
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 1932 - World Coins asia and middle-east

Thursday Jan 16, 2014 09:00 to Saturday Jan 18, 2014 19:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Jan 16, 09:00 GMT

TURKEY: Abdul Aziz, 1861-1876, Osmani Nishani order, ND, Order of Osmanie, seven-pointed dark green enamel, silver and silver-gilt star with ball-tipped finials and with three short faceted silver rays between each arm, on crescent and five-pointed star suspension; the face with a circular central red enamel medallion bearing a raised silver crescent and inscribed in gilt Arabic letters ‘Relying on the Assistance of Almighty God, Abdül-Azîz Khan, Sovereign of the Ottoman Empire’ within a circular green enamel ring; the reverse with a circular central silver medallion bearing a trophy of arms with crossed standards and drums, an oval plaque above bearing the date ‘699’ (AD1299), the year of the foundation of the Ottoman Empire; German or Austrian made, miniature medal, EF.
The Order was instituted on 4 January 1862 by Sultan Abdül-Azîz and became the second highest order of the Ottoman Empire. It was awarded to senior military and civil persons for outstanding meritorious service to the state, originally in three classes, but later, from 1867, in four. Awards to Turkish nationals were limited to 50 members of the first class, 200 of the second, 1000 of the third and 2000 of the fourth at any one time. A very fine example of the Order.
