1861 (11 Nov): General Receipt - Fatura Generalu for the diligence travelling from Jassy to Michaeleni and vive versa giving inside detailed information for the postal stations en route being Jassy, Podu Iloa, Totoestii, Socii, Lala, Vacnita, Botosani, Barjea and finally Michealeni. The receipt shows strikes of the tombstone datestamp of Jassy, the document lists passengers, their destination and the fee for the journey and separately for...
Auction 321 - 332 Romania – Special Catalogue, Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction, Schweiz & Liechtenstein - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 321 - 332 Romania – Special Catalogue, Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction, Schweiz & Liechtenstein - Day 5
Montag 3. Juni 2024 / Monday 3 June 2024
9:00 h 40001 – 40488 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Westaustralia
14:00 h 2001 – 2392 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland
18:30 h 3001 – 3134 323: Brazil 1843 –1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part I)
Dienstag 4. Juni 2024 / Tuesday 4 June 2024
9:00 h 40489 – 40726 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) Commonwealth of Australia
11:30 h 3201 – 3318 324: New South Wales – including the „Mint“ Collection of Peter Campbell
13:00 h 2393 – 2840 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South frica, South West Africa, Sudan
18:00 h 3501 – 3782 325: Panama – The Classic Period 1807–1904 – The Álvaro Castro-Harrigan Collections
Mittwoch 5. Juni 2024 / Wednesday 5 June 2024
9:00 h 1 – 556 321: Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth
- Australian States “Unused” – The Peter Campbell Collection (part III)
- The “Huntingfield” Block – Australia‘s unissued Edward VIII Stamp 1936
- The “Lady Bridget Blue-Bell” Collection – “The smallest and most complete collection of Lady McLeod possible”
- African Airmail 1911–1945 – The Mike Roberts Collection
14:00 h 557 – 740 321: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
16:00 h 4001 – 4376 326: Great Britain 1840–1910 – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part V)
Donnerstag 6. Juni 2024 / Thursday 6 June 2024
9:00 h 741 – 841 321: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
842 – 1361 321: Europe & Overseas Europe A –Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part II)
14:30 h 1362 – 1418 321: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations
15:00 h 5001 – 5422 327: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part I)
Freitag 7. Juni 2024 / Friday 7 June 2024
9:00 h 6001 – 6413 328: Romania – Special Catalogue
12:30 h 7001 – 7174 329: Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction
14:30 h 9001 – 9335 331: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1862, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Schweiz – Ziffermuster 1882–1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil III)
17:30 h 9336 – 9534 331: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 8. Juni 2024 / Saturday 8 June 2024
9:00 h 8101 – 8207 331: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie - Wehrwesen in der Schweiz – Die Sammlung Rolf Leuthard
10:00 h 8001 – 8053 330: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil II)
11:00 h 8208 – 8532 331: Altschweiz Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken (Rayon I dunkelblau und Rayon II gelb)
14:30 h 8533 – 8772 331: Altschweiz Rayonmarken (Rayon I hellblau bis Rayon III rot), Strubel
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Lot #6023 - europe Romania
1861 (20 Nov): Receipt detailing packets from Piatra via Roman to Jassy, bearing double-circle PIATRA despatch in blue and JASSY tombstone arrival datestamp in black.
Lot #6024 - europe Romania
1861: Registered prepaid entire letter from Jassy to Galatz with "JASSY / MOLDOVA" cds (June 3) of despatch (Kiriac fig. 292), "RECEPISSE" italic registration cachet and fine strike of oval manuscript filled "FRANCO / JASSY / "51" Lei / "10" Par" handstamp (Kiriac fig. 1483), all struck in blue with weight and value "23 ducats" in manuscript below. Reverse with "Tekutsch" transit and Galatz arrival cds's. File fold but markings very fine, a...
