
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 279 - islamic early pre-reform

Thursday May 15, 2014 08:00 to Saturday May 17, 2014 18:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
May 15, 07:00 BST

ARAB-BYZANTINE: Standing Caliph, ca. 690s, AE fals (2.57g), Harran, A-3537, W-Vat.1, unusual type, unique to this mint, excellent strike, lovely Fine to VF, RR. The obverse inscriptions consist of muhammad to the left and the mint name to the right of the caliph, whereas the reverse bears a Greek monogram to the left and repeats the name muhammad in Arabic to the right. The Greek IS appears below the reverse, of unexplained meaning.
