
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 895 - zaire Banknotes & Albert Pick Collection

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Zaire - Banque du Zaire - Pick 30a - Linzmayer B115; 14.10.1984, 500 Zaires, #F1056628A, 7,5 x 15,2 cm, grau, violett, bunt, Mobutu in Militäruniform mittig rechts, Leopard nach links springend, Wappen unten rechts, rückseitig Spannbrücke über den Fluss mittig rechts, Wasserzeichen mit Mobutu, sehr gut erhalten! 10 October 1984, 500 Zaires, #F1056628A, 7.5 x 15.2 cm, grey, purple, multicolour, Mobutu in military dress at centre right, leopard at lower left facing left, arms at lower right, on back: Suspension bridge over river at centre right, in very good condition!



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HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG


The HWPH AG is one of the leaders of world-wide auction houses for historic investments. The team around Matthias Schmitt promotes two large scale auctions per year: one in Würzburg and... Read More

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