Római Birodalom / Róma / I. Philippus 244-249. Sestertius Br (18.46g) T:2- Roman Empire / Rome / Philip I 244-249. Sestertius Br 'IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG / AEQVITAS AVGG - S C' (18.46g) C:VF RIC IV 166a
numismatics ancient states |
Heftalita Birodalom ~VI. század Drachma 'Napki Malka' Billon (2.87g) T:2-,3 Hephthalite Empire ~VIth century Drachm 'Napki Malka' Billon (2.87g) C:VF,F
numismatics ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Róma / Quintus Antonius Balbus Kr.e. 83-82. Denar Ag (3,83g) T:2-,3 Roman Empire / Rome / Quintus Antonius Balbus 83-82. BC Denarius (Serratus) Ag 'S C / Q ANTO BALB / PR' (3,83g) C:VF,F Cr 364/1c, Albert 1242.
numismatics documents and letters ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Cyzicus / Galerius 311. Follis Cu (6,6g) T:3 Roman Empire / Cyzicus / Galerius 311. Follis Cu 'GAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG / GENIO A-VGVSTI - A - ... - MKV' (6,6g) C:F RIC VI 65.
numismatics ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Róma / I. Constantinus 312-313. Follis Cu (3,32g) T:2- Roman Empire / Rome / Constantine I 312-313. Follis Cu 'IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI - RQ' (3,32g) C:VF RIC VI 349.
numismatics ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Róma / III. Gordianus 238-244. Antoninian Ag (4.24g) T:3 Roman Empire / Rome / Gordian III 238-244. Antoninianus Ag 'IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG / FELICIT TEMP' (4.24g) C:F RIC 140., RSC 71.
numismatics documents and letters ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Sirmium / Jovianus 363-364. AE3 Cu (2,62g) T:2- ph. Roman Empire / Sirmium / Jovian 363-364. AE3 Cu 'D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG / VOT V MVLT X - BSIRM' (2,62g) C:VF edge error RIC VIII 118.
numismatics ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Sirmium / Valens 364. As Cu (2,14g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Sirmium / Valens 364. As Cu 'DN VALEN-S PF AVG / GLORIA RO-MANORVM - ASIRM' (2,14g) C:XF,VF RIC IX 4b
roman republic / empire ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Róma / Trebonius Gallus 251-253. Antoninianus Ag (3.10g) T:3 rep. Roman Empire / Rome / Trebonius Gallus 251-253. Antoninianus Ag 'IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG / PIETAS AVGG' (3.10g) C:F cracked RIC IV 41.
numismatics ancient states |
Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. AE3 Cu (2,06g) T:2,2- Roman Empire / Siscia / Valentinian I 367-375. AE3 Cu 'D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE - *P-M - GammaSISC' (2,06g) C:XF,VF RIC IX 15.
numismatics ancient states |