worldwide commemorative medallions - Coin Auctions

Lot 30436 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30436 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Nagy-Britannia 1851. 'Viktória királynő és Albert herceg / Nemzetközi Világkiállítás London 1851' fém emlékérem. Szign.: Allen & Moore (50,5mm) T:2- karc
Great Britain 1851. 'Queen Victoria and Prince Albert / The International Industrial Exhibition London 1851' metal commemorative medal. Sign.: Allen & Moore (50,5mm) C:VF scratched

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30431 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30431 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Franciaország 1926. '50 éves a Nemzetközi Alvókocsi és az Európai Nagy Expressz Társaság 1876-1926' Br plakett hátoldalon 'V. CANALE' jelzéssel. Szign.: Henry Dropsy (47x91mm) T:2-
France 1926. '50th Anniversary of the International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company 1876-1926' Br plaque on the back with 'V. CANALE' mark. 'COMPAGNIE INTERNATIONALE DES WAGONS-LITS AT DES GRANDS EXPRESS EUROPÉENS 1876-1926 - SOUVENIR DE SON CINQUANTENAIRE'. Sign.: Henry Dropsy (47x91mm) C:VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30447 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30447 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Svájc 1891. 'A szövetségesek első konföderációjának 600. évfordulójára' Al emlékérem. Szign.: LAUER (50mm) T:2
Switzerland 1891. '600th Anniverary of the First Alliance of the Confederates' Al commemorative medallion. 'WIR WOLLEN SEIN EIN EINIG VOLK VON BRÜDENR, IN KEINER NOTH UNS TRENNEN UND GEFAHR / ZUR ERINNENRUNG AN DIE VI. SäKULARFEIER I. AUGUST - DES ERSTEN BUNDES DER EIDGENOSSEN 1891'. Sign.: LAUER (50mm) C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30426 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30426 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Csehszlovákia 1949. 'Kassa városa' Al plakett (60x40mm) T:2,2-
Czechoslovakia 1949. 'City of Kosice' Al plaque (60x40mm) C:XF,VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30442 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30442 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Románia 1891. 'I. Károly uralkodásának 25. évfordulója' Br emlékérem. Szign.: Anton Scharff (64mm) T:2,2-
Romania 1891. '25th Anniversary of Carol I's Reign' Br commeorative medallion. 'CAROL I REGE AL ROMANIEI 1866 1891'. Sign.: Anton Scharff (64mm) C:XF,VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30421 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30421 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Ausztria 1873. 'Bécsi Világkiállítás / A Jó Ízért' Br emlékérem. 'FRANZ JOSEPH I. KAISER VON OESTERREICH, KOENIG VON BOEHMEN ETC., APOST. KOENIG VON UNGARN - J. TAUTENHAYN / WELTAUSSTELLUNG 1873 WIEN - FÜR GUTEN GESCHMACK' Szign.: Joseph Tautenhayn / Cesar Weyr - Leisek (117g/70mm) T:2 több kis ph.
Austria 1873. 'The Vienna World Exhibition / For Good Taste' commemorative Br medallion Sign.: Joseph Tautenhayn / Cesar Weyr - Leisek (117g/70mm) C:XF several small edge errors
Hauser: 2919.

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30437 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30437 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Nagy Britannia / London (South Kensington) 1862. 'Nemzetközi Kiállítás' Ag emlékérem. (ALbert / Nemzetközi Kiállítás épületének külső nézete) Szign.: Christian Schnitzspahn F. / Jacques Wiener (41mm/35.72g) T:2,2-

Great Britain / London (South Kensington) 1862. 'International Exhibition' Ag commemorative medallion with portrait of Albert and the outside of the International Exhibition Building. 'TO THE COMMEMORATION OF HIS LATE R.H. THE PRINCE CONSORT ALBERT / INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 1862. STAMPED IN THE BUILDING BY H. UHLHORN OF GREVENBROICH, PRUSSIA' Sign: Christian Schnitzspahn F. / Jacques Wiener (41mm/35.72g) C:aXF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30432 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30432 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Görögország DN 'Hermész' Br plakett. Szign.: ST (125x99mm) T:2
Greece ND 'Hermes' Br plaque. Sign.: ST (125x99mm) C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30448 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30448 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Vatikán 1900. 'XIII. Leó / Szent Kapu' Br emlékérem. Szign.: Francesco Bianchi (30mm) T:2-
Vatican 1900. 'Pope Leo XIII / Holy Door' Br medal. 'LEO XIII PONT MAX AN XXII / VENITE AD ME OMNES HAEC EST PORTA DOMINI / AN MCM'. Sign.: Francesco Bianchi (30mm) C:VF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions
Lot 30427 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions -  Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Lot 30427 - numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions - Darabanth Co Ltd International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

Finnország / Helsinki 1951. 'XV. Olimpia / Helsinki 1952' Br részvételi emlékérem. Szign.: Kauko Räsänen (54mm) T:2
Finland / Helsinki 1951. 'XVth Olympic Games / Helsinki 1952' Br participation medal. Szign.: Kauko Räsänen (54mm) C:XF

Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #23

numismatics worldwide commemorative medallions