|**|Yvert 904/05. 1982. National Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
#118. The Fournier Universe. Part 2 (From J to Z)
IBERPHIL #118. The Fournier Universe. Part 2 (From J to Z)
#118. The Fournier Universe. Part 2 (From J to Z)
This exceptional set presents a wide offering that includes:
• Imperforated stamps
• Progressive Plate Proofs
• Specimen
• Sealed souvenir sheets
Material from the Fournier spanish security printing company active in postal stamps from 1960 to 1980.
Wednesday, 9 October 2024. 15:00h. CEST
Lots are available for examination from 7 to 9 October in our facilities on the 14, Francisco Gervás street.
Bids will be accepted until 14:30 (Madrid local time) on 9 October 2024. Thereafter, you will only be able to bid through Live bidding system.
Sale Terms
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- aitutaki (9) Apply aitutaki filter
- Chad (4) Apply Chad filter
- cook islands (7) Apply cook islands filter
- Independent Morocco (303) Apply Independent Morocco filter
- kuwait (72) Apply kuwait filter
- liban (1) Apply liban filter
- madagascar (2) Apply madagascar filter
- mauritania (13) Apply mauritania filter
- niue (172) Apply niue filter
- oman (14) Apply oman filter
- penrhyn island (189) Apply penrhyn island filter
- rwanda (162) Apply rwanda filter
- Saint Thomas and Prince (2) Apply Saint Thomas and Prince filter
- samoa (16) Apply samoa filter
- Seiyun (19) Apply Seiyun filter
- senegal (38) Apply senegal filter
- singapur (2) Apply singapur filter
- South Arabia Kathiri (13) Apply South Arabia Kathiri filter
- South Arabia Qu'aiti (33) Apply South Arabia Qu'aiti filter
- Southeast Arabia Manama (141) Apply Southeast Arabia Manama filter
- Southeast Arabia Ras al Khaima (17) Apply Southeast Arabia Ras al Khaima filter
- Southeast Arabia Umm Al Qiwain (42) Apply Southeast Arabia Umm Al Qiwain filter
- sri lanka (5) Apply sri lanka filter
- Tunisia (138) Apply Tunisia filter
- Venezuela (6) Apply Venezuela filter
- yemen (17) Apply yemen filter
- zaire (14) Apply zaire filter
Lot #1468 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 912/13. 1982. Arab postal union. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1469 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 916/17. 1982. 1982 World Cup. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1470 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 922/23. 1982. Palm tree day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1471 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 979/80. 1983. 25th Anniv. of Intl. Maritime Org. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1472 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 980A/C. 1983. 3rd Intl. Conference on the Impact of Viral Diseases. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1473 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 984/86. 1983. World communication year. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1474 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 997/98. 1983. Intl. Palestinian Solidarity Day. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
Lot #1475 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 996/98. 1983. Intl. Palestinian Solidarity Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1476 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1002/04. 1984. Inauguration of Amiri and Al-Razi Hospitals. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1477 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1030/33. 1984. Science association. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1478 - kuwait kuwait
|**|1984. INTELSAT. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. (Michel: 1057/58). TO EXAM.
Lot #1479 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 615/17. 1985. World telecommunication day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1480 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1050/51. 1985. Social work week. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1481 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1056/57. 1985. World Health Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1482 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1068/69. 1985. Opec. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1483 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1080/82. 1986. World Health Day. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
Lot #1484 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1081/83. 1986. World Health Day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1485 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1095/97. 1986. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1486 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1105/07. 1987. World health day. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1487 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1111/13. 1987. Islamic Pilgrimage. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1488 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1120/22. 1987. AL Qurain Housing Project. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1489 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1129/31. 1988. Womes’s cultural and social society. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1490 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1132/34. 1988. Flags. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
Lot #1491 - kuwait kuwait
|**|Yvert 1141/43. 1988. Teachers association. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
About The Seller
Welcome to IBERPHIL, a newly established company specializing in the philatelic auction and direct sales, specifically devoted to the Spanish area and its colonies. For Iberphil customer... Read More
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