Alessandro VII (Fabio Chigi di Siena) 1655-1667. Testone, argento gr. 9,58, ¿ 30,8 mm. D/ ALEX*VII* *PONT*MAX*, stemma con conchiglia in cimasa, sormontato da tiara e chiavi decussate nascoste, con cordoni e fiocchi. Rv: ¥NEC CITRA NEC VLTRA¥, destrocherio, uscente dalle nubi volto a sinistra, regge una bilancia; sotto, nel giro, (simbolo non noto). . Muntoni 9, CNI 20, Berman 1902. Rara.SPL
Numismatica Varesi
The firm of Varesi was founded in 1967, with regular sales since 1984 to become one of most important numismatic auctions houses in Italy. Our Catalogues are carefully written and photographed and... Read More