Day of Issue of the Penny Black 1840 (6 May): Stampless prepaid cover with full content from Turriff to Aberdeen, struck on front by circular "PAID AT TURRIFF" handstamp, on reverse framed "TURRIFF / MY 6 1840" datestamp in the same brownish shade.
Auction 321 - 332 Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth - Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 321 - 332 Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth - Day 3
Montag 3. Juni 2024 / Monday 3 June 2024
9:00 h 40001 – 40488 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Westaustralia
14:00 h 2001 – 2392 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland
18:30 h 3001 – 3134 323: Brazil 1843 –1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part I)
Dienstag 4. Juni 2024 / Tuesday 4 June 2024
9:00 h 40489 – 40726 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) Commonwealth of Australia
11:30 h 3201 – 3318 324: New South Wales – including the „Mint“ Collection of Peter Campbell
13:00 h 2393 – 2840 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South frica, South West Africa, Sudan
18:00 h 3501 – 3782 325: Panama – The Classic Period 1807–1904 – The Álvaro Castro-Harrigan Collections
Mittwoch 5. Juni 2024 / Wednesday 5 June 2024
9:00 h 1 – 556 321: Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth
- Australian States “Unused” – The Peter Campbell Collection (part III)
- The “Huntingfield” Block – Australia‘s unissued Edward VIII Stamp 1936
- The “Lady Bridget Blue-Bell” Collection – “The smallest and most complete collection of Lady McLeod possible”
- African Airmail 1911–1945 – The Mike Roberts Collection
14:00 h 557 – 740 321: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
16:00 h 4001 – 4376 326: Great Britain 1840–1910 – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part V)
Donnerstag 6. Juni 2024 / Thursday 6 June 2024
9:00 h 741 – 841 321: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
842 – 1361 321: Europe & Overseas Europe A –Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part II)
14:30 h 1362 – 1418 321: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations
15:00 h 5001 – 5422 327: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part I)
Freitag 7. Juni 2024 / Friday 7 June 2024
9:00 h 6001 – 6413 328: Romania – Special Catalogue
12:30 h 7001 – 7174 329: Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction
14:30 h 9001 – 9335 331: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1862, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Schweiz – Ziffermuster 1882–1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil III)
17:30 h 9336 – 9534 331: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 8. Juni 2024 / Saturday 8 June 2024
9:00 h 8101 – 8207 331: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie - Wehrwesen in der Schweiz – Die Sammlung Rolf Leuthard
10:00 h 8001 – 8053 330: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil II)
11:00 h 8208 – 8532 331: Altschweiz Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken (Rayon I dunkelblau und Rayon II gelb)
14:30 h 8533 – 8772 331: Altschweiz Rayonmarken (Rayon I hellblau bis Rayon III rot), Strubel
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Lot #2 - europe Great Britain
Day of Issue of the Penny Black 1840 (6 May): Stampless official entire circular letter from the Treasury Chambers to the Clerk of the Peace in Worcester, struck on front by crowned "PAID 6 MY 6 1840" datestamp in red. Rare.
Lot #3 - europe Great Britain
1850 (14 Oct.): Stampless entire letter from Watchet to New York, internally dated "Doniford October 14 1850" with manuscript "Paid 1/-" on front, very fine strike of "Watchet / Penny Post" handstamp in black, partly overstruck by US "5 CENTS" handstamp in red, TAUNTON transit in blue and London PAID transit in red alongside. Unusual and most attractive.
Lot #4 - europe Great Britain
1854: Unpaid entire sent from Hudderfield, England to Sira (Syros Island), Greece, dated 14 September 1854, endorsed 'Via Belgium', with Hudderfield towndated circular in blue-green to front, a number of manuscript charge marks to front, to reverse a London transit in red dated 15 September, a German Aachen mark also in red dated 16 September, Trieste (Italy) 20 September in black and a Greek mark in black, cover is stained and soiled, has...
Lot #5 - europe Great Britain
1866: Entire letter to Trieste with Birmingham despatch cds (April 28) in black, London transit cds and "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN" transit (April 29) in blue and struck with fine "35" kreuzer charge marking (Van der Linden fig. 3187) on obverse in blue at Aachen. Fresh and fine entire that opens well for Exhibit display.
