
lot # 8273 - Various countries - paper money - banknotes Banknotes of other countries

Saturday Jun 06, 2015 12:00 Europe/Athens
Last date for bids: 
Jun 06, 10:00 BST

BULGARIA: 50 Leva Zlato (ND 1916) Gold issue. in black on orange-brown unpt with "Arms" at upper center. Serial no "008992". Signatures Chakalov and Venkov. WMK: Cross and curl pattern. Printer: RDK (without imprint). Slightly rounded corners (Pick 19a) & (Bulphila 26) Very Fine plus.


About The Seller

A. Karamitsos

A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More

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