1 / 4 ducat, 1682, Max Gandolph from Küenburg, 0, 87 g, Probszt 1647, Fb. 817, Zöttl 1974, extremley fine
1/4 Dukat, 1682, Max Gandolph von Küenburg, 0,87 g, Probszt 1647, Fb. 817, Zöttl 1974, vz.
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #142
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #142
The catalogue for our 142nd auction on March 6th/7th, 2015 is now online! Images of all individual lots (ca. 7568) are available on the web in three sizes and in very high quality. Furthermore, all (1749) certificates are also reproduced online! Please use our efficient search engine and convenient online bidding system. 9,000 lots are up for auction!
Our special service: We have more than 360 interesting collection lots (!!) displayed on the web in their entirety!
The 142nd auction’s more than 9,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply, including -among others - dissolution of a mint never hinged (!) collection, which includes many sought-after and difficult to find mean values; Hanover, Prussia and Thurn and Taxis collections have been dissolved, furthermore - among others - Schleswig-Holstein with Mi.-Nr. 2 as exact postage according to rate on a singularly well-preserved cover from the distinguished Jakob Engel collection
German Empire: valuable supply with many colours, types. varieties, covers, including, among others, unused breast plate issues, unissued “Burg Rheinstein”, Nothilfe Blocks, Third Reich with First Day Covers and varieties.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: top quality supply with numerous rarities, mint never hinged issues, canceled lots and covers, including - among others - Kiauchau with Mi.-Nr. 2 DD (double surcharge variety) in perfect canceled condition and with a new certificate Steuer BPP; presumably this is one of the most splendid known examples of this rarity.
WWI Occupation/Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: interesting offer with - among others - Emphasis on Danzig due to the dissolution of a splendid special collection with colours, varieties and unusual features; numerous rarities from the Danzig philately will be auctioned, among them are rare proofs, many rarities postmarked in good time, etc., Saargebiet with numerous varieties, types and unusual features, such as - among others - a mint, never hinged original print issue.
WW II/Fieldpost: an interesting supply with numerous rarities, including - among others - Rarities from Sudetenland (more than 80 lots), primarily with new expertizations Robert Brunel VP, including - among others - one-of-a-kind items and significant rarities. Fieldpost with sought-after issues, varieties and unusual features; also the other areas are represented through sought-after standard issues; German occupation during WW II in France with rarities; also French issues during the 2nd World War.
German local issues: specialised offer with numerous commercial covers, varieties and rare types
West zones/Bund/Berlin: interesting offer with numerous varieties, unusual features, and sought-after First Issues, including, among others, issues that remained imperforated, perforations, First Day Covers, etc. a highlight is a single franking of the 5 Mark black overprint as a First Day Cover - this is the only one of its kind known to be found in this form and only in this specimen!
SBZ/GDR: specialised supply with numerous sub-numbers, rare block varieties, Heads I with numerous printer markings and unusual features, many colours, types, varieties etc., GDR with - among others - Mi.-Nr. 439aIIgXI mnh (750) and the equally rare Mi.-Nr. 436gYI mnh (600).
Europe: comprehensive and extensive selection, especially the areas of Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are represented by a large number of unusual features and rarities!
Varied collections offerings with more than 1,500 items, among others - dissolution of several large estates collections which will now be auctioned according to country; furthermore special collections, batches of covers, “mystery” boxes with miscellaneous content and thematic collections ranging in volume from lots in an envelope to a large lot of 25 boxes!
Selected supply with approximately 600 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times as well as medallions.
Auction to benefit the Philatelistische Bibliothek Hamburg e. V.
As the Stiftung für Philatelie und Postgeschichte e. V. has canceled its sponsorship of the Philatelistische Bibliothek Hamburg e. V., the library is suffering a financial loss in the amount of 27,000 euros, which are needed to cover its annual budget. The auction of lots numbered 7493-7570 will benefit the preservation of the Philatelistische Bibliothek Hamburg e. V.
The entire proceeds (incl. commissions) will be donated to the Philatelistische Bibliothek Hamburg e. V., a non-profit organisation. Any consigners who would like to participate in further auctions like this have the opportunity to do so with a consignment to the 143rd auction. The deadline for consignments is 1st April 2015. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
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Lot #226 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN salzburg erzbistum
Lot #227 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN braunschweig
24 Marian penny, 1824, Karl, picture postcards 54, J. 238a, extremly fine to uncirculated.
24 Mariengroschen,1824, Karl, AKS 54, J. 238a, vz-st.
Lot #228 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Memorial thaler, 1863, to the 50 years rejoicing celebration the liberation Germany's 1863, picture postcards 14, J. 26, small edge nick, extremley fine
Gedenktaler, 1863, ZUR 50JÄHRIGEN JUBELFEIER DER BEFREIUNG DEUTSCHLANDS 1863, AKS 14, J. 26, kl. Rf., vz.
Lot #229 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Thaler, 1863, on the 50. anniversary the wars of liberation, picture postcards 14, J. 26, small edge nick, extremley fine
Taler, 1863, auf den 50. Jahrestag der Befreiungskriege, AKS 14, J. 26, kl. Rf., vz.
