Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut, Ingoing 1866 (April 9): Unpaid Envelope from Moncalieri, Sardinia to Beirut, struck on front with MONCALIERI despatch cds (March 27) and framed "PIROSCFI POSTALI ITALIANI" Shipmail handstamp, reverse with BRINDISI and ALEXANDRIEN transit cds's, all in black. From the Austrian P.O. in Alexandria the cover made its journey to Beirut, where a BERUTTI arrival cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in dark-brown was struck to the...
Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
Friday 22 November 2024
11:00 h 1 – 785 333: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
18:00 h 10001 – 10131 345: Brazil 1843–1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part II)
Monday 25 November 2024
9:00 h 3001 – 3226 334: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand – The ‚KOOYONG‘ Collection
11:00 h 786 – 1602 333: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth - North Borneo – The ‘PENMAEN’ Collection
Tuesday 26 November 2024
9:00 h 3501 – 3702 335: Western Australia – The Dr Thomas & Richard Debney Collection
11:00 h 20001 – 20223 346: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World’s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part II)
13:00 h 4001 – 4278 336: Great Britain
- “Victorian Mixed Franking Covers” – The Ray Simpson Collection
- “Experimental Machine Postmarks 1857–1901” – The Jerry Miller Collection
- “Missed Opportunities From 1840–1870 Line Engraved Issues” – The Åke Rietz Collection 15:30 h 4501 – 4963 337: Great Britain & British Commonwealth – Missed Opportunities and Balance of the ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
Wednesday 27 November 2024
9:00 h 5001 – 5274 338: Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan – The Peter Hørlyck Collection (part I)
11:30 h 5501 – 5943 339: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part II)
16:00 h 6001 – 6210 340: Incoming Mail to The Netherlands From All Over the World – The Bouwe Brandsma Collection
Thursday 28 November 2024
9:00 h 1603 – 1713 333: Europe & Overseas - St. Helena – The Frank Gilberg Collection
10:00 h 6501 – 6711 341: Ionian Islands – The André Bollen Collection
12:00 h 7001 – 7122 342: Foreign Post Offices in the Levant – The ‘SAWAYA’ Collection (part I)
13:00 h 7501 – 7549 334: Italian States, Kingdom & Republic – The ‘KOOYONG’ Collection
13:30 h 1714 – 2401 333: Europe & Overseas Europe A–O
- Zeppelin – Pionierpost – Die Sammlung Eckhard Förster (Teil I)
- Finland – “Finnish Pre-Stamp Covers; Feldpost; Collection From the Period of Russian Rule over Finland; Finnish Railway TPO Covers” – The Eric Keefe Collections
Friday 29 November 2024
9:00 h 2402 - 2991 333: Europe & Overseas Europe P–Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part III) Asia / Africa Collections & Accumulations
14:00 h 9001 – 9369 344: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Nationale Gross-Gold-Sammlung Technik und Landschaft 1949–60
17:00 h 9370 – 9599 344: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Saturday 30 November 2024
10:00 h 8001 – 8058 343: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil III)
11:00 h 8101 8119 334: Schweiz – Die Sammlung ‚KOOYONG‘
11:15 h 8201 – 8509 344: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayon I dunkelblau, Rayon II
14:30 h 8510 – 8713 344: Altschweiz Rayon I hellblau, Rayon III, Strubel, Sitzende und Stehende Helvetia, Ziffer, UP
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Lot #7014 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1866ca: Undated Envelope to Jaffa bearing Austrian 1864 Arms 10 kreuzer blue perf. 9½ tied by clear “BERUTTI 15 / 11” cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown. The cover lightly wrinkled due to its thin paper, nevertheless a fresh cover with astonishing and very rare usage of the 10 Kreuzer value paying correctly the port-to-port rate.
Provenance: Collection Cihangir, Corinphila sale 121 (May 2000), lot 1895.
Lot #7015 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1865 (Nov 11): Entire letter to Milano, Italy, bearing a three-colour franking of 1864 Arms 3 so green, 10 so blue and 15 so brown, all perf. 9½, tied by “BERUTTI 16 / 11” cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown, "P.D." in blue and SMIRNE transit cds of the Austrian consular P.O. alongside. Reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIA SMIRNE" aand BRINDISI transit as well as MILANO arrival (Dec 2) cds's, all in black. Cover slitted for...
Lot #7016 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1866ca: Entire letter to Jaffa bearing 1864 Arms 5 so. rose (2) and 10 so. blue perf 9½, three fine and fresh single example tied by „BERUTTI 7 / 3“ cds in brown (Tranmer fig. 3). The cover's reverse heavily spotted, nevertheless an appealing double port-to-port rate cover with a rare combination to pay the 20 soldi rate. Ferchenbauer combination unrecorded.
Provenance: Corinphila sale 83 (Sept 1991),...
Lot #7017 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1867 (Jan 10): Entire letter from the Pollack correspondence to Vienna bearing 1864 Arms 5 so. rose perf 9½, four fresh and fine single examples, tied by „BERUTTI 10 / 1“ cds in brownish black (Tranmer fig. 3). Reverse with Wien arrival cds (Jan 24). Horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives, an appealing cover with the adhesives paying correctly the 20 soldi rate to Austria from October 1866. Signed...
