Rare PC with view "Ricordo della commemorazione del XX Settembre nella República Argentina-1902", franked with 3c. Liberty and sent to Italy on 24/SE/1902, VF!
Auction # 2416 ARGENTINA: Very good selection of interesting lots with very low prices!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2416 ARGENTINA: Very good selection of interesting lots with very low prices!
Notable sale of good material of all periods, including from common stamps that are difficult to find to important rarities, all with very attractive starting prices for every budget!
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Lot #877 - Argentina postal history
10 Covers sent from LA PLATA between 1904/1934, VF quality
Lot #878 - Argentina postal history
23/AP/1904: Gualeguay - Estancia Santa Ana, MANDISOVÍ (Entre Ríos), 5c. stationery envelope with transit marks of Concordia and handstamp of "SARMIENTO" LIBRARY OF MANDISOVY, VF quality, rare!
Lot #879 - Argentina postal history
5c. Stationery envelope sent to Buenos Aires (circa 1905) with rectangular datestamp of traveling PO, VF quality
Lot #880 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent to Correa (Santa Fe)(circa 1906), franked with 5c., with cancel of BUSTINZA (Santa Fe), green arrival backstamp
Lot #881 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with 13c (GJ.300x2 + 302 + 306) posted in Buenos Aires on 25/MAY/1910, with arrival backstamp of Montevideo, VF!
Lot #882 - Argentina postal history
Circa 1911: 5c. Stationery envelope sent to B.Aires, cancelled "SUCURSAL Nº5 F.C.S. Nº37", VF
Lot #883 - Argentina postal history
2 Covers and 1 lettercard used between 1913 and 1915 with cancels of "BUENOS AIRES - SUC. Nº22", VF
Lot #884 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent from Santa Fe to Buenos Aires on 1/JA/1915, without postage and with due mark, interesting postal marks on front and back!
Lot #885 - Argentina postal history
5 Covers with numeral sorting marks, used between 1916 and 1925, VF quality
Lot #886 - Argentina postal history
Commercial cover franked with 5c., sent from Buenos Aires to Rosario on 2/DE/16, arrival backstamp, VF
Lot #887 - Argentina postal history
Advertising cover: "Vaucheret & Wiener, importers of drugs and perfumery articles", franked with pair of 5c. Centenary of Independence, and sent from Buenos Aires to San Juan on 15/DE/1916, excellent quality!
Lot #888 - Argentina postal history
GJ.456, franking a commercial cover sent from Buenos Aires to Rosario on 3/JUL/18, arrival backstamp, VF
Lot #889 - Argentina postal history
Advertising cover (hatter) sent to France from Buenos Aires on 10/SE/1918, franked with 12c., VF quality
Lot #890 - Argentina postal history
Circa. 1920: Cover franked with 5c., sent to Estación Correa, with datestamp of CARCARAÑÁ (Santa Fe), VF
Lot #891 - Argentina postal history
Cover with advertising chachet of "La Europea" pasta factory, franked with 5c. San Martín, used in Buenos Aires on 14/JUN/1920, VF!
Lot #892 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover sent from Buenos Aires to Verviers (Belgium) on 3/FE/1921, franked 24c. San Martin, VF quality
Lot #893 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with 30c. (GJ.535 in strip of 6), sent to Mar del Plata on 19/NO/1921, VF!
Lot #894 - Argentina postal history
5c. Stationery envelope sent to Buenos Aires on 9/SE/1922 with datestamp of HUINCA RENANCO (Cordoba), VF quality
Lot #895 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent from Buenos Aires to Burnley (Great Britain) on 2/AU/1923, colorful postage consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10c. San Martín with period (GJ.563, 564, 577, 566, 567 and 568)(total 25c.)
Lot #896 - Argentina postal history
5c. Lettersheet (PS) datelined inside "Villa Raquel 10/ABR/1924", to Buenos Aires, with rare railway mobile cancel "SUCURSAL Nº5 - F.C.S. Nº8" in double circle datestamp, VF!
Lot #897 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover franked with 25c. (5c. on wove paper + 2x 10c. San Martin w/o period, printed on ribbed paper), sent from PUEBLO NUEVO JUNIN (B.Aires) to Trenque Lauquen (B.Aires) on 13/OC/1925, with datestamps of both places
Lot #898 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent to Temperley on 12/FE/1927, franked with 5c., with cancel of CANAL SAN FERNANDO, VF quality
Lot #899 - Argentina postal history
Cover franked with 12c. (GJ.624 alone), used in Buenos Aires in AU/1927.
Lot #900 - Argentina postal history
11/OC/1929: 1st airmail Buenos Aires - New York via Pacific by PANAGRA, postcard franked with $1.09, VF