single campaign medals - Coin Auctions

Lot 37 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 37 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Queen's South Africa Medal, clasps Cape Colony. O.F.S Transvaal S.A 1901 to 7216 Gnr. J. Whitham 1st North'd Vol. ART (ghost dates), NVF
Estimated Price: £100.00 - 120.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 132 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 132 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Army Temperance Medal India 'Watch and be Sober' on reverse 1897, VF
Estimated Price: £25.00 - 35.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 32 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 32 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Queen's South Africa Medal, clasps Transvaal, Cape Colony, O.F.S, S.A 1901 and 1902 to Lieut G. C. Watt Vol Co. Seaforth Highlanders, correct engraved naming. Very nice condition, GEF
Estimated Price: £300.00 - 350.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 113 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 113 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Victorian 'VR' 1892 Volunteer Decoration Medal (hallmarked), in original bx, EF
Estimated Price: £90.00 - 120.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 17 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 17 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

2nd Afghanistan Medal, no clasp to 621 Pte. J. Flynn, 63rd Rgt. Very neatly plugged at 6 o'clock which does not affect the naming. The claw has been re-pinned o/w EF
Estimated Price: £120.00 - 160.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 88 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 88 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Gulf War Operation 'Granby' with clasp 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991 to 24509977 Cpl M. Parker, R. Signals, GVF
Estimated Price: £200.00 - 300.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 38 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 38 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Queen's Mediterranean Medal to Lieut H. E. Farquhar, Seaforth Highlanders (served 3rd Garrison Artillery Attached), very scarce medal to an officer in GEF
Estimated Price: £500.00 - 650.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 137 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 137 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Geo V Silver Police Coronation Medal, 1911 'County and Borough.' Scarce issue - only 2565 awarded, un-named, NEF
Estimated Price: £40.00 - 60.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 33 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 33 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Queen's South Africa Medal, clasps Cape Colony and Wittebergen to 4633 Pte. F. Matthews, East Yorks Rgt. He died of disease at Senekal 25th April 1900, commemorated in Beverley Minster, served 2nd Bttn, GEF
Estimated Price: £150.00 - 200.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 114 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 114 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Eliz II Officer's Territorial Decoration Medal, dated 1961, in original box, GEF
Estimated Price: £60.00 - 100.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals