1878: American Banknote Co. Morazan 2 c. vermilion, an unused block of 48 marginal from top of sheet with three complete National Bank Note Co. imprints in margins, fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og. A magnificent multiple, the largest recorded. Ex the Brian Moorhouse estate.
Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - Day 1
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - Day 1
Friday 22 November 2024
11:00 h 1 – 785 333: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
18:00 h 10001 – 10131 345: Brazil 1843–1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part II)
Monday 25 November 2024
9:00 h 3001 – 3226 334: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand – The ‚KOOYONG‘ Collection
11:00 h 786 – 1602 333: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth - North Borneo – The ‘PENMAEN’ Collection
Tuesday 26 November 2024
9:00 h 3501 – 3702 335: Western Australia – The Dr Thomas & Richard Debney Collection
11:00 h 20001 – 20223 346: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World’s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part II)
13:00 h 4001 – 4278 336: Great Britain
- “Victorian Mixed Franking Covers” – The Ray Simpson Collection
- “Experimental Machine Postmarks 1857–1901” – The Jerry Miller Collection
- “Missed Opportunities From 1840–1870 Line Engraved Issues” – The Åke Rietz Collection 15:30 h 4501 – 4963 337: Great Britain & British Commonwealth – Missed Opportunities and Balance of the ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
Wednesday 27 November 2024
9:00 h 5001 – 5274 338: Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan – The Peter Hørlyck Collection (part I)
11:30 h 5501 – 5943 339: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part II)
16:00 h 6001 – 6210 340: Incoming Mail to The Netherlands From All Over the World – The Bouwe Brandsma Collection
Thursday 28 November 2024
9:00 h 1603 – 1713 333: Europe & Overseas - St. Helena – The Frank Gilberg Collection
10:00 h 6501 – 6711 341: Ionian Islands – The André Bollen Collection
12:00 h 7001 – 7122 342: Foreign Post Offices in the Levant – The ‘SAWAYA’ Collection (part I)
13:00 h 7501 – 7549 334: Italian States, Kingdom & Republic – The ‘KOOYONG’ Collection
13:30 h 1714 – 2401 333: Europe & Overseas Europe A–O
- Zeppelin – Pionierpost – Die Sammlung Eckhard Förster (Teil I)
- Finland – “Finnish Pre-Stamp Covers; Feldpost; Collection From the Period of Russian Rule over Finland; Finnish Railway TPO Covers” – The Eric Keefe Collections
Friday 29 November 2024
9:00 h 2402 - 2991 333: Europe & Overseas Europe P–Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part III) Asia / Africa Collections & Accumulations
14:00 h 9001 – 9369 344: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Nationale Gross-Gold-Sammlung Technik und Landschaft 1949–60
17:00 h 9370 – 9599 344: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Saturday 30 November 2024
10:00 h 8001 – 8058 343: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil III)
11:00 h 8101 8119 334: Schweiz – Die Sammlung ‚KOOYONG‘
11:15 h 8201 – 8509 344: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayon I dunkelblau, Rayon II
14:30 h 8510 – 8713 344: Altschweiz Rayon I hellblau, Rayon III, Strubel, Sitzende und Stehende Helvetia, Ziffer, UP
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Lot #602 - Honduras FLUGPOSTMARKEN
1930: Airmail 'Servizio aereo / Vale 20 centa- / vos oro. Mar- / zo - 1930' surcharge in black on 1916 50 c. vermilion OFICIAL overprint showing variety: double surcharge, one misplaced too far to the right, both reading down, unused with large part original gum, crease accross the upper left corner, cert. Moorhouse (2013) Scott = $ 350.
Lot #603 - Honduras
Lots & Collection 1891-92: President Bográn, fine group - 10 c. on cover from "TEUCIGALPA ABR 10 1892" (cds) to Paris, France. Stamp tied by negative cancel 'star in cercle' and by arrival cds "PARIS 8 MAI 92", cover endorsed 'BANCO DE HONDURAS TEGUCIGALPA' on the reverse. 2 p. and 10 p. a pair imperforate between of each and imperforate pair of each, all mounted, except 10 p. imperf. which has no gum, Scott 62 and 64. Proofs: 1 p. 5...