Lot #230 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Memorial thaler, 1864, Memorial Thaler to the opening ceremony the new stock exchange in Bremen at the 5. NOVEMB. 1864, picture postcards 15, J. 26 I, minimal edge split, extremley fine
Gedenktaler, 1864, GEDENKTHALER ZUR ERÖFFNUNGS- FEIER DER NEUEN BÖRSE IN BREMEN AM 5. NOVEMB. 1864, AKS 15, J. 26 I, minimale Randkerbe, vz.
Lot #231 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Memorial thaler" a thaler gold", 1865, second German federation shooting in Bremen 1865, picture postcards 16, J. 27, smaller margin fault, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Gedenktaler " Ein Thaler Gold", 1865, ZWEITES DEUTSCHES BUNDESSCHIESSEN IN BREMEN 1865, AKS 16, J. 27, kleinere Randfehler, vz-st.
Lot #232 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Memorial thaler, 1865, second German confederative shooting in Bremen 1865, picture postcards 16, J. 27, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Gedenktaler, 1865, ZWEITES DEUTSCHES BUNDES- SCHIESSEN IN BREMEN 1865, AKS 16, J. 27, vz-st.
Lot #233 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Memorial thaler, in memory of the glorious won peace from 10 May 1871, picture postcards 17, J. 28, small edge nick, extremley fine
Lot #234 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN bremen
Thaler, 1871, on the peace from 10. May, picture postcards 17, J. 28, extremley fine
Taler, 1871, auf den Frieden vom 10. Mai, AKS 17, J. 28, vz.
Lot #235 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN frankfurt am main freie stadt
Commemorative double thaler, 1848, constituent assembly 18. May 1848, J. 45, picture postcards 38, very fine to extremly fine
Gedenkdoppeltaler,1848, Konstituierende Versammlung 18. Mai 1848, J. 45, AKS 38, ss-vz
Lot #236 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN frankfurt am main freie stadt
Two convention thaler, 1861, woman breast image (Francofurtia), J. 43, picture postcards 4, notch in the margin on the at back.
Zwei Vereinstaler,1861, Frauenbrustbild (Francofurtia), J. 43, AKS 4, Kerbe im Rand auf der Rs.
Lot #237 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN frankfurt am main freie stadt
Two convention thaler, 1861, woman breast image (Francofurtia), J. 43, picture postcards 4, very fine to extremly fine
Zwei Vereinstaler,1861, Frauenbrustbild (Francofurtia), J. 43, AKS 4, ss-vz
Lot #238 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN hamburg
Dreiling, 1846, Hamburg, picture postcards 33, extremley fine
Dreiling,1846, Hamburg, AKS 33, vz.
Lot #239 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN hamburg
Shilling, 1851, Hamburg, picture postcards 19, margin fault, extremly fine .
Schilling,1851, Hamburg, AKS 19, Randfehler, vz+.
Lot #240 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN hamburg
Shilling, 1855, Hamburg, picture postcards 21, freshly minted
Schilling, 1855, Hamburg, AKS 21, prfr.
Lot #241 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN hannover
Penny, o. J., Ernst August, picture postcards 135, J. 56, small edge nick, extremley fine
Pfennig, o.J., Ernst August, AKS 135, J. 56, kl. Rf., vz.
Lot #242 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN lippe
Thaler, 1860, Paul Friedrich Emil Leopold, picture postcards 16, J. 16, margin fault, very fine.
Taler, 1860, Paul Friedrich Emil Leopold, AKS 16, J. 16, Randfehler, ss.
Lot #243 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN mecklenburg-schwerin
2 1/2 thaler, 1840, gold, Paul Friedrich, picture postcards 31, J. 81, only issued 2910 pieces!, extremley fine
2 1/2 Taler, 1840, Gold, Paul Friedrich, AKS 31, J. 81, Auflage nur 2910 Stück!, vz.
Lot #244 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN schaumburg-lippe
Thaler, 1865, Adolf Georg, picture postcards 19, J. 16, small edge nick, very fine.
Taler, 1865, Adolf Georg, AKS 19, J. 16, kl. Rf., ss.
2 Mark, 1896, Friedrich I., margin fault, s.
2 Mark, 1896, Friedrich I., Randfehler, s.
5 Mark, 1891, Friedrich I., margin fault, very fine.
5 Mark, 1891, Friedrich I., Randfehler, ss.
5 Mark, 1901, Friedrich I., margin fault, cleaned, very fine.
5 Mark, 1901, Friedrich I., Randfehler, gereinigt, ss.
5 Mark, 1902, Friedrich I., aversum a little rubbed, margin fault, very fine.
5 Mark, 1902, Friedrich I., Avers etwas berieben, Randfehler, ss.
2 Mark, 1904, Friedrich I., extremley fine
2 Mark, 1904, Friedrich I., vz.
5 Mark, 1904, Friedrich I., margin fault, scratch on aversum, extremley fine
5 Mark, 1904, Friedrich I., Randfehler, Kratzer auf Avers, vz.
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More