Lot #6025 - europe Romania
1861: Entire letter to Ploesti struck on despatch with two line dated "BRAILA / IUL 14" Latin datestamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 236) with manuscript '12' rate at right. This datestamp known in use for circa 15 months (3 March 1861-12 June 1862) only. Scarce and fine. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6026 - europe Romania
1861c.: Small envelope sent registered to a Doctor in Roman, Moldavia endorsed "via Focsani" at top left, struck with fine "BUCAREST / WALACHEI" circular datestamp (July 3) in blue (Kiriac fig. 269) and rare oval framed "KU RECEPIS" (for return receipt) also in blue (Kiriac fig. 1475). Reverse with both Cyrillic "FOKSCHANI / IUL 4" datestamp in blue (fig. 244) and "Fokschani / Moldova" cds (July 6) in red (fig. 275). Charged '80' parale in...
Lot #6027 - europe Romania
1862 (1 Aug): Receipt detailing letters carried from Ismail to Cahul, bearing "ISMAIL MOLDOVA" despatch and "KAHUL MOLDOVA" double circle cds's in red.
Lot #6028 - europe Romania
1862: Prepaid entire letter to Jassy struck with superb framed "FRANCO / GALATZ" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 308), with "Galatz / Moldova" cds (Nov 6) at left and reverse with Jassy arrival in blue (Nov 9). A charming entire: illustrated in the London Philatelist, volume 89, March-April 1980 on page 52.
Lot #6029 - europe Romania
1868: Entire letter from Craiova to Galatz struck with "CRAIOVA" despatch cds (July 2) in black (Kiriac fig. 387), manuscript tax "28" bani in blue crayon - 18 bani postage + 10 bani as tax due - with "Bucuresci / Dimineata" arrival cds in black displaying well on flap (July 4). Scarce, illustrated and discussed in Gabby Sassower's article in the London Philatelist, Volume 87, Sept-Oct 1987, page 136.
Lot #6030 - europe Romania
1868 (12 Sept): Coach ticket for a journey from Bucharest to Giurgiu illustrating the diligences used also for postal services.
Lot #6031 - europe Romania
1869: Unpaid entire letter to Bucharest struck with superb "PLOESTI" circular datestamp (Oct 20) in blue (Kiriac fig. 427) and handstruck "28" bani due marking (18 bani postage + 10 bani due as tax) also in blue. Reverse with "Bucuresti / Dim" arrival cds (Oct 21) in black. A very fine and rare cover, this procedure with a special handstamp is only recorded from Ploesti. Illustrated in "Stampilografie Postala" by Kiriac Dragomir on page 291...
Lot #6032 - europe Romania
Lots & Collections, 1850s: Lot of 3 prephilatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillic handstamps of: "KALAFATU / OKT 25" in black (Kiriac fig. 240), "KRAIOVA / AVG 5" struck well in blue (fig. 243) and "PLOESCI / MAI 25" in red (fig. 249); fresh and generally very fine, a scarce group.
Lot #6033 - europe Romania
1853/1862: Pre-stamp lot containing (11) covers with Wallachian two line pre-philatelic postmarks (PV 53, illustrated in Kiriac, page 77). A good starting collection of this interesting field, with examples of BRAILA (one Cyrillic, two latin script items), BUKURESTI (1), KALAFATU (1), KARAKALU (2), KRAIOVA (1), OLTENITA (1), SEVERINU (1) and SLATINA (1). Condition generally fine throughout.
Lot #6034 - europe Romania
1854/60: Lot of 3 prephilatelic covers/entire letters each showing two line dated handstamps of latin "BRAILA / APR 4" in blue (Kiriac fig. 235), Cyrillic "BRAILA / OKT 3" in blackish-green on 1860 entire to Bucharest (fig. 236), and "OLTENITA / IUL 15" on 1858 entire (fig. 246) in black. Scarce .
Lot #6035 - europe Romania
1854/62: Cover lot with 3 pre-philatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillichandstamps of "SLATINA / AVG 12", "KRAIOVA / IUN 10" and "BEKETU / AVG 4" all struck in blue (Kiriac figs. 253, 243 & 234), this last also bearing the red wax seal of the Bechet Customs of the Border Guard Battalion (Kiriac KR1 fig. 170, page 61). Some stains and small faults but generally fine, a scarce group.
Lot #6036 - europe Romania
1854/62c. Lot of 3 pre-philatelic covers showing two line dated Cyrillic handstamps: "KALAFATU / MAI 19" in black (Kiriac fg. 240), scarce "KARAKALU / FEB 6" struck in blue (fig. 241) and "SEVERINU / IUL 29" in blue (fig. 252), this last signed Heimbüchler. Generally fine, a scarce group.
