1925/27: GB overprinted 6 d. purple, wmk. block cypher, an unused block of four, corner marginal from lower right corner of the sheet, fresh colour, fine unmounted og. Scarce value Gi = £ 200+.
Auction 321 - 332 Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia, St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, Brazil 1843 –1870 - Day 1
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 321 - 332 Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia, St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, Brazil 1843 –1870 - Day 1
Montag 3. Juni 2024 / Monday 3 June 2024
9:00 h 40001 – 40488 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Westaustralia
14:00 h 2001 – 2392 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland
18:30 h 3001 – 3134 323: Brazil 1843 –1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part I)
Dienstag 4. Juni 2024 / Tuesday 4 June 2024
9:00 h 40489 – 40726 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) Commonwealth of Australia
11:30 h 3201 – 3318 324: New South Wales – including the „Mint“ Collection of Peter Campbell
13:00 h 2393 – 2840 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South frica, South West Africa, Sudan
18:00 h 3501 – 3782 325: Panama – The Classic Period 1807–1904 – The Álvaro Castro-Harrigan Collections
Mittwoch 5. Juni 2024 / Wednesday 5 June 2024
9:00 h 1 – 556 321: Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth
- Australian States “Unused” – The Peter Campbell Collection (part III)
- The “Huntingfield” Block – Australia‘s unissued Edward VIII Stamp 1936
- The “Lady Bridget Blue-Bell” Collection – “The smallest and most complete collection of Lady McLeod possible”
- African Airmail 1911–1945 – The Mike Roberts Collection
14:00 h 557 – 740 321: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
16:00 h 4001 – 4376 326: Great Britain 1840–1910 – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part V)
Donnerstag 6. Juni 2024 / Thursday 6 June 2024
9:00 h 741 – 841 321: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
842 – 1361 321: Europe & Overseas Europe A –Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part II)
14:30 h 1362 – 1418 321: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations
15:00 h 5001 – 5422 327: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part I)
Freitag 7. Juni 2024 / Friday 7 June 2024
9:00 h 6001 – 6413 328: Romania – Special Catalogue
12:30 h 7001 – 7174 329: Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction
14:30 h 9001 – 9335 331: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1862, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Schweiz – Ziffermuster 1882–1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil III)
17:30 h 9336 – 9534 331: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 8. Juni 2024 / Saturday 8 June 2024
9:00 h 8101 – 8207 331: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie - Wehrwesen in der Schweiz – Die Sammlung Rolf Leuthard
10:00 h 8001 – 8053 330: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil II)
11:00 h 8208 – 8532 331: Altschweiz Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken (Rayon I dunkelblau und Rayon II gelb)
14:30 h 8533 – 8772 331: Altschweiz Rayonmarken (Rayon I hellblau bis Rayon III rot), Strubel
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Lot #2377 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1932 (Dec 12): Pictorial definitive set of twelve values unused, wmk. Multiple Script CA, perf. 12½, all perforated "SPECIMEN" diagonally, fresh and fine, superb large part og. Gi = £ 450.
Lot #2378 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1932 (Dec 12): Pictorial definitive set of twelve values unused, wmk. Multiple Script CA, perf. 12½, fresh and fine, slightly toned part og. Gi = £ 500.
Lot #2379 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1932 (Dec 12): Pictorial ½ d. green, wmk. Multiple Script CA, perf. 12½, the famous unused block of four, variety "Imperforate between Vertically", wonderfully fresh and fine but for slightest blunting of perfs at right mentioned for full accuracy, full anmounted og. This is the multiple held by the original finder of the error in the 1930's which was retained by his wife until circa 1982. No example, as far as this describer is aware, in the...
Lot #2380 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1935 (May 4): Silver Jubilee, the set of four values in matching lower left corner blocks of four, first stamp in each block showing variety "Extra Flagstaff", the 2 d. with slight tone spot affecting the reverse of the variety only, otherwisse fresh and very fine, large part og. A most attractive set. Gi = £ 875+.
Lot #2381 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1935 (May 4): Silver Jubilee, 1 d. deep blue & scarlet, a corner marginal block of four from top left of sheet, Plate 2, third stamp (Row 2, stamp 1, pos. 6) showing variety "Short Extra Flagstaff", fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Gi = £ 550+.
Lot #2382 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1935 (May 4): Silver Jubilee, 1 d. deep blue & scarlet, a sheet marginal block of four from Plate 5 showing variety "Flagstaff on Right-hand Turret" on first stamp (Row 7, stamp 1, pos. 37), 1 d. deep blue & scarlet, a sheet marginal block of four from Plate 6 showing variety "Hairline Double Flagstaff" on second stamp (Row 5, stamp 2, pos. 26), both with large part og., and two used examples showing unlisted varieties of retouches to...
Lot #2383 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1935 (May 4): Silver Jubilee 6 d. slate & purple, a used block of four, corner marginal from right of sheet, Plate 3, position Row 2, stamp 5 (third stamp) showing "Lightening Conductor" flaw, neatly cancelled by central cds. Slight marginal wrinkle due to water accident in post which also affects the cert. BPA (2005) Gi = £ 300+.
Lot #2384 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1937 (May 13): Coronation Issue, the set of three values in matching Imperforate Proof blocks of four, each marginal from left of sheet, and each perforated "SPECIMEN" (Samuel type 20), fresh and fine, stamps unmounted og. Just six sets of three of these Proofs were produced, thus this set in blocks of four is unique.
