Preise Realisiert

lot # 163 - General - Thematics

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023 17:00 Europe/London

BIRDS Letters 'M-N' Birds on Stamp collection incls: Montserrat 657-64. Namibia 649-52 (35c value damaged), 664, 713-16, MS717, 790-4 as a booklet, 808, 813, 814, 815, MS867. Nauru 176-78 & 410-13. Nepal 349-52 & 640-43. Netherlands Antilles 476 m.m. & 553. Netherlands New Guinea 25-29, 38-40 & 60-62. Nevis 269-76, 285-92 601-20 (as singles), 1181-89 & 1318-29. New Caledonia 306-08 m.m. 586-87, 744-50, 890-99, MS996, 1034 & 1041-46. u.m. unless stated. (122 & 5 MS + 1 Blkt). Cat £160 {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £35.20)

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About The Seller

Universal Philatelic Auctions

2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More

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