ancient greek coins - Coin Auctions

Lot 3032 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3032 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Attica, Athens. Silver Drachm (4.2g), ca. 454-404 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right, frontal eye. Reverse: , owl standing right, head facing; above to left, olive-spray with berry and crescent; all within incuse square. Kroll 8; Svoronos pl. 14; SNG Copenhagen 31-40. Well-struck and well-centered. Nice old cabinet tone. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3048 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3048 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Cilicia, Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap. Silver Stater, ca. 361-334 BC. BLRTZ (Aramaic), Baaltars seated left, head and torso facing, holding eagle, grain ear, bunch of grapes and scepter; in left field and below throne, Aramaic letters. Reverse: MZDY (Aramaic), lion attacking bull left; below, mintmark. Casabonne series 2; SNG BN -; SNG Levante 106. Lightly toned. NGC grade Choice XF; Strike: 4/5, Surface: 3/5; horn silver. Estimated Value $600 - 700

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3011 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3011 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Sicily, Akragas. Silver Drachm (8.4 g), ca. 495-480 BC. AKRA, eagle standing left. Reverse: C (retrograde), crab; all in incuse circle. Hoover 95; Jenkins 1970, Group III; SNG ANS 949. Lustrous. A magnificent, fully struck up example. Superb Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $5,000 - 6,000

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3027 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3027 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Boiotia, Thebes. Silver Stater (12.26 g), ca. 395-338 BC. Struck ca. 368-364 BC. Klion, magistrate. Boiotia shield. Reverse: Amphora; across field, - . BCD Boiotia 532; Hempworth 70. Unusually well-centered. Lustrous and untoned. NGC grade About Uncirculated; Strike: 4/5; Surface: 4/5. Estimated Value $500 - 600

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3043 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3043 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lydian Kingdom. Time of Cyrus to Darios I. Silver Siglos (5.3 g), ca. 550/39-520 BC. Sardis. Confronted foreparts of roaring lion on left and bull on right. Reverse: Double incuse punch. Berk 22; SNG Kayhan 1024-6. Fine to Very Fine. Estimated Value $300 - 350

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3006 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3006 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Calabria, Tarentum/Taras. Silver Didrachm (7.78 g), ca. 302-280 BC. Nude youth horseman cantering left, holding small shield. right field, []; below, . Reverse: behind, Taras seated on dolphin left, holding Nike; below, waves. Vlasto 685; SNG ANS 1060; SNG Lockett 201; HN Italy 964. Beautifully toned. NGC grade Choice XF; Strike: 4/5, Surface: 4/5; overstruck. Estimated Value $700 - 800

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3022 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3022 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Moesia, Istros. Silver Drachm (5.3 g), ca. 4th Century BC. Two youthful male heads facing, the left inverted. Reverse: Sea-eagle standing left on dolphin left; below, monogram. AMNG I, 417; SNG BM Black Sea 247-8; cf. SNG Evelpidis/Greece 799. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $400 - 500

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3038 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3038 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Bithynian Kingdom. Nikomedes III, Euergetes. Silver Tetradrachm (16.62 g), 128-94 BC. Dated ca. 180 BE (ca. 117 BC). Diademed head of Nikomedes III right. Reverse: , Zeus Stratios standing left, holding wreath and scepter; in inner left field, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, above () monogram and date, . Callata D41/R-; Waddington, RG pg. 230; SNG Copenhagen 648; SNG von Aulock 6895. Beautifully toned. Superb Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,500 Ex The Jascha Heifetz Collection Sale, Part 2, Superior Galleries (9-10 December 1989), Lot 2643; NFA IV (March 1977), Lot 243.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3000 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3000 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Celtic, Gaul. Ambiani. Gold Stater (5.6 g), 60-55 BC. Gallic War type. Blank. Reverse: Disjointed horse right with pellet underneath; exergue of pellets; separate pellets and crescents in exergue. Van Arsdell 54-1; Sheers Cl. E-III Pl. VI, no. 154. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3017 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3017 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III "the Great". Silver Tetradrachm (17.25 g), 336-323 BC. Uncertain mint in Cilicia, ca. 323-317 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress. Reverse: , Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, wreath; below throne, . Price 2949. Slightly off center. About Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $400 - 500

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins