australia pre-decimal notes - Coin Auctions

Lot 12537 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

Lot 12537 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

10/- Collins-Allen Second Type with red TEN SHILLINGS last prefix/suffix N753520N. Bold prefix, suffix letters. Sm flt top margin, aF. R-2cL. (P)
Estimate A$3000

Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12548 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

Lot 12548 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

10/- Sheehan-McFarlane. aU. R-12 cat $1400.
Estimate A$600

Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12543 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

Lot 12543 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

10/- Riddle-Sheehan brown Legal Tender with red opt. Trifold gEF. R-10 cat EF $4500. (P)
Estimate A$2000

Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12538 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

Lot 12538 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

10/- Kell-Collins. R-5. aU. Ren cat $14,000. Rare. (P)
Estimate A$5000

Status International Status International Coins & Banknotes Auction 381

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12422 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12422 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£10 Coombs-Watt. aU. R-60 cat $3250. (Lot number out of order) (P)
Estimate A$1300

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12169 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12169 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£5 Riddle-Sheehan Legal Tender white face R-44b gVF. McD cat VF $4750. (P)
Estimate A$2300

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12185 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12185 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£10 Riddle-Heathershaw. VF, 4 pin holes & sl trimmed lower margin. R-55 cat $6500. Very scarce. (P)
Estimate A$3500

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12201 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12201 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£10 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank consec pr. aU, tiny tone spot lower margin. R-63 cat $2100.
Estimate A$800

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12164 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12164 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£5 Riddle-Sheehan, flattened, aU. R-43. McD cat EF $33,000 aU $62,500. Very scarce in high grade. (P)
Estimate A$8000

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes
Lot 12180 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes -  Status International International Coin Auction 374

Lot 12180 - AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes - Status International International Coin Auction 374

£5 Coombs-Wilson QEII Reserve Bank. UNC. R-50 cat $750.
Estimate A$350

Status International International Coin Auction 374

AUSTRALIA BANKNOTES australia pre-decimal notes