Italy(?): religious/ Church medal in white metal/ silver(?), ND (mid 18th Century); not maker-marked; size: 39mm; weight: 21.15g. Obverse: images associated with Judaism; Latin legend "HÆC CORPORIS UMBRA FUTURI" ('The Body Shadow'). Reverse: images of wine and literature; Latin legend above "PRÆSENTIS SYMBOLA CHRISTI" ('Feast of the Christ'). A known but unidentified medal (Sally Rosenberg 1932 #1308; "Numophylacii Ampachiani...
By: Historama
Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid Sale
Our sale is composed of 520 quality lots covering the areas of Jewish and historical coins, medals and tokens; a selection of stamps and covers representing Holyland-Mandate-Israel and JNF philately; a segment of militaria highlighting key pieces of Israeli militaria plus interesting Holocaust-related items; a highly-concentrated segment of ephemera representing key moments during the establishment of the State; and a nice offering of Israeliana - exonumia and ephemera, covering many special segments, from schools, to scouts, sports, transport, Freemasonry, and municipalities.
The center-piece of our sale is medallic Judaica forming the second part of “the Ramat Gan collection” (the first already being display at fixed prices in our online store) of Judaic medals and tokens, formed by Moshe Doron z”l, who built his collection from the 1950’s to the first decade of the 2000s; where every piece he collected had some kind of Jewish significance, and whose highlights are akin to a “who’s-who” list of key Jewish medals.
Opening bids are flexible; high bids get reduced; bidding options are available
Unser Verkauf besteht aus 520 Qualitäts-Losen in den Bereichen der jüdischen und historischen Münzen, Medaillen und Token; einer Auswahl von Briefmarken und Briefumschlägen, die Heiliges Land-Mandat-Israel und JNF-Philatelie darstellt; einem Abschnitt von hervorhebenden wichtigsten Stücken der israelischen Militär und interessanten mit Holocaust verbundenen Artikeln; einem hochkonzentriertem Teil der Ephemera, die die wichtigsten Momente während der Gründung des Staates darstellt; und ein nettes Angebot von Israeliana - Exonumia und Ephemera, viele spezielle Bereiche aus Schulen, Pfadfinder, Sport, Transport, Freimaurerei und Gemeinden umfassen.
Das Herzstück unseres Verkaufs ist Medaillen-Judaika, die den zweiten Teil "der Ramat Gan-Kollektion" bildet (die erste ist bereits mit festen Preisen in unserem Online-Shop dargestellt)...
Eröffnungsgebote sind flexibel; hohe Gebote werden reduziert; Gebotsoptionen stehen zur Verfügungüber-unsere-auktion.htm
המכירה שלנו מורכבת מ-520 לוטים איכותיים המכסים את תחומי המטבעות, המדליות והאסימונים היהודיים וההיסטוריים; מבחר של בולים ומעטפות המייצגים את תקופת ההולילנד-המנדט-ישראל ובולאות של הקרן הקיימת לישראל; חלק של מיליטריה שמדגיש פריטי-מפתח של מילטריה ישראלית וכן פריטים מעניינים הקשורים לשואה; חלק המכיל פריטים רבים של פריטים בני-התקופה המייצגים רגעים חשובים במהלך הקמת המדינה; ומבחר נאה של פריטי ישראליאנה – אקסונומיה וניירת, המכסים חלקים מיוחדים רבים, החל מבתי-ספר, דרך תנועת הצופים, ספורט, תחבורה, הבונים החופשיים ועיריות.
לב המכירה שלנו הינו מדליות יהודיות המהוות את החלק השני של "אוסף רמת גן" (החלק הראשון כבר מוצג במחירים קבועים באתר האינטרנט שלנו) ובו מדליות ואסימונים יהודיים...עמוד-הבית-למכירות-פומביות.html
ניתן לתת הצעות התחת למחיר ההתחלתי; הצעות מובילות יופחתו בסוף המכירה; יש מגוון אופציות למטב הצעותכם.עמוד-הבית-למכירות-פומביות/תפעול-המכירה.html
קטלוג לצפייה והורדה
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Lot #202a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Italy: Jesus medal in brass, c. 16th C.; not maker-marked; size: 40mm; weight: 33.8g; thickness: 3mm. Obv.: left facing Christ, with Hebrew initial "Alef" (for 'Adoneinu' - 'Our Lord') & "Yeshu" ('Jesus') on either side. Rev.: 5-line Heb. legend (w/incorrect letters) based on Hill p.50 ex. 2a (but "Adam" twice) : משיח # מלך בא בש # לום ואדמ א # דם עשוי # חי. Portrait of Christ said to be of Venetian School; medal issued...
