
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG

lot # 3159 - Russia

Friday Jun 16, 2017 10:00 to Wednesday Jun 21, 2017 17:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Jun 12, 08:00 CEST

set with 32 x 20 Rubles and 6 x 40 Rubles ND(1917) so called "Kerenski" notes P.38, 39 and some of the 5% Freedom Loan Debenture Bonds containing 20 Rubles, 2 x 50 Rubles, 4 x 100 Rubles and 1000 Rubles 1917 P.37A,C,D,F. Many different conditions, from well worn up to uncirculated: F- to UNC (46 Banknotes) (M)

Pick 37A,C,D,F, 38, 39


Sale Terms