1913 issue, five values on two registered covers, sent from Vlone to Germany, with arrival ds on back, very fine.
Europe and Overseas,Olympic Philately and Memorabilia - Day 2
By: David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. Europe and Overseas,Olympic Philately and Memorabilia - Day 2
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our prestigious June Spring Auction series. The sale features an exquisite array of over 5’300 lots of stamps, essays, proofs, postal history and collections from all over the world, just waiting to become a cherished part of your collection!
This auction presents the 10th in a series of auctions featuring the Joseph Chalhoub Collection of Egypt. It includes the early postal history of the Venetian mail, Napoleonic period, Posta Europea, Waghorn and other Agents, plus the stamps and postal history of both the First and Second Issues, King Fouad I and King Farouk.
Europe and Overseas
This auction features stamps and postal history from around the world, with better Austria, Italy, Portugal, particularly strong Romania including the “Marcel” Collection (part II), China, USA and important Persia, with the first part of the Bjorn Sohrne FRPSL collection with his International Large Gold Medal collection of postal stationery.
Olympics & Football
The auction features rare football World Cup medals and memorabilia from the 1930s and 1950s, as well as important Olympic philately and memorabilia including official decrees for the 1896 Athens issue, Specimen ticket albums from 1932 Los Angeles and 1936 Berlin, 1972 Sapporo participant's badges and IOC Session badge, Pierre de Coubertin handwritten letter, etc.
France & Colonies
This auction includes major rarities of classic France such as the exceptional mixed franking of the Ceres 1F carmine and 1F vermilion on cover plus a Ceres 1F tête-bêche pair on cover, as well as the second part of a fantastic collection of over 240 lots of Liberation issues. French Colonies also includes the unique Saint Pierre & Miquelon set of unissued "Libres France" overprints.
Great Britain
This auction presents the greatest offering of Great Britain that we have ever had the pleasure to offer in over 50 years, with an exceptional array of Line Engraved including major rarities, as well as important Surface Printed and KGV.
All World Collections:
This auction features groups, collections and estates from around the world, including specialised exhibit collections such as the John Davis collection of British Forces in Egypt and an FIP Large Gold medal exhibit collection of the Argentina Liberty Heads. This auction represents a great opportunity for collectors looking for a new area to collect, or for dealers looking to add fresh material to their stock.
Indian States
This auction presents 440 lots of Indian States with a wide range of material from many of the States with stamps, varieties and covers, and at price levels from the very affordable to the showpiece rarities. The particular highlight is certainly the Barwani collection of Tony MacGillycuddy, formed over many decades.
Sperati’s Art of Philately
The auction features over 130 lots from philately's most famous forger, Jean de Sperati, with his working clichés and impressions on glass and celluloid paper. It includes a complete approval book that features 235 finished reproductions of some of the world’s rarest classic stamps gifted by Sperati to his daughter, as well as forgeries of some of the most iconic stamps such as the Mauritius Post Office issues, the Swedish 3sk, Australia Roo issues, Great Britain's 2s brown and VR Officials, Austria's Mercury issue, etc.
British Empire
The British Empire auction features attractive British West Indies throughout, with rare stamps, proofs, postal history, stationery and collections. The British Offices in Siam section has a stunning range Bangkok “B”s, with mint and used and no fewer than 8 covers. From Ireland we have the second portions of the Des Quail collection of postal history and the Barry Cousins collection of essays and overprints. As well as better India and Cape of Good Hope triangulars.
Egypt – Chalhoub Part X
Europe and Overseas
Olympic Philately and Memorabilia
France and Colonies
Great Britain
All World Collections
Indian States
British Empire
Sale Terms
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Lot #30001 - Austria Pre-Stamp Letters and Documents
1763, Folded letter (decretum) from Klagenfurt to Gmünd (Carinthia), by Nikolaus Graf von Lodron with original signature, (Lodron was a high ranking aristocrat, Supreme court marshal & Colonel Chamberlain), v.fine archive-fresh document
Lot #30002 - Austria Pre-Stamp Letters and Documents
1788, LIENZ, Folded letter to Gmünd bearing at TL corner front colourless (albino) impression of the straightline 'LIENZ' postmark, scarce and very fine Tyrol item
Lot #30003 - Austria Bohemia (Böhmen)
1850 3kr with good margins and fresh, cancelled by framed "Blattna" hs with date below, tear at left but still preserving a lovely appearance, very rare and not included in the catalogue of the Jerger sale; Müller 244a, 750pts.
Lot #30004 - Austria Bohemia (Böhmen)
1852, PARDUBITZ, nicely embossed decorated envelope bearing 'PARDUBITZ 30.1.(52)' double circle ds to Kis-Czell, sent unfranked so the recipient had to pay 12Kr tax, envelope with full contents about the dramatic financial situation of the sender, a military member, with translation from Hungarian to German, interesting item
Lot #30005 - Austria Bohemia (Böhmen)
1856ca., DNESPEK, 3Kr MP ty IIIb tied to small envelope by ornamental cds DNESPEK to Prague, at top slightly touching the frameline otherwise large margins and of very fine appearance, signed Seitz (Mü 526c 180p.)
Lot #30006 - Austria Bukovina (Bukowina)
1850, SADAGURA, 6Kr MP tied to small fragment by sunburst cancel of SADAGURA + straightline 'RECOM', a rare postmark combination (Mü 2427c 800p + FRANCO)
Lot #30007 - Austria Carniola (Krain)
1854, NEUMARKTL, Folded letter to Klagenfurt franked 3Kr HP IIIa left margin example bearing 2-line NEUMARKTL 29. MAR + additionally straightline FRANCO in diff. pmk-colour, very fine letter, ex Demuth (ANK 3HP IIIa).
