1 d. red-brown, plate 9, block of four, ettered DK-EL, good to very large margins all around, cancelled with four superb strikes of Maltese Cross in black, pressed creases most apparent between margin of D and E row and at margin of EL, rich colour, an exceptional and rare block of tremendous beauty, believed to be one of the few such blocks from this plate extant, an ideal mate to the matching 1d. black block of this plate also in the...
Auction 333-341 Western Australia & Great Britain - Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Western Australia & Great Britain - Day 3
Friday 22 November 2024
11:00 h 1 – 785 333: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
18:00 h 10001 – 10131 345: Brazil 1843–1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part II)
Monday 25 November 2024
9:00 h 3001 – 3226 334: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand – The ‚KOOYONG‘ Collection
11:00 h 786 – 1602 333: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth - North Borneo – The ‘PENMAEN’ Collection
Tuesday 26 November 2024
9:00 h 3501 – 3702 335: Western Australia – The Dr Thomas & Richard Debney Collection
11:00 h 20001 – 20223 346: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World’s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part II)
13:00 h 4001 – 4278 336: Great Britain
- “Victorian Mixed Franking Covers” – The Ray Simpson Collection
- “Experimental Machine Postmarks 1857–1901” – The Jerry Miller Collection
- “Missed Opportunities From 1840–1870 Line Engraved Issues” – The Åke Rietz Collection 15:30 h 4501 – 4963 337: Great Britain & British Commonwealth – Missed Opportunities and Balance of the ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
Wednesday 27 November 2024
9:00 h 5001 – 5274 338: Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan – The Peter Hørlyck Collection (part I)
11:30 h 5501 – 5943 339: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part II)
16:00 h 6001 – 6210 340: Incoming Mail to The Netherlands From All Over the World – The Bouwe Brandsma Collection
Thursday 28 November 2024
9:00 h 1603 – 1713 333: Europe & Overseas - St. Helena – The Frank Gilberg Collection
10:00 h 6501 – 6711 341: Ionian Islands – The André Bollen Collection
12:00 h 7001 – 7122 342: Foreign Post Offices in the Levant – The ‘SAWAYA’ Collection (part I)
13:00 h 7501 – 7549 334: Italian States, Kingdom & Republic – The ‘KOOYONG’ Collection
13:30 h 1714 – 2401 333: Europe & Overseas Europe A–O
- Zeppelin – Pionierpost – Die Sammlung Eckhard Förster (Teil I)
- Finland – “Finnish Pre-Stamp Covers; Feldpost; Collection From the Period of Russian Rule over Finland; Finnish Railway TPO Covers” – The Eric Keefe Collections
Friday 29 November 2024
9:00 h 2402 - 2991 333: Europe & Overseas Europe P–Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part III) Asia / Africa Collections & Accumulations
14:00 h 9001 – 9369 344: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Nationale Gross-Gold-Sammlung Technik und Landschaft 1949–60
17:00 h 9370 – 9599 344: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Saturday 30 November 2024
10:00 h 8001 – 8058 343: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil III)
11:00 h 8101 8119 334: Schweiz – Die Sammlung ‚KOOYONG‘
11:15 h 8201 – 8509 344: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayon I dunkelblau, Rayon II
14:30 h 8510 – 8713 344: Altschweiz Rayon I hellblau, Rayon III, Strubel, Sitzende und Stehende Helvetia, Ziffer, UP
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Lot #20151 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 9, lettered JC, clear to large margins, affixed upside-down and tied to folded entire to Abingdon, Berkshire, by black Maltese Cross, reverse with Lombard Street datestamp (26 February, 1841). Central horizontal fold, adhesive with light surface abraision, else a fresh and fine cover Gi. AS59 = £ 375.
Lot #20152 - grossbritannien
1d. black, plate 10, lettered RC, variety "P" converted to "R", unused, without gum, margins barely clear in places to good at top, central thin, impressive dark shade, a scarce example of one of the most challenging plates to acquire in unused condition Gi. AS66 = £27,500.
Provenance: "Rhone" Collection, David Feldman, September 1981, lot 4721.
Lot #20153 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, lettered NL, four mostly very large margins, well clear at upper right, cancelled with crisp strike of Maltese Cross in black, barest trace of small mark adhesion at base of Queen`s neck, a most impressive stamp Gi. AS66 = £ 950.
Lot #20154 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, lettered RD, four good to large margins, showing the check letter "P" converted to "R" by hand, cancelled with black Maltese Cross, a fine example of this scarce variety Gi. AS66c = £1'100.
