
Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 291 - MÜNZEN, BANKNOTEN & ORDEN kanada

Friday Jul 14, 2017 13:30 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Jul 14, 11:30 CEST

2014, Maple Leaf Fine Silver Fractional Set, 5x Maple Leaf in the denomination value 1 (1 / 20 oz), 2 (1 / 10 oz), 3 (1 / 4 oz), 4 (1 / 2 oz) and 5 dollars (1 oz), parts of the motive gold plated, KM 1593-1597, nice 1475-1479, all in capsule, in original casket with certificate and repackaging, st. Issue of the coins in each case 9999 copies!
Kanada 2014, Maple Leaf Fine Silver Fractional Set, 5x Maple Leaf in den Wertstufen 1 (1/20 oz), 2 (1/10 oz), 3 (1/4 oz), 4 (1/2 oz) und 5 Dollars (1 oz), Motivteile vergoldet, KM 1593-1597, Schön 1475-1479, alle in Kapsel, in Originalschatulle mit Zertifikat u nd Umverpackung, st. Auflage der Münzen jeweils 9999 Exemplare!
