Paper Money of the Civil War - Coin Auctions

Lot 5702 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lote 8 billetes 25 (3), 50 Cèntims (3) y 1 Pesseta (2). 1 Abril 1937. Aj. de MONTMANY (FIGARÓ). AT-1583, 1583a, 1584, 1584a, 1584c, 1585, 1585a, 1585c. MBC+ a SC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5718 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5718 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095


Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5734 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5734 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

1 Pesseta. 20 Agost 1937. Aj. d´OLIANA. (Sucio). ESCASO. AT-1688. MBC-.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5697 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5697 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

5 Pesetas. SINDICAT AGRÍCOL MONTAGUT DE FLUVIÀ. Latón. (Ligera oxidación en reverso). RARA. T-1762. EBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5713 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5713 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

50 Cèntims. Juny 1937. Aj. de MONTSENY. (Manchas algo sucio). ESCASO. AT-1610. MBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5729 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5729 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

50 Cèntims. Aj. d´ÒDENA. Cartón. ESCASO. AT-1670. EBC-.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5745 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5745 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

1 Pesseta. 25 Març 1937. Aj. d´OS DE BALAGUER. MUY ESCASO. AT-1722b. MBC.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5708 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5708 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

25 Cèntims. C.M. de MONT-RAL. Sin sello tampón. ESCASO. AT-1595b. SC-.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5724 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5724 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

50 Cèntims. Aj. de NAVÀS. (Algo sucio). MUY ESCASO. AT-1647. MBC+.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia
Lot 5740 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia -  Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Lot 5740 - Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia - Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

50 Cèntims. 29 Juliol 1937. Aj. d´ORGANYÀ. (Leves roturas). ESCASO. AT-1717. MBC-.

Soler Y Llach Coin Mail Auction Only #1095

Paper Money of the Civil War Catalonia