
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 945 - China Asia and Mid-East

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 302); Paris, 21.05.1913, 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 über 505 Francs = £ 20 = 409 Mark = 189,40 Rubel, #433611, braun, schwarz, rot, 45,8 x 32,9 cm, 3 Vignetten, KR (43 Restkupons), viersprachig, Knickfalten, nicht entwertet, ausgegeben durch die Banque de L'Indo Chine á Paris. Paris, 21 May 1913, 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 of 505 Francs = £ 20 = 409 Mark = 189,40 Rouble, #433611, 45,8 x 32,9 cm, brown, black, red, 3 vignettes, some coupons remaining (43 remaining coupons), text in four languages, no cancellation, folds, issued by the Banque de L'Indo Chine á Paris.