Lot #6 - europe Great Britain
Mulready 1 d. envelope, stereo A136, very fine used example cancelled by bold red Maltese Cross, mailed from Stratford-On-Avon with red despatch cds on reverse (Dec 9) to Derby with fine arrival datestamp of the following day on front in red Gi = £ 500.
Lot #7 - europe Great Britain
1840: Mulready 1 d. black envelope, Substituted Stereo A173, a used example from London to Wolverhampton cancelled by fine Maltese Cross in red (just touching the base of Britannia) with reverse showing London despatch cds (May 30) in black. Scarce - an early date of use for this replaced stereo Gi ME2d = £ 650.
Lot #8 - europe Great Britain
1d. black, plate 2, lettered IH, a fine unused example, just cut into at upper left, three good to large margins, par original gum, fine, Gi = £ 12'500.rnRemark the stamp was part of a block of 10, which is documented with photocopies back to 1943.
Lot #9 - europe Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, plate 9, lettered DB, a used example with good to large margins on three sides, shaved at left, cancelled with black Maltese Cross.
Lot #10 - europe Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, plate 1a, lettered DE, with wide margins all round, used on 1840 cover from Boston (May 26) to Louth tied by two strikes of red Maltese Cross. File fold well clear of the fine adhesive. Attractive and rare letter from the first month of use
Lot #11 - europe Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, plate 8, lettered FL, a used example with touched to large margins with portions of adjoining stamps at left and at top, on 1841 entire letter from Liverpool to Funchal, Madeira, forwarded in London by Robert Foster, tied by red Maltese Cross. Reverse with Liverpool despatch cds and London cds (Jan 15) in red; obverse with Maritime charge of arrival "160" (reis) due in manuscript alongside the adhesive. A remarkable and rare...
Lot #12 - europe Great Britain
Crimean War Ingoing mail, 1855 (5 Oct.): Cover from Worcester to "Captain Norbury, The Carabineers, British Army Crimea", returned to Sherridge House, Worcester, bearing 1 d. red plate 11 lettered HE (corner fault) and 2 d. blue plate 4 lettered MG, each tied '918' numeral of Worcester. Reverse with "LEIGH SINTON" undated circular handstamp in blue, WORCESTER cds's (SP 7 / OC 8), also London datestamps from the same days during outgoing and...
Lot #13 - europe Great Britain
1855: 1 d. red-brown on lightly blued paper, Die II, Alphabet III, wmk. Large Crown, plate 35, two blocks of twelve, ED/HF and EG/HI forming an unused block of twenty-four, thins and some gum creasing as usual for such a large multiple, of fine colour and large part og. As a block of twenty-four the largest recorded multiple of plate 35 in the Karl Louis card index. Gi C8(1) = £ 5'750+.rnNote: The adjoining block of twelve ID/JI is in the...
Lot #14 - europe Great Britain
1857: 1 d. rose-red on white paper, Die II, Alphabet III, wmk. Large Crown, perf. 14, plate 57, lettered AA-AC / DA-DC, an unused corner marginal block of twelve, with Plate Number 57 in margin and imprint "Price 1d. Per Label. 1/- Per Row of 12. £1....Per" at top, of frewsh and fine appearance, large part og. Rare and most attractive, the second largest unused block from pl 57 recorded in the Karl Louis card index. Gi C10. rnProvenance:...
Lot #15 - europe Great Britain
1861 (16 Aug.): Envelope from Belfast, Ireland to Port Louis, Mauritius bearing a horizontal strip of six Penny Red rose-red lettered HG-HL in vivid colour and overall good condition, some blunted teeth at base, rightmost stamp with folds and scuffs due to its position nearby the cover's edge, tied by four clear strikes of "BELFAST / 62" duplex, reverse with CLOUGH and thimble LONDON transit cds's in blue as well as "MAURITIUS SP 22 61"...
Lot #16 - europe Great Britain
1864/79: 1 d. rose-red, plate 206, lettered GA-GF / NA-NF, an unused block of forty-eight, sheet marginal at left with imprint "Per Row of 12 £1....Per Sheet. Place the Labels ABOVE the Address and on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the Letter. In Wetting the Back be careful not", and the centre line ornament in full, fresh colour, large part or unmounted og with usual wrinkles. A most attractive large multple and the largest recorded multiple from pl...
