
Archives International Auctions

lot # 336 - foreign banknotes

Tuesday May 20, 2014 09:30 America/New_York
Last date for bids: 
May 20, 09:30 BST

De Nederlandsche Bank Voor Zuid Afrika Specimen Banknote. Pretoria, South Africa. ND (ca.1920's). 5 Pond, Series M, P-S633s, Unlisted specimen banknote. Black on cream colored paper with arms on top middle, Text in Afrikaans, back black with arms on left and bank logo on right. Text in middle of face begins with "Betaalt Aan Toonder te Betalen....". Star cancel, No "00000" serial numbers. Archival notation on lower left border with S/N 3726, The Note is one light corner fold away from Choice to Gem Uncirculated. Unpriced in SCWPM. J.H.Bussy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Printer. Possible Essay Color trial. Extremely rare note that will be a trophy in any advanced collection.