Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157

Dr. Reinhard Fischer

Jul 14, 2017 Europe/Berlin

Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps and Coins Auction #157

Friday Jul 14, 2017 13:30 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Friday Jul 14, 2017 11:30 Europe/Berlin

Dear collector,

The catalogue for our 157th auction on the 14th of July 2017 is now online!

We offer more than 600 lots coins with a total starting price of 180.000 EUR, e.g. many gold coins, Talers, antique coins and much more !

Furthermore 7900 lots stamps with a total starting price of nearly 800.000 EUR with among others very good German colonies and very strong Soviet zone district overprints.

Our comprehensive online catalogue has added value, as there are more than 1,900 lots on offer there, which are not included in the print catalogue!


I would be pleased to welcome you at the auction personally!

Kind regards,


Reinhard Fischer

About The Seller

Dr. R. Fischer

Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More

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