Euro Portugal including year sets 2002-2014 BU (12) with rare 2007, 10 Euro 2003/2004 Nautica Proof in etui with certificate and year set 2004 Natal - mintage only 150
Auction 257 - Day 2 Netherlands and Colonies collections and stock, Coins, Medals and Paper Money
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Auction 257 - Day 2 Netherlands and Colonies collections and stock, Coins, Medals and Paper Money
The 257th sale features an impressive Bosnia collection (the D.M. van Gelderen collection including proofs and many variaties). Furthermore we offer specialised and large collections of Italy, Latin America and Poland. An extensive philatelic library is also on sale for collectors of philatelic literature.
For Netherlands collectors and dealers this sale features the 2nd part of Dutch collector C. Avezaat (Netherlands and Colonies single frankings and fdc's). In addition the 2nd part of postal historian C. van Hoek is included. These 2 name sales are supported by a wide and diverse range of single lots, collections and stock of our other consignors.
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- Coins and Paper Money (23) Apply Coins and Paper Money filter
- dutch colonies (91) Apply dutch colonies filter
- Dutch East Indies Japanese Occupation (1) Apply Dutch East Indies Japanese Occupation filter
- Dutch West Indies (43) Apply Dutch West Indies filter
- foreign coins (219) Apply foreign coins filter
- foreign medals (2) Apply foreign medals filter
- Main catalogue (1) Apply Main catalogue filter
- medals (3) Apply medals filter
- Netherlands (89) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands and colonies (422) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- Netherlands and Dutch Colonies (18) Apply Netherlands and Dutch Colonies filter
- numismatics (4) Apply numismatics filter
Lot #2338 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro San Marino year sets 2002-2015 (15) – BU in blisters
Lot #2339 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro San Marino year sets 2008-2014 (6) including 2 euro Bramante in 2014 set - Proof in original packages
Lot #2340 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro San Marino including 5 and 10 Euro 2002-2004 (5) - Proof in etuis
Lot #2341 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro San Marino 2 Euro Commemorative 2006-2015 (9) - BU in blisters
Lot #2342 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Slovakia year sets 2011, 2013 and 2014 with silver medal - mintage 1.000, 1.500 and 1.300 - BU in wooden boxes with certificates, year sets 2010-2015 (12) - BU in blisters and first set of Slovak Euro coins 2009
Lot #2343 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Slovenia Slovenia year sets 2007-2014 - BU (11) including 2 x 2011 and 2010 baby euro set, Slovakia set 2015 - Prooflike in blister (6) and Slovakia Euro set 2009 - Proof
Lot #2344 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Spain Proof sets 2002-2014 (11) in etuis with certificates, serie plata 1997 and 1998 with 1, 5 and 25 Euro in wooden box with certificates, proof silver coins in etuis (19) including 10 Euro 2003 XXV Antiversario de la Constitución española and 10 Euro Dali 2004 (2), year sets 1999-2014 (17) and Euro sets Emissión del Euro 2008-2015 (14) – BU
Lot #2345 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican year sets 2002-2009 (14) - BU in blisters including 2005 Sede Vacante
Lot #2346 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican 5 Euro Proof sets 2002-2012 (13) - in etuis with certicates
Lot #2347 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican commemorative 2 Euro 2004-2009 (8) - BU in blisters
Lot #2348 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican 10 Euro sets 2003-2012 (7) - Proof in etuis and Medal 2014 of Fransiscus with certicates
Lot #2349 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican 10 Euro sets 2002-2007 (6) - Proof in etuis with certicates
Lot #2350 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican probe/prova sets 2004-2006 (18) - UNC
Lot #2351 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican year sets 2010-2015 (6) - BU in blisters
Lot #2352 - foreign coins Euro Coins
Euro Vatican 2 Euro 2010-2014 (6) - BU in blisters
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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