Lot #17 - europe Great Britain
1871: 1 d. red, plate 148, four singles, used in combination with 1875 2½ d. rosy-mauve, plate 1, horizontal pair, on registered cover, from Newcastle to St Petersburg, Russia, dated 13 August 1875, tied by '545' barred oval in black, registered ovals from Newcastle and London alongside (overlapping) dated 13th and 14th respectively, to reverse arrivals dated 6 August 1875 (Julian calender - add 12 days) in black, flap with printed 'A....
Lot #18 - europe Great Britain
Destination Faroe Islands, 1873 (Aug 18): Entire from Liverpool to Tvøroyri / Tverå at the Faroe Island of Suðuroy, endorsed "via Granton", bearing 1867 3 d. rose printed from the scarce Plate 10 and 1 d. lake-red (Pl.164), both tied with "LIVERPOOL / 466" duplex, with Edinburgh transit cds (19 Aug) on reverse. A fine letter with a very rare destination.
Lot #19 - europe Great Britain
1861 (7 Aug.): Stationery cover from Bridge of Earn to Singapore, the 1 d. indicium uprated by 2 d. blue plate 9 lettered AB and 6 d. lilac, tied by '60' barred numeral, reverse with "BRIDGE OF EARN" despatch cds, DUNNING and LONDON transit (8 Aug.) cds's.
Lot #20 - europe Great Britain
1863 (20 March): Cover from Aberdeen to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, bearing 2 d. blue plate 9 lettered SL, 4 d. pale red lettered EL and 6 d. lilac lettered HE tied by neat strikes of "ABERDEEN / 1" duplex datestamps. Front struck by "BOSTON BR: PKT. / 24 PAID" datestamp (5 April) and "5 CENTS" accountancy mark, both in red. Part of backflap missing, nevertheless a most attractive item.
Lot #21 - europe Great Britain
1855 (29 Nov.): Embossed 1 s. green, Die 2, with large margins all round, used on cover with full contents from London to Sing Sing, New York tied by London '17' numeral obliterator and by circular "AM PACKET / Dec 13 / PAID / 24" in red with '21 / CENTS' accountancy marking in red. London despatch datestamp (Nov 29) on reverse of a charming entire, very scarce so fine. Cert. Holcombe (1995).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 91 (March 1996), lot...
Lot #22 - europe Great Britain
1847/54: 10 d. brown and 1 s. green used on Nov. 1853 cover from Brighton to a military address in Bellary, India, both cut square but touching design, 1 s. with clipped corner at top right.
Lot #23 - europe Great Britain
1857 (16 Sept.): Cover from London to Parramatta nearby Sydney, New South Wales, endorsed "overland Mail via Marseilles", bearing two examples of 1 s. green, both wing marginal at left, tied by London Inland Office '30' numeral, reverse thimble LONDON in blue. Also on reverse "SYDNEY / N.S.W." and "PARRAMATTA / N.S.W." datestamps (18 Nov.). Some edge wear, but an interesting 2 s. rate cover up to ¾ oz.
Lot #24 - europe Great Britain
1859 (20 April): Registered Cover from Bridgeport to Worcester, Massachusetts USA, bearing 1 s. green and 6 d. lilac, the latter with tear paying the registration fee, both tied by '127' barred numeral with matching thimble BRIDGEPORT despatch cds alongside, also on front "CROWN / REGISTERED" handstamp of London, oval "REGISTERED / LONDON" transit datestamp, "BOSTON / PAID MAY 6" cds and '24' accountancy, all in red. Reverse with LONDON cds...
Lot #25 - europe Great Britain
1865 (24 Nov.): Lettersheet from Glasgow to Port Louis, Mauritius, endorsed "via Marseilles", bearing 1863 left winged 4 d. bright red and 1865 right winged 6 d. lilac, fresh colour and overall good perforation with some blunted teeth, tied by "GLASGOW / 159" duplex, reverse with thimble LONDON transit cds in red as well as "MAURITIUS DE 27 65" arrival cds, front with handstruck "4½ d" credit in red to Mauritius for the P & O mail...
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More