1951-1957.6 different documents, always with decorative franking, mostly from a correspondence to Germany flown (complete photos on the internet) (former starting price 50)
1951-1957, 6 verschiedene Belege, je mit dekorativer Frankatur, meist aus einer Korrespondenz nach Deutschland geflogen (Komplettfotos im Internet) (alter Ausruf 50)
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #10004 - liquidationslose kolumbien
Lot #10005 - liquidationslose uno new york
1951-2000, except for souvenir sheet 1 in the number of a major listing complete mint never hinged collection, in the stock book
1951-2000, bis auf Bl. 1 in den Hauptnr. komplette postfrische Sammlung, im Einsteckbuch
Lot #10006 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1847-1976: extensive collection on Blancobl. Brought up, (in the terrific. Part much not calculated) amongst other things with no. 18W, 20W, 81.132-37.154-58.248-50 and so on. also a few perforation variants not be charged, examine, Michel 3500.-
1847-1976: Umfangreiche Sammlung a. Blancobl. aufgezogen, (im klass. Teil viel nicht bewertet) u.a. mit Nr. 18W, 20W, 81, 132-37, 154-58, 248-50 etc. auch einige Zähnungsvarianten...
Lot #10007 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1847-1990: extensive. Collection in the amerikan. Scott-Riesenwälzer, till 1929 only used with useful values and beautiful pieces, as well no. and so on, accordingly more and more **, very many by the new including 1883-1932 sheet in t he supplement and so on. Hawaii, examine Michel 2300
1847-1990: Umfangr. Sammlung im amerikan. Scott-Riesenwälzer, bis 1929 nur gest. mit bess. Werten und schönen Stücken, dab. Nr. 19...
Lot #10008 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1847-1975: extensive used old collection in the Schaubek album with useful older issues alike Michel-no. 36-45.132-37.154-58 and so on. And from approximate 1930 over larger stretch complete, please take a look, Michel 2650.-
1847-1975: Umfangreiche gest. alte Sammlung im Schaubek Album mit bess. älteren Ausgaben wie Mi.-Nr. 36-45, 132-37, 154-58 etc. und ab ca. 1930 über größere Strecken kpl., bitte ansehen, Mi. 2650.-
Lot #10009 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
Larger heavily box with USA legal estate in 12 albums partly Wälzerformat, thousands and thousands of stamps often close puted from the beginning modern, much gängiges material, also older USA in quantities to to specialize, treasure trove examine
Größerer schwerer Karton mit USA Nachlaß in 12 Alben teils Wälzerformat, Abertausende von Marken oft dicht gesteckt vom Anfang Moderner, viel gängiges Material, auch ältere USA in Mengen zu...
Lot #10010 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1847-1964: extensive. Old collection in the lighthouse album, little all early, accordingly but amongst other things Columbus till 50 C, 154-58.245, package 1-12 and so on. And from approximate 1931 most extensive complete, Michel 2000 .--
1847-1964: Umfangr. alte Sammlung im Leuchtturm-Album, wenig ganz frühe, danach aber u.a. Columbus bis 50 C, 154-58, 245, Paket 1-12 etc. und ab ca 1931 weitestgehend kpl., Mi. 2000 .--
Lot #10011 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1861-1924: extensive. Used duplicates lot, except for 7 early items, dab no. 20, 22 only commemorative issues including 117-22.132-37.154-58.250 and so on, often multiple, Michel 2150 .-
1861-1924: Umfangr. gest. Dubl.-posten, bis auf 7 frühe Werte, dab Nr. 20,22 nur Sonderausgaben incl. 117-22, 132-37, 154-58, 250 etc, oft mehrfach, Mi. 2150 .-
Lot #10012 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1893: very interesting used old stock from approximate 185 values Columbus provenance 73-82, as well 81 (6), 82 (39, the u 15 C always with scarce violet cancellation (Michel. O. Price), examine Michel 1650,-
1893: Sehr interess. gest. Altbestand von ca. 185 Werten Columbus ex 73-82, dab. 81 (6), 82 (39, die 2,4,8,10 u 15 C je mit seltener violetter Entwertung (Mi. o. Preis), besichtigen Mi. 1650 ,- +++
Lot #10013 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1870: extensive. Used Specialist post from 270 values presidents provenance 36-43.47-48, the small and middle items approximate 30-60x, also 2x 40 and 3x 43. treasure trove for postmark, papers and the innumerable special feature this issue, Michel appro ve 1300.-
1870: Umfangr. gest. Spezialistenposten von 270 Werten Präsidenten ex 36-43, 47-48, die kl. u. mittleren Werte ca. 30-60x, auch 2x 40 und 3x 43. Fundgrube für Stempel,...
Lot #10014 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1893-1909: small unused old lot in partly as usual a little mixed quality with useful values, as well no. 73- and so on, Michel 900 .-
1893-1909: kl. ungebr. alter Posten in teils übl. etw. untersch. Erhaltung mit bess. Werten, dab. Nr. 73-76, 79, 91, 119, 122, 159-61 etc, Mi. 900 .-
Lot #10015 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1882-1887: Unfang. Used old stock from approximate 260 values provenance 49-51.53-57, to the many Bes. Heiten this issues not be searched, Michel approve ü. 900 .-
1882-1887: Unfang. gest. Altbestand von ca. 260 Werten ex 49-51, 53-57, nach den vielen Bes.heiten dieser Ausgaben undurchsucht, Mi. billigst ü. 900 .-
Lot #10016 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
Brimfuled 48 sides duplicates stock book with over 3500 cancelled values, from the 50er (approximate. ) years till start the 80s years, assorted treasure trove with numerous special issue, please take a look.
Randvolles 48 Seiten Dubletten Einsteckbuch mit über 3500 gestempelten Werten, ab den 50er (ca.) Jahren bis Anfang der 80er Jahre, sortenreiche Fundgrube mit zahlreichen Sondermarken, bitte ansehen.
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More