Crowns taler, 1792, Leopold II., Günzburg, J. 95, scratch, very fine.
Kronentaler, 1792, Leopold II., Günzburg, J. 95, Kratzer, ss.
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #147
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #147
A selection from the 8,000 lots contained in our 147th auction with numerous specialities and many highlights:
German states: an extensive, valuable supply with, among others, Bergedorf Mi.-Nr. 3 canceled “Kirchwerder” (catalogue price 900.00), Bergedorf Nr. 5 canceled (700.00), Württemberg 70 Kreuzer – very fine in canceled condition (1,500.00), to name only a few interesting examples. In addition, canceled lots incl. late usages from several regions. Approximately 1,250 lots in total from all regions! Furthermore, there are country and general collections in the collections section.
German empire: valuable selection with many colours, varieties and specialities, including many commercial letters, mnh breast plate values, Nothilfeblock, Zeppelin covers, stamp booklets and se-tenants, III. Reich with first day covers, etc.
German colonies/post offices abroad: high-quality supply with numerous rarities, such as proofs, types, mnh issues, covers with many 3-rupee, 5-mark and 2 1/2 dollar values, “Kaiseryacht” issues and a good canceled selection from the DOA, DSW and Cameroon regions.
Occupation World War I/Plebiscites/Gdansk/Memel/Saar: an interesting supply from the Saar and Gdansk, including mnh “großer Innendienst” (4,000.00), from the Plebiscites and WWI occupation, including extensive number of Allenstein, and particularly Marienwerder with many types and all values expertly evaluated by Professor Dr. Klein!
World War II/field post: interesting supply with numerous rarities, including Montenegro Mi.-Nr. 19 mnh, one of the most sought-after issues of the WWII German Occupation, which and consists of only 1,000 pieces, also propaganda forgeries and Feldpost Mi.-Nr. 5b in a vertical, unused strip of three. Pleskau with an extremely rare Mi.-Nr. 2b in canceled condition with current photo certification Zirath BPP.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: interesting supply with a number of varieties, specialities and sought-after first issues, including issues that remained imperforated, perforated ones, first day covers, etc.
SBZ/DDR: specialised supply with numerous sub-numbers, plate errors, colours, types and specialities, the majority already expertly evaluated – many with photo expertization certificates! Including, among others, GDR with watermark varieties.
Europe: extensive and substantial supply, especially for Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, as well as Croatia and Yugoslavia with numerous specialities and rarities!
A wide variety of collections on offer with over 500 positions, ranging from covers in an envelope to estate collections encompassing several boxes – there is in essence something for every budget. Among others, there is one very large Cologne estate collection containing 1,200 albums from “ALLE WELT” divided into 27 lots, each of which is on offer against the “highest bid”!
Select supply with approx. 650 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times, as well as medallions.
You can review a total of 150 collections completely on the web – the photos give a very accurate, realistic impression of the collections.
I would be pleased to welcome you at the auction personally!
Kind regards,
Reinhard Fischer
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Lot #226 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN münzen des römisch deutschen reiches
Lot #227 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN münzen des römisch deutschen reiches
1 / 4 Crowns taler, 1794, Francis II. (I. ), Vienna, extremley fine
1/4 Kronentaler, 1794, Franz II. (I.), Wien, vz.
Lot #228 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN münzen des römisch deutschen reiches
Crowns taler, 1797, Francis II., Prague, J. 134, f. Very fine.
Kronentaler, 1797, Franz II., Prag, J. 134, f. ss.
Lot #229 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN augsburg reichsmünzstätte
Chunk, 1523, Eberhard IV. from Epstein - Königsberg, s very fine.
Batzen, 1523, Eberhard IV. von Epstein - Königsberg, s-ss.
Lot #230 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN brandenburg-preussen königreich
Ducat, 1730, Frederic Wilhelm I., close (Berlin), Fb. 2359, small edge nick, extremley fine
Dukat, 1730, Friedrich Wilhelm I., ENG (Berlin), Fb. 2359, kl. Rf., vz.
Lot #231 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN brandenburg-preussen königreich
Thaler, 1791, Frederic Wilhelm, Mzz A Berlin, Dav. 2599, very fine.
Taler, 1791, Friedrich Wilhelm, Mzz A Berlin, Dav. 2599, ss.
Lot #232 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN Breslau Bistum
15 Kreuzer, 1693, Francis Ludwig from Palatinate Neuburg, very fine to extremly fine.
15 Kreuzer, 1693, Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg, ss-vz.
Lot #233 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN frankfurt reichsmünzstätte
Bracteate (0, 57g), 1260-1270, Richard from Cornwall. Hävernick 179, planchet tear, very fine.
Brakteat (0,57g), 1260-1270, Richard von Cornwall. Hävernick 179, Schrötlingsriss, ss.
Lot #234 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN konstanz bistum
Bracteate (0, 39g), 1248-1274, Eberhard II. from Waldburg-Thann. Breast image from the front, right palm branch, left crosier holding. Edge split, extremley fine
Brakteat (0,39g),1248-1274, Eberhard II. von Waldburg-Thann. Brustbild von vorn, rechts Palmzweig, links Krummstab haltend. Randausbruch, vz.
