replicas and counterfeits - Coin Auctions

Lot 31164 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #229

Lengyelország 1996. 'Lengyel Szejm' 3db ezüstözött Br replika emlékérem dísztokban, tanúsítvánnyal: 'Zsigmond Ágost' + 'Ignacy Jan Paderewski' + 'Szaniszló Ágost' T:1,1-
Poland 1996. 'Sejm of the Republic of Poland' 3pcs of different silver plated Br replica medallions in case, with certificate: 'Sigismund Augustus' + 'Ignacy Jan Paderewski' + 'Stanislaus Augustus' C:UNC,AU

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #229

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31243 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Lot 31243 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Ausztria 1752. Dukát 'I. Ferenc' réz másolata T:2
Austria 1752. Ducat 'Franz I' copper replica C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31226 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #239

Lot 31226 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #239

Német Birodalom 1914. 'Vaskereszt 2. osztály' replika kitüntetés mellszalagon T:2
German Empire 1914. 'Iron Cross IInd class' replica decoration on ribbon C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #239

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31395 - replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #227

Lot 31395 - replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #227

1705. XX Poltura 'II. Rákóczi Ferenc' öntvény másolat T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #227

replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31238 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Lot 31238 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

1705. XX Poltura 'II. Rákóczi Ferenc' öntvény másolat (4x) T:2,2-

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31272 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #235

Lot 31272 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #235

Poroszország / Breslau 1742. 'Béke' II. Frigyes emlékérme, Cu replika (32,5mm) T:2
Prussia / Breslau 1742. 'Friede' Medals of King Frederick II, the Great, Cu replica, 'FRIEDE FRIEDE ! / PUBLIC IN BRESLAV/ D 27 IUN 11 / ES KOMT GOTT EN / WIR VNS VERSEHN / VND LAESSET VNS/ VIEL GVTS / GESCHEN' (32,5mm) C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #235

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31344 - replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #231

Lot 31344 - replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #231

1705. XX Poltura 'II. Rákóczi Ferenc' öntvény másolat T:2

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #231

replicas and counterfeits replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31249 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Lot 31249 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Poroszország / Breslau 1742. 'Béke' II. Frigyes emlékérme, Cu replika (32,5mm) T:2
Prussia / Breslau 1742. 'Friede' Medals of King Frederick II, the Great, Cu replica, 'FRIEDE FRIEDE ! / PUBLIC IN BRESLAV/ D 27 IUN 11 / ES KOMT GOTT EN / WIR VNS VERSEHN / VND LAESSET VNS/ VIEL GVTS / GESCHEN' (32,5mm) C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31166 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #229

Lot 31166 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #229

Olasz Államok / Firenze 1561. 'Michelangelo 88 éves' aranyozott Br utánzat T:2
Italian States / Firenze 1561. 'Michelangelo 88 years old', 'MICHAELANGELVS BONARROTVS FLO R AES ANN 88 / DOCEBO INIQVOS VTE IMPII AD TECONVEP' gilt Br replica C:CF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #229

numismatics replicas and counterfeits
Lot 31244 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits -  Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Lot 31244 - numismatics replicas and counterfeits - Darabanth Co Ltd Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia 1871-1918. 'A Német Lovagrend Mária Keresztje' zománcozott Br kitüntetés replikája mellszalagon T:2- zománchiba
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 1871-1918. 'Marian Cross of the Teutonic Order' enamelled Br decoration replica with ribbon C:VF enamell error

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #233

numismatics replicas and counterfeits