Lot #203a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Italy: Jesus medal in copper, c. 16th C.; not maker-marked; size: 28.5mm; weight: 10.75g. Obv.: left facing Christ, with Hebrew initial "Alef" (for 'Adoneinu' - 'Our Lord') & "Yeshu" ('Jesus') on either side. Rev.: 5-line Heb. legend (w/incorrect letters) as per Hill p.50 ex. 2b: משיח # מלך באבש # לום ואדמא # רם עשוי # חי, with 'Mashiach' spelled with 'Yud' under the letter 'Khet'. Portrait of Christ said to be of...
Lot #204a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Italy: Jesus medal in silver, c. 16th C.; not maker-marked; size: 32mm; weight: 18.85g; thickness: 3mm. Obv.: left facing Christ, with Hebrew initial "Alef" (for 'Adoneinu' - 'Our Lord') & "Yeshu" ('Jesus') on either side. Rev.: 5-line Heb. legend (w/incorrect letters) based on Hill p.50 ex. 2a (but "Adam" twice) : משיח # מלך בא בש # לום ואדמ א # דם עשוי # חי. Portrait of Christ said to be of Venetian School; medal issued...
Lot #205a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Moses Medals: lot x3 different cast types, circa. 16th-17th Century: 1) darkened brass (size: 35mm; weight: 27.1g), Moses w/forward facing horns & "Mashkha" on collar, on rev. 2nd Commandment in Hebrew; 2) bronze (size: 36mm; weight: 35.7g), Moses with curled horns & "Mashkha" on collar, on rev. 2nd Commandment in Hebrew; 3) pewter(?), size: 32mm, weight: 18.35g: Moses with curled horns & unclear leg. on collar,...
Lot #206a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Netherlands > Dordrecht: religious jeton w/ Hebrew writing, 1608; copper; size: 29mm; weight: 5.75g. Obv.: soldier looking up in prayer between two arms - one extending a flower, one holding a sword; name for G-d in Heb. in cloud above; Latin leg.: "FIAT • VOLVNTAS • TVA • MDCVIII" ['Thy Will Be Done 1608']. Rev.: bundle x7 arrows pointing down (signifying the United Provinces), letters S. + C. on either side; Latin leg...
Lot #207a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
Romania > Bucharest: Choral Temple 50 Bani "Hazkarat Neshamot" donation token (for recalling the deceased), struck in silvered copper-nickel, circa. 1912; by Jewish Romanian engraver Moise Carniol Fiul; size: 22mm; weight: 2.65g. Obv.: 3-line Heb. legend: "Tzdaka Ba'ad Hazkarat Neshama" (Charity Towards Remembering a Soul); Rom. leg. abv: "Pentru Sustinerea Cantinelor Scolare" (To Support School Cafeterias); in exergue "...
Lot #208a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
US: bronze Chanukah Gelt, "100 Pruta" coin, 1949; size: 28.5mm; weight: 7.9g. Design is virtually identical to the actual Israeli period piece: on obverse the additional legend reads "Chanukkah Gelt - R.S.K.S.". This was a token issued by the Rabbi Solomon Kluger School as a gift to students, to be used as play-money in games using the Chanukka 'dreidel'. The school is an Orthodox day school in Manhattan (founded 1924), named...
Lot #209a - Medals & Tokens Religious, Biblical Medals & Tokens
US: Chabad-Lubavitch "Messiah" homage silver(?) medal to Rebbe Schneerson, ND (circa. 1992); not maker-marked; size: 39.5mm; weight: 26.4g. Obverse bears image of the Hassidic movement's headquarters on 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn; legend on obv. and rev. are in praise of the Rebbe and extoll him as the Messiah. Probably issued to commemorate the Rebbe's (1902- 1994) 90th birthday; towards the end of his life segments of...