Lot #235 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN Löwenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg Grafschaft
Thaler, 1697, Eucharius Casimir, FS (Wertheim), Dav. 6908, Fields and margin tooled, nice dark toned, very fine.
Taler, 1697, Eucharius Casimir, FS (Wertheim), Dav. 6908, Felder und Rand bearbeitet, schöne dunkle Patina, ss.
Lot #236 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN mainz erzbistum
Gold guilders, o. J. (1435 / 1436), false key I. Schenk from Erbach, Fb. 1624, Fields in part calandered respectively tooled, very fine. Rare!
Goldgulden, o.J.(1435/1436), Dietrich I. Schenk von Erbach, Fb. 1624, Felder z.T. geglättet bzw. bearbeitet, ss. Selten!
Lot #237 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN mainz erzbistum
Penny, o. J. (1514-1545), Albrecht IV., coat of arms, 0, 29g, Saurma 2524, slight slight embossing, very fine to extremly fine.
Pfennig, o.J.(1514-1545), Albrecht IV., Wappen, 0,29g, Saurma 2524, leichte Prägeschwäche, ss-vz.
Lot #238 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN nürnberg stadt
Thaler, 1759, with title Francis I., Dav. 2485 waitresses 338, very fine.
Taler, 1759, mit Titel Franz I., Dav. 2485 Kellner 338, ss.
Lot #239 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN ostfriesland grafschaft
Witte (0, 63g), o. J. (1491-1528), Edzard I., small margin fault, f. Very fine.
Witte (0,63g), o.J. (1491-1528), Edzard I., kl. Randfehler, f. ss.
Lot #240 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN pommern-wolgast herzogtum
1 / 16 thaler 1624, Philipp julius, slight embossing, dark toned, very fine.
1/16 Taler 1624, Philipp Julius, Prägeschwäche, dunkle Patina, ss.
Lot #241 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN regensburg freie reichsstadt
Thaler, 1740, with title Josephs II., Dav. 2627, margin fault, very fine to extremly fine.
Taler, 1740, mit Titel Josephs II., Dav. 2627, Randfehler, ss-vz.
Lot #242 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN Sachsen Albertinische Linie Herzogtum
Thaler, 1637, Johann Georg I., snow 872, Dav. 7601, aversum Fields tooled, very fine to extremly fine.
Taler, 1637, Johann Georg I., Schnee 872, Dav. 7601, Avers Felder bearbeitet, ss-vz.
Lot #243 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN salzburg erzbistum
1 / 4 thaler cliff, 1642, Paris count from Lodron, Zöttl 1567, handle trace, scratch, very fine.
1/4 Talerklippe, 1642, Paris Graf von Lodron, Zöttl 1567, Henkelspur, Kratzer, ss.
Lot #244 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN schauenburg und holstein grafschaft
Schreckenberger (4, 51g), o. J. (1601-1622), Ernst III., with title Matthew, s very fine.
Schreckenberger (4,51g), o.J.(1601-1622), Ernst III., mit Titel Matthias, s-ss.
Lot #245 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN würzburg bistum
Groschen (2, 13g), o. J. (1443-1455), Gottfried Schenk from Limbourg. Av: coat of arms. Rev: St. Kilian. Saurma 1326, very fine.
Groschen (2,13g), o.J.(1443-1455), Gottfried Schenk von Limburg. Av: Wappen. Rev: St. Kilian. Saurma 1326, ss.
Lot #246 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN würzburg bistum
Groschen (2, 15g), o. J. (1443-1455), Gottfried Schenk from Limbourg. Av: coat of arms. Rev: St. Kilian. Saurma 1327, very fine.
Groschen (2,15g), o.J.(1443-1455), Gottfried Schenk von Limburg. Av: Wappen. Rev: St. Kilian. Saurma 1327, ss.
Crowns taler, 1834, Leopold, picture postcards 80, J. 47, small margin fault and stroke mark, extremley fine
Kronentaler, 1834, Leopold, AKS 80, J. 47, kleine Randfehler und Schlagspur, vz.
1 Guilder, 1838, Leopold, picture postcards 92, J. 56, extremley fine
1 Gulden, 1838, Leopold, AKS 92, J. 56, vz.
Lot #249 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN braunschweig
Penny, 1830, Karl, picture postcards 62, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Pfennig, 1830, Karl, AKS 62, vz-st.
Lot #250 - MÜNZEN - BANKNOTEN & ORDEN hannover
Thaler, 1840, Ernst August. Av: head to the right, therefore circumscription. Rev: crowned escutcheon with tournament collar on cartouche, therefore circumscription. Picture postcards 101, J. 66, cleaned, Fields rubbed / tooled, margin fault, very fine t o extremly fine. Very rare!
Taler, 1840, Ernst August. Av: Kopf nach rechts, darum Umschrift. Rev: Gekröntes Wappenschild mit Turnierkragen auf Kartusche, darum Umschrift. AKS 101, J...
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More