Lot #7018 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1868 (Feb 8): Entire letter to Jaffa bearing 1864 Arms 10 so. blue perf 9½, a fine and fresh example tied by „BERUTTI 20 / 2“ cds in red-violet (Tranmer fig. 3). A fine and fresh port-to-port cover with the adhesive cancelled in a rare red shade. Signed E. Diena & Raybaudi.
Lot #7019 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1868 (Nov 26): Letter sheet from Beirut to Vienna, endorsed "via Triest", bearing a combination franking of 1864 Arms 5 so rose and 1867 Coarse Whiskers 10 so blue, tied by clear “BERUTTI 26 / 11” cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown, reverse with “WIEN 12 XII 68” arrival cds in black. An attractive combination cover. Ferchenbauer = € 1’800.
Lot #7020 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1869 (Dec 23): Letter sheet to Genova, bearing 1867 Coarse Whiskers 10 so. blue, three fine and fresh single examples, tied by „BERUTTI 23 / 12“ cds in black (Tranmer fig 3), "P.D." in blue adjacent, in Brindisi a framed „PIROSCAFI POSTALI AUSTRIACI“ was struck aside. Reverse with ALEXANDRIEN and BRINDISI transit as well as GENOVA arrival (Jan 9, 1870) cds's. A late presentation of the wrong 28 soldi rate,...
Lot #7021 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1871 (Nov 6): Entire letter to Trieste, bearing 1867 Coarse Whiskers 5 so red and 10 so blue, tied by clear “BERUTTI 6 / 11” cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black, reverse with oval TRIEST arrival datestamp (Nov 17) in black. An fine and fresh cover from the Ralli correspondence.
Lot #7022 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1873 (Feb 24): Letter sheet to London, bearing a three-colour franking of 1867 Coarse Whiskers 3 so. green, 5 so. red, and 15 so. brown, tied by „BERUTTI 24 / 2“ cds in black (Tranmer fig 3), framed "P.D." and LONDON arrival cds, both in red alongside. An attractive franking from the correspondence of the Tabet Brothers, the weiterfranko of '8x' is noted nearly invisible below the arrival datestamp.
Lot #7023 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian Consular P.O. in Beirut 1873 (Dec 20): Entire letter to Genova, bearing a three-colour franking of 1867 Coarse Whiskers 3 so. green, 5 so. red, and 15 so. brown, tied by „BERUTTI 20 / 12“ cds in black (Tranmer fig 3), "P.D." alongside. Reverse with "LLOYD AGENTIE SMIRNE" and BRINDISI transit and GENOVA arrival (Jan 9, 1874) cds's. Three soldi adhesive partially glued over the cover's edge, nevertheless an appealing cover.
Lot #7024 - österreich post i.d. levante ganzsachen
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Beirut 1882 (July 27): Stationery envelope 1867 5 soldi Type IV directed to Bruges, Belgium, bearing an additional franking with pair and single of 1867 Coarse Whiskers 2 so yellow, adhesives and imprinted stamp cancelled by clear “BEIRUTH 27 / 7 82” cds (Tranmer fig. G) in black, reverse with oval ALEXANDRIEN transit cds in black and BRUGES arrival cds (Aug 8) in bluish black. An extremely rare usage of a stationery...
Lot #7025 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian P.O.'s in Beirut 1908 (Feb 8): Fraudulent usage of a stamp on Registered Envelope to Washington, DC, bearing on reverse single example of 1900 2 pi on 50 h grey blue, tied by "BEIRUT / OESTERREICHISCHE POST" type K cds and by "WAHINGTON DC / REGISTERED / FEB 26 08" cds in purple, another "WASHINGTON REGISTERED" cds in pink alongside. The 2 piaster adhesive clearly shows a cancellation of Beirut dated "7 July 190." which attests its...
Lot #7026 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian P.O. in Beirut 1912 (Sept 30): Picture postcard to Jaipore, Rajahstan, India, bearing 1908 Franz-Joseph Anniversary issue Crete 5 centimes green, tied by “BEIRUT / OESTERR. POST” cds (Tranmer fig. M) in black, "PORT-SAID" Egyptian transit, and three British JAIPUR arrival (Oct13/14) cds's, all in black alongside. An appealing card to an unusual destination.
Lot #7027 - österreich post i.d. levante vorphilatelie
Austrian Consular P.O. in Alexandretta 1857/58ca: Undated envelope from Alexandretta to Count Liechtenstein in Vienna, struck on despatch with decent extremely scarce "ALEXANDRETTA 2 / 12" single circle datestamp (Müller & Tranmer unrecorded) in black, reverse with “WIEN 26 DEC.” arrival cds in red. Charged upon arrival with ‘12’ kreuzer for the Lloyd journey and ‘9’ kreuzer for the Austrian inland rate noted in red crayon. One of only...
