
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 165 - islamic early pre-reform

Thursday May 15, 2014 08:00 to Saturday May 17, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
May 15, 07:00 BST

ARAB-BYZANTINE: Two Standing Figures, ca. 636-640s, AE fals (5.11g), Neapolis (Nablus), undated, A-3502N, MIB-X24, cross between the 2 standing figures / ANN both left & right of the capital M on reverse, mint formula NEA in exergue, officina A, lovely patination, choice VF, RRR. The type is derived from the follis of Heraclius & his son Heraclius Constantine, struck 630-640, his regnal years 20-30 (Sear-810). The mint name is inscribed as NEA in the reverse exergue. In the ANN to the right, the 2nd "N " resembles the numeral "5 ", revealing the die-sinker's illiteracy.


About The Seller

Stephen Album Rare Coins

Stephen Album Rare Coins is an American company specializing in Oriental coins which includes Ancient, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and modern world coins. The company produces monthly catalogs and... Read More

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