter Campbell Collection (part II)
14:00 h 464 – 1101 309: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
- incl. South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
Dienstag 28. November 2023 / Tuesday 28 November 2023
9:00 h 1102 – 1269 309: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth, including Crash and Interrupted Mail
11:00 h 5201 5923 311: Egypt, including the Constantin Kelemenis & Ronny van Pellecom Collections
18:00 h 6001 6241 312: Haiti – “Liberty Head” Issue 1881–1887 – The Brian Moorhouse Collection
Mittwoch 29. November 2023 / Wednesday 29 November 2023
9:00 h 10001 10241 319: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World‘s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part I)
11:30 h 6501 6696 313: British Stamp Perforation – The Ray Simpson Collection
13:30 h 1270 – 1497 309: Europe & Overseas Great Britain, incl. some Surface Printed „Abnormal Plates“
- Rocket and Space Mail, incl. The Beatrice Bachmann Estate
15:30 h 1498 – 2137 309: Europe & Overseas Europe A –E, Greenland 1721–1938 – The ‘POLAR LIGHT’ Collection (part II)
- Togo Postal History – The John Mayne Collection
Donnerstag 30. November 2023 / Thursday 30 November 2023
9:00 h 2138 – 3365 309: Europe & Overseas Europe F – Z, Finland Revenue Issue 1881 and 1891 – The Jussi Tuori Collection
- Hungarian Post Offices in Romania – The Dr. Geza Homonnay Collection (part I)
- Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part I)
Freitag 1. Dezember 2023 / Friday 1 December 2023
9:00 h 3366 – 3477 309: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
10:00 h 3478 – 3563 309: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations, Literature
11:00 h 7000 7086 314: Europe‘s “Number 1” on cover – The ‘PENELOPE’ Collection
12:00 h 7501 7686 315: Incoming Mail to Spain 1850–1880 – The Luis Alemany Indarte Collection
14:00 h 9001 9179 317: Rotes Kreuz – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Jr.
15:30 h 9201 – 9567 318: Schweiz &
Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 2. Dezember 2023 / Saturday 2 December 2023
10:00 h 8001 8053 316: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil I)
11:00 h 8101 – 8466 318: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken
15:30 h 8467 – 8613 318: Altschweiz Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) bis UPU
- Ziffermuster 1882-1899 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil II)
Sale Terms
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Lot #6616 - europe Great Britain
1855, Transitional Period study set out on four album pages, comprising five covers, one piece and six used stamps, includes three mixed-franking perf. 14 and perf. 16 1 d. reds on cover, used during the transitional period January/August 1855, noted very attractive 1855 C3 plate 3, used in combination with C1*, an 1855 wrapper franked with a combination of C1 and C2 and Die I perf. 16 and Die II perf. 14 used on a printed Sun Life...
Lot #6617 - europe Great Britain
1854/1856, Group of four covers franked with 2 d. blue, plate 4, perf. 16, comprising three single frankings and one in combination with 6 d. lilac on a registered cover, this being the only recorded example of a perforation mixed-franking involving these stamps, also noted a second day of recorded use, dated 23 Febraury 1854, sent from Sheffield to Blackheath and another example used within the first month of issue, some faults and slightly...
Lot #6618 - europe Great Britain
1850, 1 d, red, plate 94, lettered MB, Archer Trail Perf. 16, good used example, well centered, dulled perfs lower left side, comes with a small selection of 1 d. reds, including a very fine four margin used 1848 imperforate 1 d. red, plate 82, pair, with a partial separation between, illustrating the pre-sale partial separation practice undertaken at the Post Office prior to the introduction of perforated stamps, also five stamps with...
Lot #6619 - europe Great Britain
1854/1868, Collection of 1 d. red perforation varieties and misperforations, comprising an album with thirty eight pages, with many hundreds of stamps, mostly singles, although multiples and covers included, large selection of broken pin varieties, as well as double perforations, misaligned perforations, some very dramatic and visually appealing examples, especially the perf. 7 to left examples, much appears plated, condition variable, a...
Lot #6620 - europe Great Britain
1854/58, Six album pages, neatly written-up, dedicated to errors in the line engraved perforation process, comprises three covers, two unused 1 d. red blocks of six, one from plate 188, lettered FD-GF, twenty used stamps, mostly reds but several 2 d. blues, a strip of three and strip of six, study includes; plate layout, printing process, reperforation and rough/incomplete perforations, some dramatic misplacement of vertical and horizontal...
Lot #6621 - europe Great Britain
1864, Study on Perforation Machine development, neatly written-up on two album pages, comprising four 1 d. red items multiples, all unused and with marginal top or side, including one corner, plates include; 87, 162, 204 and 222, these also illustrate the marginal pin marks, a very eye catching selection, and mostly fine.
Lot #6622 - europe Great Britain
1856, 6 d. lilac, plate 1, 'SPECIMEN', Type 4, printed on Azure paper, top corner marginal, variety "abnormal official perforation", showing Wing margin instead of a normal perforation close to the stamp design, the perforations extend right through the right side of sheet rather than the usual single extension hole, small corner crease in top margin and slight soiling, however a scarce example and most attractive. Comes with an 1862 4 d....
Lot #6623 - europe Great Britain
1856, 6 d. lilac, plate 1, strip of four, position TI-TL, 'SPECIMEN', large part original gum, variety "abnormal official perforations", position TL appearing to be Imperforate, it is actually a trimmed wing margin stamp thus proving the abnormal perforation, note the small part of the plate number in the lower right corner of the Wing margin lower right, slight soiling, position TK has stain, a scarce and impressive strip. SG Spec. J70s = £2...
Lot #6624 - europe Great Britain
1862, 4d pale red, plate 3, lettered CG, 'SPECIMEN', variety "abnormal official perforations", portion of wing margin still attached at left, mounted to a small piece with 1861, 3 d. rose, plate 2, state I, shaded spandrels, lettered HH, 'SPECIMEN' and 1862, 9 d. bistre, plate 2, lettered HH, 'SPECIMEN', both Wing margins, some soiling, dulled perfs. top of 4d and very lower tip of 9d clipped, very attractive and scarce trio. SG Spec. J52t...
Lot #6625 - europe Great Britain
1867, 3 d. rose, plate 8, lettered QE-RH, wmk. spray, perf 14, used block of eight, from the middle pane showing Wing margin on both sides, cancelled with Irish numeral "174" of Dingle, fine and very scarce example illustrating the printing perforation lay-out and used in Ireland. The largest recorded used block from plate 8 in the Karl Louis Card Index. SG J33 = £850+ as two blocks of four.
Lot #6626 - europe Great Britain
1867, 3 d. rose, plate 7, lettered EI-FJ, wmk. spray, perf. 14, used "Gutter block of four", confirming "two-pane" format of Post Office sheets, a spectacular exhibition item, being the only "Gutter" multiple of the 1855/80 Surface Printed issues recorded in the Karl Louis Card Index in used condition, an important piece.
Lot #6627 - europe Great Britain
1867, Selection of marginal with inscription 1 s. green, used stamps, comprising five examples from plate 6 and one example from plate 4, five with cds cancels, all showing various parts of the top or bottom margin, an attractive lot.
Lot #6628 - europe Great Britain
1872, 6 d. chestnut, plate 11, lettered FE, top marginal with price inscription, Wing margin, used cancelled by Bailyborough datestamp 24 September 1872, wonderful piece and scarce in this condition.
Lot #6629 - europe Great Britain
1873, 3 d. rose, plate 15, lettered OD, wmk. spray, perf 14, unused, wing margin, with most part original gum, bottom marginal with intact horizontal margin, inscription below "1 Shilling / per Row of 4. 10 Shillings / per Sheet of 40.", soiled and slight toning, minor creasing, scarce example. SG J39 = £425+ for mint single.