Lot #2385 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1938: Pictorial set of eleven values to 10 s. unused, all perforated "SPECIMEN" diagonally, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 375.
Lot #2386 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1938: Pictorial set of eleven values to 10 s. unused, all in fine blocks of four, large part og. with lower pairs unmounted og. An attractive set Gi = £ 440+.
Lot #2387 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
1945 (Dec 3): Victory Issue, South Africa 3 d. deep blue & blue overprinted in black, the vertical strip of four, marginal at top with centre line ornament in margin, top stamp variety "Overprint Omitted", together with a lower marginal strip of four with "Bechuanaland" overprint in margin in black; fresh and fine, unmounted og. Just ten strips possible. A rarity of George VI and British Colonial philately Gi = £ 17'000.rnrnProvenance:...
Lot #2388 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
Postage Due 1926: 1 d. carmine used on enevlope originally mailed from Pakistan (4 a. brown adhesive on reverse), forwarded from USA to Gaberones and the Postage Due tied by "Gaberones Village" cds (Sept 28, 1951) in black. Two vertical file folds away from the adhesives, philatelic but nevetheless a very rare usage.
Lot #2389 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
Postal Fiscal 1910 (July): Postal Fiscal Transvaal 6 d. black & brown-orange on chalk surfaced paper, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, perf. 14, overprinted "Bechuanaland / Protectorate" in black, an unused block of sixteen (4 x 4) with margin at right, unmounted og. Believed to be the largest unused multiple extant Gi = £ 3'200+.
Lot #2390 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
Postal Fiscal 1910 (July): Postal Fiscal Transvaal 6 d. black & brown-orange on chalk surfaced paper, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, perf. 14, overprinted "Bechuanaland / Protectorate" in black, a used block of four cancelled by "Mochudi / B.B." cds in black. Rare. Cert. BPA (1999) Gi = £ 1'500+.
Lot #2391 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
Postal Fiscal 1921: Postal Fiscal South Africa 1 d. scarlet, wmk. Springbok, perf. 14, overprinted "Bechuanaland / Protectorate" in black, an unused block of four, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Gi = £ 200.
Lot #2392 - brit. colonies betchuanaland
Warren Expedition 1885/86: Cape of Good Hope 6 d. mauve, wmk. Cabled Anchor (Gi 52) and 1 s. green, wmk. Crown CC (Gi 26), each in unused blocks of four, overprinted after Sir Charles Warren took Vryburg (Feb 7, 1885) with two line "Military / Telegraphs" in black, fresh and very fine appearance, large part og. ; the 1 s. value as normal with whiter somewhat dried gum. H.R. Holmes in "The Postage Stamps of Bechuanaland" states, on page 35, "...
Lot #3001 - Overseas brasil
1827/46: Album page with entires (2) each with Printed Prices Current, 1827 entire letter from Rio to London endorsed "p. Antelope" struck with fine "BRISTOL / SHIP-LETTER" in black (Robertson S7) upon arrival and charged "3/-" to pay; and 1846 entire with superb "RIO-JANEIRO" British P.O. cds in black (Oct 2) on obverse of cover to London rated "2/9d." to pay. A fine pairing.
Lot #3002 - Overseas brasil
1833 (July 4): Entire letter from Bananal to Sao Paulo rated "50" reis in manuscript at top, struck with framed "BANANAL" handstamp in red brown (Ayres fig. 1227). A fine and attractive entire.rnProvenance: Collection Karl Heinz Wittig, Corinphila sale 184, Sept 2013, lot 4003.
Lot #3003 - Overseas brasil
1836 (Jan 1): Official entire letter from Tejuco, Minas Gerais (later known as Diamantina) to Ouro Preto endorsed "S.P." (Servcio Publico), struck with very fine framed "TEJUCO" handstamp in brown.
Lot #3004 - Overseas brasil
1836 (Nov 25): Entire letter from Diamantina headed "S.P." (Servicio Publico) at top, struck on despatch with framed "V. DIAMANTINA" handstamp in black (Ayres fig. 1524). Scarce and attractive entire.
Lot #3005 - Overseas brasil
1837 (June 14): Entire letter from Resende to Rio de Janeiro endorsed "30" reis in manuscript at top, struck with superb dotted framed "RESENDE" handstamp in brown. Exceptional.
Lot #3006 - Overseas brasil
1837/42: Entire letters (2) with earlier official entire from Bahia to Sergipe struck with "CORREIO DA B." handstamp in black (Ayres fig. 1130) and 1842 entire to Rio de Janeiro rated "40" reis in manuscript cancelled by fine "CORREIO DE BAHIA" circular datestamp (Sept 11) well struck in black. A fine pairing.
Lot #3007 - Overseas brasil
1838 (Oct 7): Official entire letter to Rio Pardo headed "S.P." in manuscript at top, struck with straight line "MINAS NOVAS" handstamp in black (Maasen M19). Exceptional and rare so fine.
Lot #3008 - Overseas brasil
1838 (Dec 19): Official entire letter from Rio Pardo to Ouro Preto with "S.P." at top in manuscript, struck with "RIO PARDO" straight line handstamp in brown (Maasen R11). Fresh and very fine.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More