banknotes of cyprus - Coin Auctions

Lot 6862 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6862 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

1 Pound (1.2.1992) in dark brown and multicolor. Mosaic of nymph Acme at right and arms at top center-left on face. S/N: "AK 566036". WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (FCOF). Inside holder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ". (Pick 53b) & (Spink CBC B13b).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6856 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6856 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

1 Pound (1.11.1982) in dark brown and multicolor. Mosaic of nymph Acme at right, arms at top center-left, bank name in outlined letters by dark unpt on face. S/N: "N 216684". WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PCGS "GEM UNC 65 PPQ". (Pick 50) & (Spink CBC B10b).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6875 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6875 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot of 2 banknotes composed of 5 Pounds (1.10.1990) & 5 Pounds (1.9.1995) in violet on multicolor unpt. Limestone head from Hellenistic period at left on face. One banknote with low S/N. WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holders by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ" & "Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ". (Pick 54a+54b) & (Spink CBC B14a+B14b).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6874 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6874 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Replacement of 20 Pounds (1.4.2004) in deep blue on multicolor unpt. Bust of Aphrodite at left on face. S/N: "Z 000644". WMK: Bust of Aphrodite. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ / Replacement". (Pick 63c*) & (Spink CBC B21c*).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6869 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6869 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

5 Pounds (1.9.2003) in purple and violet on multicolor unpt. Archaic limestone head of young man at left on face. S/N: "R 791313". WMK: Bust of Aphrodite. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ". (Pick 61b) & (Spink CBC B19c).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6863 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6863 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

1 Pound (1.9.1995) in dark brown and multicolor. Mosaic of nymph Acme at right and arms at top center-left on face. Dot added near upper left corner on face. S/N: "BA 786446". WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (FCOF). Inside holder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ". (Pick 53d) & (Spink CBC B13e).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6857 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6857 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Specimen of 1 Pound (1.11.1982) in dark brown and multicolor. Mosaic of nymph Acme at right, arms at top left center, bank name in outlined letters by dark unpt on face. S/N: "L 000000". Red ovpt "SPECIMEN" at center and "SPECIMEN NO VALUE / DELARUE & Co LTD" at upper left and lower right corners on both sides. WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ". (Pick 50s) & (Spink CBC B10bs).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6851 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6851 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

5 Pounds (1.6.1979) in violet on multicolor unpt. Limestone head from Hellenistic period at left and arms at upper center-right on face. S/N: "E 687794". WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PCGS "GEM UNC 66 PPQ". (Pick 47) & (Spink CBC B7a).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6870 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6870 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

10 Pounds (1.9.2003) in olive-green and blue-green on multicolor unpt. Marble head of Artemis at left and arms at upper center on face. Low S/N: "AV 000998. WMK: Bust of Aphrodite. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PCGS "CHOICE UNC 64 PPQ". (Pick 62d) & (Spink CBC B20e).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus
Lot 6864 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus -  A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

Lot 6864 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus - A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

10 Pounds (1.2.1992) in dark green and blue-black on multicolor unpt. Archaic bust at left on face. Low S/N: "AH 000139". WMK: Moufflon head. Printed by (TDLR). Inside holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ". (Pick 55b) & (Spink CBC B15e).

A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 718 (Part A) Coins, Medals & Banknotes

- PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes of cyprus