Római Birodalom / Róma / L. Papius Kr.e. 79. Denar Ag (3,83g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Rome / L. Papius 79. BC Denarius (Serratus) Ag 'L Papi' (3,83g) C:XF,VF Crawford 384; Sydenham 773
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Constantinus 318-319. Follis Cu (3,07g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Constantine I 318-319. Follis Cu 'IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP - VOT PR - DeltaSIS' (3,07g) C:XF,VF RIC VII. 53.
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Római Birodalom / Róma / III. Marcus Antonius Gordianus 241-243. Antoninianus Ag (2.88g) T:2-,3 Roman Empire / Rome / Gordian III 241-243. Antoninianus Ag 'IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG / IOVI STATORI' (2.88g) C:VF,F RIC 84., RSC 109.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 364-367. Aes Br (2,45g) T:2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Valentinian I 364-367. Aes Br 'DN VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / RESTITV-TOR REIP - ASISC' (2,45g) C:VF RIC IX 6.
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Bizánci Birodalom / Thesszaloniki / II. Justinus és Sophia 565-578. 1/2 Follis Cu (5,29g) T:3,3- Byzantine Empire / Thessalonica / Justin II and Sophia 565-578. 1/2 Follis Cu '[D N IVSTINVS P P AVG] / K ANNO + sigma - TES' (5,29g) C:F,VG SB 366.
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Római Birodalom / Lugdunum / Gallienus 258-259. Antoninianus Ag (3.16g) T:2- Roman Empire / Rome / Gallienus 258-259. Antoninianus Ag 'GALLIENVS P F AVG / VICT GE-R-MANICA' (3.16g) C:VF RIC V 44.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus As Cu (2,86g) T:2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Valentinian I As Cu 'D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE - D-S - DSISC' (2,86g) C:VF RIC IX 15.
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Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 364-375. Follis Cu (2,2g) T:2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Valentinian I 364-375. Follis Cu 'D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE - deltaSISC' (2,2g) C:VF RIC IX 7a.
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Római Birodalom / Heraclea / Maximianus 294. Argenteus Ag (3,42g) T:2 Roman Empire / Heraclea / Maximianus 294. Argenteus Ag 'MAXIMIA-NVS AVG / VICTORIAE SARMATICA - HB' (3,42g) C:XF RIC 3; RSC 551a
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Római Birodalom / Róma / Julia Mamaea 222-235. Denár Ag (2,92g) T:2- Roman Empire / Rome / Iulia Mamaea 222-235. Denarius Ag 'IVLIA MAMAEA AVG / VESTA' (2,92g) C:VF RIC 360.
numismatics documents and letters ancient states |