Lot #210a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Austria > Hapsburg: 1686 'Jews & Turks Budapest' medal ("Türkenkrieg medaille"), by Martin Brunner; struck in copper; size: 41.5mm; weight: 28.85g. Obv.: Turk & Jew around furnace melting metal with ingots coming out; legend around: "WER DISTILLIRT NUN GELD ZUM FRIED*WEIL TURCK UND IUD DES KRIEGES MUD*" ['Who mints money for peace now that the Turk and Jew are tired of war']. Rev.: 11-line legend & date '*1686...
Lot #211a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Austria(?): Judas Iscariot/ Jesus medal (ND), circa. 1915; blackened bronze cast; not maker-marked; size: 61.75mm, weight: 73.45g. Obv.: 'Jewish-looking' Judas whispering to stern-looking Jesus; legend: "Judas Jscharioth". Rev.: 4-lined legend above coat of arms: "DEM ERZVERRÄTER AUS DEM HAUSE SAVOYEN" ['The Arch-Traitor from the House of Savoy']. May be a reference to Italy's Triple Alliance pact with Germany & Austria-...
Lot #212a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Belgium > Enghien: 450th Anniversary Host Desecration/ Blood Libel medal ("Hostienschändung"), 1820; no artist mark; struck in brass; size: 32mm, weight: 14.25g. Obv.: coat of arms Saint Sacrement Church; legend around: "SAINT SACREMENT DE MIRACLE BRUXELLES". Rev.: 5-lined legend + 'asterisk' device: "JUBILÉ ET FÊTE COMMUNALE DE BRUXELLES AN 1820. *" The event commemorated took place in 1370 and celebrated annually as "the...
Lot #213a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
France: brass "Rechenpfennig" by Johann Georg Holtzhey (1729-1808), ND (circa. 1749-1774); size (oval): 19.5mm; weight: 0.8g; coin alignment. Obv.: 3-masted ship; Ger. leg. "Durch Gluck und Kunst" ['By Luck and Art'] & letters "EE" + "PF" on either side; medallist's initials "I G H" in exergue. Rev.: right-facing Louis XV; leg. around "LVD XV•D• # •G•FR•ET•N•REX". Piece's date is est. between time Holtzhey took over his...
Lot #214a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude "Pricelist" jeton variant, 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in pewter(?); size: 29mm; weight: 7.1g; medallic strike. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler facing right, w/ goat (not devil) on sack, to open jaws of alligator; legend: "Korn Iud (sic) Ver Zweifel [no period] U. Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out and Goes Forth']; in exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772" ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev...
Lot #215a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude jeton ("liegendes scheffelmass"), 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in pewter(?); size: 29mm; weight: 6.4g. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler facing right, to open jaws of allegator; legend around: "Korn Iude Ver Zwei Fel. Und Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out and Goes Forth']; in exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772." ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev.: horizontal grain sifter; legend above: "...
Lot #216a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude jeton, 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in pewter(?); size: 29mm; weight: 6.75g. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler to left w/ Devil on sack, to open jaws of allegator; legend: "Korn Iude Ver Zwei Fel. U: Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out & Goes Forth'] + "Dantes" between legs; exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772" ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev.: horizonal grain sifter; legend: "Furchte...
Lot #217a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Bavaria > Fürth: Kornjude 'Pricelist' jeton, 1772, by Johann Christian Reich; struck in brass; size: 28.5mm; weight: 6.55g; coin alignment. Obv.: Jewish grain peddler facing left w/ Devil on sack, to open jaws of allegator; legend around: "Korn Iude Ver Zwei Fel. U: Geh Zum" ['The Corn Jew Branches out and Goes Forth'] + "Dantes" between legs; in exergue: "Theure Zeit 1772" ['Expensive Times 1772']. Rev.: 10-...
Lot #218a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Bavaria: double-struck silver homage medal commemorating Albrecht (Albert) III der Fromme, Duke of Bavaria-Munich, by Franz Andreas Schega (1711-1787), circa. 1766-70; not maker marked; size: 39.5mm; weight: 28.85g. Obv.: right-facing Albert; leg. "ALBERTUS III • BOIOR • DUX •". Rev.: 9-line legend in Latin, highlighting Albrecht's (1438-1460) accomplishments, among them the expulsion of the Jews from Upper...