Lot #604 - Honduras
1895-1911: Justice 1895, all denominations as proofs in blue, 5 c., 2 c., 20 c., 10 c. se-tenant as horizontal strip of 4; 1 c. and 1p. as singles and 30 c. with 50 c. together on a se-tenant pair; 1 p. on sunken die in black colour. 'Honduran Scene' from 1911, 8 indvidual dies in bright yellow. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #605 - Honduras
1896: President Celio Arias, fine group - 1 c., 5 c., 10 c., 25 c., 50 c. and 1 p. imperforate proofs on card; 5 c. horizontal pair imperforate between,m no gum; 20 c., 50 c. 1 p. vertical pairs imperforate between, each per 3x, 20 c all no gum, 50 c. and 1 p. upper stamp mounted, lower unmounted, further 20 c. and 30 c. vertical pairs imperforate between, used. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #606 - Honduras sammlungen
1909-27: 1 c. Medina grey-black, locally lithographed, fine used Scott 108. 'Assumption of the Power' kind of minisheet 2 x 5 containing two tête-bêche pairs, which are perforated only horizontally Scott 194, 194a, 194b. 6 c. Locomotive 1898 with error of colour, dull rose (as the 2 c. stamp) + normal stamp Scott 106b; 6 c. on 15 c. 'Morazàn Monument' surcharged 6 c. in 1927, horizontal strip of 5 unused, block of 4 unused, a used pair, of...
Lot #607 - Honduras
1925-30: Group airpost stamps 10 c. 'Ulua Bridge' 1925, mounted large part og, signed A. Diena Scott, C4; 25 c. 'Bonilla Theatre' on 5 c. light blue unused mounted, signed A. Brun (only 300 overprinted) Scott C11; 25 c. on 50 c. in left half sheet of 25 stamps, stamps unmounted, some adherences on margins; 5 c. surcharge inverted on 1930 10 c. on 5 c. yellow brown 'Herrra monument', Sanabria 39e mounted large part og, 15 c Airmail surcharge...
Lot #608 - Honduras
1892: Archive of 5 registered covers, all franked with 'Columbus sighting Honduran Coast' stamps from SAN JUANCITO to the 'New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Company' in NEW YORK. 3 oversize envelopes with high frankings one of which also AR, and one front. A 5th envelope is smaller size. All different multicoloured frankings - most attracitive and unusual material. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #609 - mexiko
Victoria 1856: 2 r. emerald, a used example with large margins all round of this scarce shade, cancelled by framed TULA DE / TAMAULIPAS handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 1838) in red. A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Todd AIEP.
Lot #610 - mexiko
1861: 2 r. grey-black on pink, a used example with touched to large margins all round, used on 1863 cover frorm Mexico City endorsed "via London" to Llanes, Spain tied by circular grill handstamp in black with "Franco / Mexico" cds adjacent. Reverse with circular "CONSULADO BRITANICO / MEXICO" negative seal handstamp (Heath & Schimmer fig. 26B) and double arc VERA CRUZ cds of the British P.O. in black (Feb 1) and London transit (March 2)...
Lot #611 - mexiko
1899: Composite Die Proof by Bradbury Wilkinson for the central vignette as utilised for 1 peso value showing Mount Popocatepetl, together with frame only, printed in brown rose (issued in black & blue). Believed unique by this describer, ex the archive of Bradbury Wilkinson engraver Alan Dow.
Lot #612 - mexiko
1935 (April 16): Amelia Earhart 20 c. red overprinted in violet, an unused example of good colour and centering, slightest trace of hinge thin on large part og. A rare stamp Scott = $ 3'250.
Lot #613 - Honduras vorphilatelie
British Colony of Black River, Mosquito Coast 1764: Entire letter with full dateline "Black River, Mosquito Shore, March 1, 1764" mailed to Bristol, UK endorsed "P. His Majesty's ship Richmond QDC" with circular Bishop Mark of arrival (12/IV) - June 12, on reverse and manuscript "7" pence deleted and apparently rated just "3" pence. An extremely rare entire, this abortive attempt at colonisation had ended just five day before this entire was...
