1850 9kr HP III.a. 'RIMASZOMBAT'
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Co. also holds a set of International auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
What we offer for postcard collectors all over the world is a rich Hungarian and Worldwide material in the category of pre-1945 town views and a vivid section of topic cards.
A huge catalogue with top rarities (including numerous synagogues, lithographic postcards etc.), precious beauties (first-rank art postcards at low starting prices) and collector favorites.
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.hu is available until 18:00 CET
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Lot #277 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III szép szélekkel, papírránccal / with nice margins, paper crease 'S.A.ÚJHELY'
Lot #278 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III. kisebb lemezhibával / smaller plate flaw 'SÁRKÁNY' (Gudlin: 100p)
Lot #279 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr világoskék / light blue HP I jó / szép szélekkel / with nice margins 'SÁRKÁNY'
Lot #280 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr pár MP IIIb jó / óriási szélekkel / pair with large margins 'SEMLIN'
Lot #281 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 2 x 9kr MP IIIb teljes / óriási szélekkel, lemezhibával / with nice / large margins, with plate variety 'SEMLIN'
Lot #282 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP III. vastag papír / thick paper 'SIKLÓS' (Gudlin: 100p)
Lot #283 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr pár MP IIIb jó / szép szélekkel / pair with nice margins 'SIÓFOK' (bal oldalon hajtásnyom / folded)
Lot #284 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP IIIa szép / óriási szélekkel, alul 5,5 mm / with nice / large margins 'SZÁSZ-RÉGEN'
Lot #285 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP III. kis horzsolás nyomok / Disturbance on the design side 'SZÁSZVÁROS' (Gudlin: 150p)
Lot #286 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III. 'SZATHMÁR'
Lot #287 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP IIIb szép / óriási szélekkel alul 5 mm / with nice / large margins 'SZEGSZÁRD' Certificate, Signed: Ferchanbauer
Lot #288 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP IIIa ívszéli, nagy papírkorn / with margin 'TEMESVÁR'
Lot #289 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP IIIa teljes / óriási szélekkel, lemezhibákkal / with large margins, with plate varieties 'TEMESVÁR'
Lot #290 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr világoskék / light blue HP I szép / óriási szélekkel / with nice / large margins 'TEMESVÁR'
Lot #291 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP II (?) szép / óriási szélekkel, kiemelt középrész, Quadrilliertes papír, enyhe gépszínátnyomat / with large margins, with light machine offset '(TEMES)VÁR' Signed: Ferchenbauer
Lot #292 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr világoskék / light blue HP I szép szélekkel, lemezhibákkal / with nice margins, with plate varieties 'TEMESVÁR' Signed: Puschmann
Lot #293 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP III. kisebb lemezhiba / smaller plate flaw 'THERESTODL' (Gudlin: 350p)
Lot #294 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III. 'UJPALANKA b:(ILLOK)' (Gudlin: 100p)
Lot #295 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr világoskék / light blue (P 292 z) HP I jó / szép szélekkel, bal ívszél, nagy vízjellel, lemezhibával / with nice margins, with large watermark and plate variety 'VUKOVÁR' Signed: Frey
Lot #296 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP II teljes / szép szélekkel, ívszéli nyomat / with nice margins 'WARASDIN'
Lot #297 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III. vastag papír / thick paper 'WARASDIN'
Lot #298 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr MP IIIb jó / óriási szélekkel, ívszéli / with nice margins, margin piece 'WIESELBURG'
Lot #299 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 9kr HP III. 'ZOMBOR' (kis saroktörés / corner fold)
Lot #300 - Hungary philately and postal history hungary - the 1850 issue
1850 15 db bélyeg olvasható / szép bélyegzésekkel, vegyes minőség / 15 stamps with nice or readable cancellations, mixed quality
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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