JALIL Guillermo & GOTTIG José Luis: Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina (2018/2019 edition), 2 volumes, hardbound, 728 pages. Free downloadable updates will be available for later issues. It includes ALL the Argentina stamps issued up until late 2018, with errors, varieties in perforations, papers, watermarks, etc., with photographs of catalogued varieties, and explanations to help the readers identify...
Auction # 2413 ARGENTINA: General auction including rarities, varieties and much more!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2413 ARGENTINA: General auction including rarities, varieties and much more!
Selection of lots of all periods with very low and tempting prices, it includes pre-stamp mail, classics, stamps and sets of all periods, varieties, proofs and essays, postal history and much more! With material for every budget and type of collector!
Sale Terms
Lot #2 - Argentina books
"Joyas Filatélicas de la República Argentina 1862-1867", 337 pages, fantastic book recently published, author Pablo Reim, editor Guillermo Jalil. Excellent work with illustrations in full color of the great pieces and letters of the "Escuditos" and "Rivadavias" issues. It also includes other very interesting chapters: Pre-stamp mail postal marks, cancels applied on classic issues, and a short but attractive introduction to Argentine...
Lot #3 - argentine antarctica postal history
Postcard with view of cargo ship "Santa Micaela", with postmark of Gral. San Martín Antarctic base for 15/MAR/1951
Lot #4 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover with cancel of General San Martín base, very nice
Lot #5 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover with postmark of "BASE CONJUNTA ANTÁRTIDA", sent to B.Aires on 27/OC/1961, franked with $1 (GJ.1191), arrival backstamp
Lot #6 - argentine antarctica postal history
3 Covers sent from different Antarctic bases to B.Aires during the 1964-1965 campaign, all with arrival backstamp
Lot #7 - argentine antarctica postal history
Postcard illustrated with map of Antarctica, with postmarks of 3 different bases
Lot #8 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover sent from Belgrano Antarctic base to Salta on 9/JUL/1973, signed by officer in charge of post office at the base, with B.Aires arrival mark, VF
Lot #9 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover with handstamp of Marambio Antarctic base of 24/SE/1973, with a number of very attractive marks on back
Lot #10 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover flown by helicopter from icebreaker San Martín to Palmer station (USA) on 27/NO/1973, with a number of marks, very nice
Lot #11 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover with cancel of the postal agency of icebreaker ARA Gral San Martín 14/DE/1973 + other Russian handstamps
Lot #12 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover sent from PETREL Antarctic base to B.Aires on 18/DE/1973, arrival mark
Lot #13 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover sent from icebreaker Gral.San Martin to Salta on 10/DE/1974, signed by officer, VF
Lot #14 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover with large handstamp on front of "Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - Fuerza Aérea Argentina", with datestamp of Marambio Antarctic base 29/NO/1983
Lot #15 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover sent from Antarctica to Villa María (Córdoba) in JA/1984, on front postmarks of 2 different Antarctic stations, and on back "Correspondencia Recibida de la Antártida" + "80° Aniversario Primer Correo Antártico del Mundo", very nice
Lot #16 - argentine antarctica postal history
Cover sent from Esperanza base to B.Aires on 28/DE/1987
Lot #17 - argentine antarctica lots
4 Different postcards with very nice views
Lot #18 - argentine antarctica other items
Lot containing: 1)brochure of the first cruise trip by FANU (with the rates and route), 2) leaflet of Dirección de Turismo of Tierra del Fuego with information of year 1961, 3) 40-page brochure edited by Commander in chief of the Army, with information about Argentine Antarctica and the work of the Armed Forces there, interesting lot
Block of 4 printed on Dutch paper with postmark of Islas Orcadas 14/FE/1943
Cover sent from B.Aires to Islas Orcadas on 28/JUL/1962, arrival cancel, with several attractive marks on front and back, including signatures of the commander and scientific chief of the base, very nice
Lot #21 - ARGENTINE ANTARCTICA - ORCADAS postal history
GJ.2225, A100, marginal block of 8, with postmark of Orcadas Antarctic base 24/MAR/1991
Lot #22 - Argentina gauchitos
GJ.1/, 4 Reales, Post rider, signed by Solari, excellent quality
Lot #23 - Argentina BARQUITO
GJ.5, Dos Ps, light blue, small defects in the top border, else superb
Lot #24 - Argentina barquitos
Paley reprint of the Dos Ps black on medium cream paper, VF quality
Lot #25 - Argentina barquitos
Paley reprint of the Dos Ps black on white paper, VF quality