
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 863 - China imperial

Thursday Jan 16, 2014 09:00 to Saturday Jan 18, 2014 19:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Jan 16, 09:00 GMT

CHOU: Anonymous, 1400-300 BC, cowrie money, LOT of 45 cowrie shells and imitations, early genuine white cowries (15), jade cowrie imitations (5), stone cowrie imitations (2), mother of pearl imitation cowries, one broken (5), clay burial cowrie imitations (2), large 82mm abalone cowrie imitation, a very unusual and rare piece (1), bronze cowrie imitations (3), gold plated bronze cowrie imitations, one broken (2), ant-nose money cowrie imitations (6), plus incomplete (as made) an yang square foot spade cast in lead for burial (1), clay ming hua early round coin imitation for burial (1), clay ban liang coin imitation for burial (1), and a broken clay burial coin (1), a very interesting lot of cowries and imitations especially the large piece in abalone! lot of 45 pieces, Fine, ex Ernest A. Ikenberry Collection.
Archaeologists have found that the distribution of cowrie finds coincides with the gradual acquisition of territories by the Zhou dynasty and noble lords. The natural supply of cowrie shells from the coastal regions could not meet the growing demand inland. People began to make imitation cowries out of bone, horn, shell, stone, clay, lead, bronze, gold and silver. However, not all the cowries and imitation cowries were used as money. Cowrie shells were also used as decoration, for example on clothes. Some cowries and imitation cowries have been found in tombs as money for the dead.
