By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
lot # 30586 - hungarian commemorative medallions hungarian commemorative medallions
Anton Scharff (1845-1903) 1890. 'Az aradi vértanúk emlékére állított szobor alapítására' Ag emlékérem eredeti sérült tokban. '1890 OKTOBER 6. - DAMJANICH JÁNOS - NAGY-SÁNDOR JÓZSEF - AULICH LAJOS - KISS ERNÕ - GRÓF VÉCSEY KÁROLY - TÖRÖK IGNÁCZ - LAHNER GYÖRGY - KNEZICS KÁROLY - POELTENBERG ERNÕ - GRÓF LEININGEN KÁROLY - SCHWEIDEL JÓZSEF - DESSEWFFY ARISZTID - LÁZÁR VILMOS - 1849. OKTOBER 6.' (56mm/96.08g) T:2 ü., apró ph.
Hungary 1890. 'Commemorative Medal for the Inauguration of the Statue of the Arad Martyrs' Ag medallion in original case. Sign.: A. SCHARFF (56mm/96.08g) C:XF ding, small edge error
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Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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