Lot #6037 - europe Romania
1857/58: Lot containing large part documents (3) bearing three different Braila disinfection/quarantine seals, two of them unrecorded by Kiriac Dragomir in 'Stampilografie postala' (see page 53). The first is a part document from 1858 bearing a round seal with part text "Punctul Braila...1857" (unrecorded); the second fragment from 1858 bears an oval seal illustrated by Kiriac (fig. 55) and described as K42; the third part document from 1858...
Lot #6038 - europe Romania
1857/60c.: Cover from Bottuschan to Terescheny, Bucovina endorsed at top "K.K. Starostie Bottuschan", struck with two line dated "BOTTUSCHAN / 10 NOV" handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 725) and unrecorded "RECOMANDIRT" at right, both in blue. Terescheny handstamp in black (Nov 11) on reverse and marked at '10' kr. to pay upon arrival. Sadly undated but nevertheless scarce. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6039 - europe Romania
Austrian PO's 1833: Prepaid cover to Leipzig, Prussia with very scarce oval "BUKUREST / IN DER WALACHEY" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 706), fine circular "SANITATIS SIGULLUM" cachet of disinfection (1833 Cholera outbreak) well struck in black and oval "VON / HERMANSTADT / FRANCO" transit in red at left (Müller 510d) and thence via Vienna. Refolded for better exhibit display, a rare cover. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6040 - europe Romania
Austrian Fieldpost 1854: Cover to Este endorsed from the Infantry Regiment in Bucharest, struck with two line dated "BUKAREST / 15 SEP." handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710), with Military cachet on reverse alongside Vienna transit cds (Sept 22) and Este arrival cds (Sept 25) all in black. Scarce. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6041 - europe Romania
Austria PO's 1854: Prepaid cover to France struck on despatch with two line dated "BUKAREST / 29 SEP" despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 710) and scarce oval "FRANCO" alongside (fig. 711). Octagonal framed "P.D." in black, mailed via Hermannstadt and Paris to Lizy sur Ourcy. Two pinholes on obverse but most attractive. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6042 - europe Romania
Austrian Fieldpost 1854: Cover to Brescia endorsed from the Infantry Regiment in Bucharest, struck with fine "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT / No. 1" circular datestamp (Oct 5) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 712) - an early date and possibly the earliest recorded as the Austrian Military presence was from 10 Sept 1854. Reverse with Hermannstadt and Kronstadt transits and Brescia arrival cds's alongside complete Regimental red wax seal. Rare cover. Ex...
Lot #6043 - europe Romania
Austrian PO's 1858/62: Bucharest: entire letters (3) to France, with 1858 prepaid entire struck with "BUKAREST" cds in black and scarce oval "FRANCO" to Paris (Tchilinghirian figs. 713 and 711); 1861 entire letter at double rate struck with scarce "BUCAREST / Abends" cds in black (fig. 717) and 1862 entire with "BUCAREST / Fruh" cds in black. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6044 - europe Romania
Austrian PO's 1861: Entire letter from Bucharest to Constantiunople struck with "BUCHAREST / Abends" despatch cds (Oct 8) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 717), with manuscript rate "5/20" (5 kr. by land, 20 kr. by sea) with "Constantinopel" arrival cds of Austrian P.O. on reverse (Oct 15) in black. File folds but a superb strike. Ex collection Sassower.
Lot #6045 - europe Romania
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1863: Arms 2 s. yellow, perf. 14, a used horizontal pair on 1864 Printed Matter rate cover to Vienna, tied by fine strike of "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Jan 1) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714), with Vienna arrival cds (Jan 4) on reverse. Horizontal filing fold well away from the adhesives, a rare rate and franking, especially so from this Office Ferchenbauer = € 2'000+.rnrnrn
Lot #6046 - europe Romania
Austrian Post Offices in Romania 1863: Arms 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, both perf. 14, the 15s. with rounded corner perf., used on 1864 cover to Vienna tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (July 19) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Vienna arrival cds (July 2) on reverse. Minor ironed file folds but an attractive and scarce usage.rnrn
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More