Lot #219a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Gotha: 'Cuckold Medal' ("Hahnrei medaille") w/ 'Feather Jew' motif (ND), c. 1700, by Christian Wermuth; cast in white metal (silver?); size: 31mm; weight: 10.3g. Obv.: antlered Jew riding large cock, 5 smaller roosters in background; legend around: "WER KEINER I ST DER KAN NOCH EINER # WER DEN" ['Where no-one can become someone']. Rev.: decorated open chest on tiled floor w/ pair of antlers from behind; double-...
Lot #220a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Sachsen-Thuringen: 'Corn Jew' medal of woman & grain peddler, 1771-1772; by Johann Christian Reich; pewter(?); size: 38mm; weight: 17.35g. Obv.: housewife with clenched fists imploring Jewish grain peddler (facing right) to give her corn to feed her family, & Devil cutting hole in sack; legend above: "DU KORN IUDE den 12. Mertz: 1694." + 2 lines below: "Theure Zeit auch 1771.1772". Rev.: upright grain...
Lot #221a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Sachsen-Thuringen: 'Corn Jew' medal w/ grain peddler, vertical sifter & "C.G.R.U.", 1772; by Johann Christian Reich; pewter(?), thin planchet; size: 39mm; weight: 10.05g. Obv.: fat Jewish grain peddler (facing right) w/ Devil cutting hole in sack, landscape background; legend above: "DV KORN IUDE." + 3 lines below: "THEURE ZEIT 1624 : 1772 C.G.R.U.". Rev.: upright grain sifter on landscape + Proverbs 11:26...
Lot #222a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Sachsen-Thuringen: 'Corn Jew' variant medal of woman & grain peddler, 1772; by Johann Christian Reich; pewter(?); size: 39mm; weight: 17.4g. Obv.: small housewife with raised arms imploring fat Jewish grain peddler (facing right) to give her corn to feed her family, w/ Devil cutting hole in sack; legend above: "DU KORN IUDE DEN 12 MERTZ" + 2 lines below: "THEURE ZEIT 1694 1772". Rev.: upright grain sifter on...
Lot #223a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Silesia: 'Corn Jew'/ Hanging Jew medal, 1695; struck in silver; by Christian Wermuth; size: 34mm; weight: 14.4g. Obv.: peasant's house w/ nest on top, left of hanging Jew w/ Devil on rope & long corn stalks in field; leg.: "Du Korn Iude." ['You Corn Jew'] + 2 lines below: "Wolfeile Zeit 1695." ['Cheap Times']. Rev.: horiz. grain sifter + Proverbs quote & edge legend: "Wer Korn Innhaelt...
Lot #224a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Silesia: Hängender Kornjude "Hanging Corn Jew" medal, 1694-1695, struck in copper, by Christian Wermuth; size: 34.5mm; weight: 14.2g. Obv.: Jew hanging from tree with Devil on his head, peasant's house w/nest on roof & "LUC 12" in doorway; leg. "Du Korn Iude•" ('You Corn Jew'); 2-lines in exergue "Wolfeilezeit 1695•" ('Cheap Times'). Rev.: Jew facing right w/Devil on his sack; Ger. leg. "Du Korn Iude."...
Lot #225a - Medals & Tokens Satirical & anti-Semitic Medals
Germany > Silesia: 'Hanging Corn Jew' (Hängender Kornjude) medal, 1694-1695, rare variant struck in lead, by Christian Wermuth; size: 34mm; weight: 22.35g. Obv.: Jew hanging from a tree w/ Devil on his head, peasant's house w/ nest on roof; leg. "LUC 12" in doorway + "Du Korn Iude•" ['You Corn Jew'' above; in exergue 2-line leg.: "Wolfeilezeit 1695•" ['Cheap Times']. Rev.: walking Jew facing right w/ Devil on his grain...
Historama is the leading dealer of Israeli, Zionist and Judaic collectibles: numismatics and exonumia, philatelics, militaria, ephemera, banknotes and nostalgic artifacts from Israel-Palestina... Read More
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