Lot #30008 - Austria Coastal Province (Küstenland)
1851, 2kr greyish black, very fine printing, cancelled and tied to cover by circular Triest 17 Jan 1851 sent locally, on reverse is part Triest received 18 Jan; an extremely fine folded cover with full preserved content, signed Kimmel.
Lot #30009 - Austria Hungary (Ungarn)
1850, 6 Kreuzer and 6 Kreuzer just half of a stamp (both machine paper, type III) on 1858 "Retour-Recepisse" return receipt for a registered letter from BANAT KOMLOS (scarce Hungary postmark) to Grosswardein. The entire stamp has some faults. An interesting usage showing one stamp torn in half. The certificate Sismondo (2021) calls it a rare bisect (40.000€), the Ferchenbauer cert (2023) describes it as torn by usage but mentions ”R!”.
Lot #30010 - Austria Hungary (Ungarn)
1850, PEST, 1Kr HP Ia brown orange + 2Kr HP black strip of 4 tied to fragment by boxed PESTH (3) + 1Kr additionally with s/l RECOM:, all values with good to perfect margins, a rare item
Lot #30011 - Austria Hungary (Ungarn)
1860 5Kr Red, 22 examples including 2 on reverse tied by Pápa 3/5 cds on large registered ten-fold weight envelope paying the 110Kr rate to Sopron, small faults inherent to such a large and spectacular franking, probably the highest multiple franking of this stamp used in Hungary.
Lot #30012 - Austria Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)
1853-56, LOWER AUSTRIA (Niederösterreich) - 4 covers with 3Kr frankings and postmarks from WEITRA, WILFERSDORF, KREMS, MÜHLBACH, fine to very fine group.
Lot #30013 - Austria Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)
1851, 3Kr HP ty I with about 12mm top margin tied to folded lettersheet by 2-line Korneuburg 6. MAI to Mödling, fine
Lot #30014 - Austria Moravia (Mähren)
1850, 6Kr HP ty Ia tied to folded lettersheet by BRÜNN 26. JUN (50) cds to Leipnik, inside dated 27.6.50, very fine 1st month usage
Lot #30015 - Austria Moravia (Mähren)
1850, BATTELAU, pre-philatelic oval postmark + date on 3Kr ty IIIa pl.4 on small fragment, very fine example; ex Demuth (Mü 165a, 200p).
Lot #30018 - Austria salzburg
1850, SALZBURG, 2-line postmark SALZBURG 8. Juni (1850), very early usage on folded lettersheet (with clear date inside) to Rottenmann with 1850 3Kr, HP ty I, showing so-called lilliput cutting, very fine cover (Mü 2440a).
Lot #30019 - Austria Styria (Steiermark)
1865 (Nov 20) large part cover (front and bottom backflap) from Gradisca (modern day Slovenia) to Italy with 1863-64 2Kr vert. pair and 15Kr perf.9 1/2, tied by Gradisca cds, fine.
Lot #30020 - Austria Styria (Steiermark)
1852, VORDERNBERG, Folded lettersheet franked at back and front 3Kr brown HP ty III with 2-line VORDERNBERG at front + both adhesives with straightline 'Recomandirt' obliteration, backstamp also showing plate-error 'broken TL corner', very decorative and scarce cover, ex coll. Demuth
Lot #30021 - Austria Vienna and Suburbs (Wien und Vorstädte)
1851, WIEN Folded letter with a series of 'Vienna pictures' inside to Württemberg bearing at front 2-line 'WIEN 2.JUL (51)', + tax markings, overall (acid ?) staining and 2 filing holes but rare decorated cover
Lot #30022 - Austria Vienna and Suburbs (Wien und Vorstädte)
1858, WIEN, 1Kr MP (pair) + 6Kr MP (2), all ty III tied to cover by WIEN 27.3. cds to Besancon (France), one adhesive of each value with small to slightly touched frameline on one side, both 6Kr franked over cover edge, a fine cover of this rare combination of the 14Kr rate to France, cert. BPB Eichele (Ferchenbauer € 14000)
Lot #30023 - Austria lombardy venetia
1850 5c giallo limone verdastro 1st printing + 10c black tied to small folded letter by boxed ROVIGO 17.9. (51) to Venezia, at front 5 diff. signatures + certs. Oliva (1952), A. Diena (1963) & E. Diena (1984), a rare cover indeed.
Lot #30024 - Austria lombardy venetia
1850, 5c yellow + 10c grey-black (both first printing - prima tiratura) tied to folded letter by 2-line 'MASSA 19. SETT (50)' (early date) to Borgoforte, adhesives placed conform to the postal law correctly in the middle, a very fine & decorative patriotic cover franking, sign. A.Diena, E.Diena and 1981 Enzo Diena cert.
Lot #30025 - Austria lombardy venetia
1850 10c black HP type Ib with plate error 'white spot on crown' and other smaller errors, mint original gum with larger paper remainder (the adhesive probably escaped obliteration), a very fine and colour-fresh example of this rare adhesive; signed A. Diena (ANK €5'000, Sass. €11'000).
Lot #30026 - Austria lombardy venetia
1850, 15c HP type I tied to folded lettersheet by nearly perfect boxed 'PADOVA I 9-10 50' alongside 'distribuzione 1' to Verona, very fine; signed A.Bolaffi; ex Demuth.
David Feldman S.A.
David Feldman S.A. company has had a long and well-established tradition and experience in the international philatelic world. David Feldman auctions has unparalleled success at auction, achieving... Read More
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