Lot #614 - nicaragua
Issued Stamps 1862: First Issue, 2 c. black and 5 c. dark blue, Plate Proof sheets of one-hundred (x100), overprinted 'SPECIMEN' diagonally in red, printed on white paper, mounted on card, each in the others issued colour, very fresh printings, superb detail, the odd tone spot, stain and imperfection as might be expected; ex American Bank Note Co. archives, unique (x2). Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #615 - nicaragua
1862: Liberty Cap, 5 c. value, collection of twenty-four lithographed imperforate colour trials, in various colours and shades, large margins all round, ex American Banknote Co. sample sheet, rare and attractive. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #616 - nicaragua
1869-71: Engraved die proofs, 5 c. vermilion and 25 c. in black as singles; 1 c. and 10 c. as composite die proofs in black. The black dies bear all a file number. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #617 - nicaragua
1901: Mt. Molotombo, unissued 2 c. on 1 c. claret, unused, with original gum, well centered, scarce stamp; also comes with 1914 'MEDIO' on 15 c. on 35 c., unused, small part of original gum, fresh colour, horizontal light crease, both signed, scarce examples Scott $550+ much scarcer than catalogue suggests. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #618 - nicaragua
1902: President Zelaya, Artist's painted colour essay for the 5 c., with photo vingette of the president inserted centerally, very similar to the issued stamp (A15 Scott 169), frame in brown, black and white, painted on card and mounted on thick card, ex the American Banknote Co., very attractive, rarely seen; unique. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #619 - nicaragua
1902: President Zelaya, Artist's painted colour essay for the 5 c., with photo vingette of the president inserted centrally, very similar to the issued stamp (A15 Scott 169), frame in deep carmine, red and white, painted on card and mounted on thick card, ex the American Banknote Co., very attractive, rare; unique. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #620 - nicaragua
1902: President Zelaya, Artist's painted colour essay for the 5 c., dated and signed 26 June 1902, with 'Smithers, Nordenhold & Co., cachet for vice president and signed, with framed 'ENTERED' violet mark signed and dated 27 June 1902, with photo vingette of the president inserted centerally, very similar to the issued stamp (A15 Scott 169), frame in maroon, purple-pink and white, painted on card and mounted on thick card, to the reverse...
Lot #621 - nicaragua
1902: President Zelaya, approved colour proof for the 5 c., with hand-retouched revisions to value tab top corners, dated and signed '8 November 1902', 'For Approval' handstamp in violet with Smithers, Nordenhold pencil signature and 'Approved By Aug 11 1902' in green ('By' crossed out in red pen), various notes and initials, printed vignette in black of the president in the finished style inserted centrally, the frame in red, printed on...
Lot #622 - nicaragua
1919: Bluefields Provisional surcharges, 5 c. on 20 c. slate, block of four (Scott 365) and 5 c. on 20 c. slate, horizontal pair (Scott 392 d & c), used on a registered cover, from Bluefields to New York, dated 7 April 1920, tied by violet datestamp, with registered 'R' and framed rectangular registered alongside also in violet, to reverse New Orleans registered circle dated 14 April 1920 and Port Washington registered 17 April 1920, a...
Lot #623 - nicaragua
1934-37: Emanuel Mongalo, 100th anniversary, unissued set of eighteen Essays, imperforate, no gum, nine stamps planned as general issue, the remaining nine intended as airpost stamps. Emanuel Mongalo was an acclaimed national Hero, very scarce. Further an unadopted airmail Essay in yellow with blank value in tablets from 1937, on watermarked paper (same paper as US constitution issue), no gum. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #624 - nicaragua
1921: Postal Tax Provisionals, set of five values, imperforate, typeset, unused, with gum, inscribed 'PROVISORIO de GUERRA/R de C,' printed in black on coloured paper, 1 c. and 10 c. in sheets of ten, 2 c. and 5 c. in blocks of eight and 50 c. a horizontal pair, showing an array of constant types, some imperfections or faults although in the main fine and clean, interesting and scarce group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Lot #625 - nicaragua
1931: Air Post Stamps, 15 c. on 20 c. on 25 c. olive green, unused, block of four, variety '15 c.' blue overprint 'inverted' and also '1391' error of date (instead of '1931') on first stamp, unfresh gum, incredibly rare double variety, signed by Sanabria. Sanabria 17a & 17c = $500++ in 1966 unpriced with both varieties and unlisted in Scott. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More