Lot #7028 - österreich post i.d. levante
Austrian P.O. in Alexandretta 1904 (March 22): Picture postcard depicting an Alep motif directed to Berlin, bearing at right Turkey 10 pa. green tied by "SEVKILHABIL (ALEP) 19 3 904" bilingual despatch cds, at left in transit Austrian Levant 1903 10 pa. slate green, tied by "ALEXANDRETTE 22 / 3 04" cds (Tranmer fig. 3), Berlin distribution cds (April 27) alongside. An interesting combination franking.
Provenance: Collection Cihangir,...
Lot #7029 - österreich post i.d. levante vorphilatelie
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Aleppo 1856 (March 6): Entire letter from Alexandretta to Aleppo, internally dated “6 Marzo 56”, struck with clear and very rare bilingual Arabic "L + A / An Djanibi Postai Nemce Haleb 1855" (Lloyd Austriaco from the Austrian Post in Aleppo 1855) handstamp (Müller 2024a = 1'400 points / Tranmer fig. 1) in bluish black. Cover with minute file folds of no importance, an appealing entire with this rare handstamp, cert....
Lot #7030 - österreich post i.d. levante vorphilatelie
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Aleppo, Ingoing 1857 (Jan 24): Entire letter from Alexandretta to Sig. Marcopoli in Aleppo, struck upon arrival with clear rare "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / ALEPPO" sunburst handstamp (Müller 2024b = 750 points / Tranmer fig. 2) in bluish black. Vertical file fold through the clearly struck and rare handstamp.
Lot #7031 - österreich post i.d. levante vorphilatelie
Austrian Lloyd Agency in Aleppo 1857c (June 19): Envelope from ‘Theodor Lattas K.K. Oberleutnant im Erzherzog. Leopold 53. Infanterieregiment’ in Verona via Aleppo to Omer Pasha in Baghdad, struck in transit with clear rare "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / ALEPPO" sunburst handstamp (Müller 2024b = 750 points / Tranmer fig. 2) in blue, handwritten “Aleppo 19 Giugno / l’Agente N. Nau” forwarder note (unknown to Rowe) alongside. One sideflap...
Lot #7032 - Österreich Marine- und Schiffspost
Austrian Shipmail, Ingoing to Triest from Beirut 1873 (May 5): Letter sheet to Gera, Germany, endorsed “Par Autrichien !”, bearing 1867 Coarse Whiskers 15 so brown, cover despatched directly at the vessel, the adhesive cancelled by pen cross, transit "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE 10 / 5" transit cds on reverse, upon arrival in Trieste the stamp was tied by decent three-line "LETTERE ARRIVATE / COL VAPORE / DAL LEVANTE" (Tchilinghirian fig. 99), oval...
Lot #7033 - Österreich Marine- und Schiffspost
Austrian Shipmail, Ingoing to Constantinople from Beirut 1873 (July 31): Letter sheet to Gera, Germany, endorsed “pr Autrichien”, bearing 1867 Coarse Whiskers 15 so brown, cover despatched directly at the vessel, "ALEXANDRIEN 4 / 8" transit cds on reverse, upon arrival in Constantinople the stamp was tied by fine oval "COL VAPORE DA / BERUTTI" handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 103), framed GERA arrival datestamp (23 8 73) on reverse. The...
Lot #7034 - Franzoes. Post in der Levante vorphilatelie
French Postal Services in Lebanon 1857 (June 22): Unpaid envelope with full content from US missionary in Constantinople with French services to the US consulate in Beirut, struck in transit by "SMYRNE TURQUIE" cds, upon arrival on reverse by "Beirut, July 6, 1857" datestamp of the US consulate. The cover was taxed upon arrival with '10' décimes. Very rare US consular datestamp, only four covers known, all from 1857, signed Nakri.
Lot #7035 - Franzoes. Post in der Levante
French Post Office in Beirut 1858 (Jan 22): Triple rate Entire letter to Lyon, bearing a four-colour franking of Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, four fresh and fine example with good margins and vivid colours, tied upon despatch by indistinct Petits chiffres '3706' numeral, the 20 c. & 80 c. in addition in transit by clear Petits Chiffres '1869' numeral of Marseille, "BEYROUTH SYRIE"...
Lot #7036 - Franzoes. Post in der Levante
French Post Office in Beirut 1858 (Oct 4): Letter sheet posted at the vessel in Beirut and directed to Lyon, dated inside, bearing Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine example with fair to good margins, tied in transit by bold Petits Chiffres '1869' numeral of Marseille, clear framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MÉDITERAANÉE" in red alongside, reverse with MARSEILLE transit and LYON arrival (Oct 16) cds in black. Interesting cover paid at...
Lot #7037 - Franzoes. Post in der Levante
French Post Office in Beirut 1866 (March 6): Double rate Envelope to Tolland, Connecticut, bearing Napoléon perforated 20 c. blue, two single examples, a pair and a strip of three as well as a pair of 40 c. orange, nearly all glued over the envelope's edge, tied by indistinct Gros chiffres '5082' numeral, "BEYROUTH SYRIE" despatch cds and framed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in black alongside, reverse with "NEW YORK / Am PKT APR 2"...
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More