Lot #6630 - europe Great Britain
1874, 6 d. grey, plate 13, lettered EB, wmk. spray, perf 14, unused bottom marginal, with original gum, showing marginal inscription below with two panes; "6 Pence / per label. 2 Shillings / per Row of 4", with intact horizontal margin, filing crease through bottom margin, otherwise very fine and scarce example. SG J83 = £500+. rnProvenance: Harmer, London, 21 February 2001, lot 674.
Lot #6631 - europe Great Britain
1880, 4 d. grey-brown, plate 17, lettered RF, right side Wing margin, Large Garter wmk., used on cover, from Colchester to Rio De Janeiro, endorsed "Per Mail via Southampton", dated 8 November 1880, faint arrival on reverse 1 December 1880, some tone spots, tiny slit in side of Wing margin and backflap missing, however rare stamp on cover, SG cat. £1'600. Additionally, comes with a selection of other surface printed issues, including one...
Lot #6632 - europe Great Britain
1876, Selection of used 8 d. orange Surface Printed stamps, all Wing margin, showing perforation varieties, comprising fourteen examples including two pairs, noted abnormal official perforation and guillotine-cut in gutter, mixed lot.
Lot #6633 - europe Great Britain
1876, Specialised study on the 8 d. orange, plate 1, focused upon the sheet layout and separation, written-up on three album pages, comprising four covers, three to India, one to Ceylon, three showing extreme imperforate Wing margin variety, complemented with eleven used singles, each illustrating variations of the perforation of the margins and gutter, some faults, in the main fine, a scarce and fascinating group. Gi = £6'250+.
Lot #6634 - europe Great Britain
1880, Selection of four multple 1 d. venetian red pieces, all unused, comprising a quarter sheet of sixty, which includes the hoizontal gutter between the upper and lower panes, unmounted, an interpaneau block of four showing central horizontal gutter, a corner block of eighteen and a horizontal pair with gutter below, some creasing, folds and soiling, but in the main very fine, much unmounted, an impressive assemby. SG = £2268 as singles....
Lot #6635 - europe Great Britain
1854/1868, Selection of line engraved used stamps with perforation varieties, comprising eleven 1 d. reds, two 2 d. blues, including double perfs. mis-feed, paper fold part perforation, mixed lot, however some very spectatcular examples, scarce assembly.
Lot #6636 - europe Great Britain
1865, 4 d. vermilion, plate 12, lettered AD, unused, top sheet margin, variety extremely "misplaced perforations", original gum, mounted in margin, fresh deep shade, slight kink lower right but does not detract, this type of mis-perforation is very rare on surface printed, especially in unused condition; according to the Karl Louis Card Index there are only six “mis-perforated” 4d. vermilion recorded, all from the upper left pane of plate 12....
Lot #6637 - europe Great Britain
1865, 4 d. vermilion, plate 12, lettered AB, unused, top sheet margin with current No."321", variety extremely "misplaced perforations", original gum, fresh vibrant shade, rare, this type of mis-perforation is more frequently seen on the 1d/2d line engraved issues, very rare on surface printed, especially in unused condition; according to the Karl Louis Card Index there are only six “mis-perforated” 4d. vermilion recorded; these come from the...
Lot #6638 - europe Great Britain
1853/1867, Study of printing stamp sheet positioning, presented upon three album pages, comprising seventeen examples, includes marginal blocks, one a plate number, selection of line engraved and Surface Printed issues, illustrating the effects the position of the sheet has on the alignment of the stamps, varities such as short and long stamps and a very attractive page of penny plate reds showing variations of the margin from 20mm to 28mm,...
Lot #6639 - europe Great Britain
1864, 1 d. rose-red, plate 156, lettered AG-EL, unused block of thirty, original gum, reperforation variety, exhibiting doubling of perforations between row "C" and "D" and to sides of "D" row; the sheet being repositioned after the first four strikes of the punches, leaving row "A" to "D" normally perforated, however row "D" has then been reperforated below and to the right of the original line of perforations, some gum wrinkling but very...
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More