Beendete Auktionen
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 5056 - imperial post
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
1890 (Sep 29) Macao to Ningpo cover,f.w. Luis I 5r, 10r and 25r, tied by Macao cds. On reverse with Hong Kong, Shanghai BPO, Shanghai Customs transit and Ningpo Customs arrival cds. VF-F.
1890年9月29日澳門寄寧波海關封,貼路易士5分、10分、及25分各一枚,銷澳門圓戳,背面有香港、上海英國客郵局、上海海關中轉戳及綠色寧波海關到達戳。上品。f.w. Luis I 5r, 10r and 25r, tied by Macao cds. On reverse with Hong Kong, Shanghai BPO, Shanghai Customs transit and Ningpo Customs arrival cds. VF-F.