Lot #20155 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, nine used singles, lettered IC, KF, ML, NL, OH, OL, QK, SJ, and SL, all but one a four-margin example, cancelled with Maltese Crosses in black (7) or red (2), a few with small flaws, but a chiefly good to fine group from this difficult plate Gi. AS66 = £8'550.
Lot #20156 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, horizontal pair, lettered MG-MH, tied to small piece by two strikes of Maltese Cross of Mancheser in black, MH with vertical crease, a rare pair from this plate, particuarly desirable with this scarce cancellation Gi. AS66uf = £3'500+
Lot #20157 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, lettered LH, good to large margins, tied to partial folded cover by red Maltese Cross, reverse with black boxed Glasgow datestamp (28 January, 1841) and same-day c.d.s. in red, fine Gi. AS66 = £ 950.
Lot #20158 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 10, horizontal pair, lettered CB-CC, three good if roughly separated margins, tied to folded entire to Ware, Hertfordshire, by red Maltese Cross, reverse with 11 January, 1841 c.d.s., some light toning to margins of adhesives, horizontal fold, yet a rare franking, pairs from this plate being quite scarce, and on cover particularly so. Cert RPSL (1998) Gi. AS66 = £ 3'500 without premium for cover.
Lot #20159 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 10, lettered AK, three large margins, clear to ample at right, unused and regummed, showing Stage 3 of the "O" Flaw, a fresh unused example Gi. AS68 = £ 2'500.
Lot #20160 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 10, vertical margin pair, lettered SH-TH, good to large margins all around, including sheet margin at foot, showing portion of "...AND SIDE of the..." inscription at foot, unused, full original gum, warm rich colour and remarkably fresh, a rare unmounted multiple from this scarce plate Gi. AS68 = £ 5'500+
Provenance: Stanley Gibbons, London, 18-20 March, 1992, lot 80, as block of six; Stanley Gibbons, London, 14-...
Lot #20161 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, two singles and one pair, lettered GL, LJ, and FK-FL, mostly good to large margins all around, the singles with particularly rich colour, each cancelled with black Maltese Cross, the pair with slight central bend, a lovely group Gi. AS74 = £ 560.
Lot #20162 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 10, horizontal strip of four, lettered OC-OF, good to large margins all around, each impression cancelled with neat black Maltese Cross, rich colour, OD with miniscule thin, OF with light vertical crease, a most appealing multiple Gi. AS68 = £1'000+
Provenance (as a strip of six): Collection Seymour, 11 April, 1951, lot 285; Robson Lowe, 20 February, 1957, lot 139; Collection Hunt, Stanley Gibbons, 10 November,...
Lot #20163 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 10, re-joined block of nine from three strips, GA-GC, HA-HC, and IA-IC, all showing the State 2 "O" Flaw, cancelled with multiple strikes of black Maltese Cross, variously creased, repairs tears, staining at lower right, but quite scarce, and as a reconstituted block of nine, it becomes the largest recorded used multiple of this plate Gi. AS68 = £ 2'190+
Lot #20164 - grossbritannien
1 d. red-brown, plate 10, lettered JI, four good to large margins, cancelled but not tied to folded cover with black Maltese Cross, crisp Loughborough despatch in red (10 April, 1841), to London, with red circular receiver on reverse (12 April), fresh and fine Gi. AS68 = £ 400.
Lot #20165 - grossbritannien
1d. black, plate 11, horitzontal pair, lettered HG-HH, chiefly good margins all around, clear at lower left, unused, without gum, a lovely and rare multiple, the adjoining block to which (FG-GI) may be found in the Royal Philatelic Collection. Cert. RPSL (2023) Gi. AS73 = £48,000.
Provenance: de Phillip Collection, Robson Lowe, 4 November 1959, lot 56
Lot #20166 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, plate 11, lettered CC, four large margins all around, showing signs of plate wear, cancelled with nearly full Maltese Cross in black, thin at upper left, but a visually appealing example Gi. AS72 = £ 4'600.
Lot #20167 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, plate 11, lettered EB, good to large margins on three sides, close at upper right, tied to small piece by Maltese Cross in black, trace of straight-line cancellation in red adjacent, fine. Cert. RPSL (1948) Gi. AS72 = £ 4'600.
Provenance: Pattison Collection, Harmer, 18-20 Nov. 1940, lot 110; Harmer, 12-13 Nov. 1945, lot 77; Robson Lowe, 25-6 September, 1968, lot 1096; Heinz Reck Collection, Phillips 2 Nov. 1994, lot...
Lot #20168 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 11, lettered HB, four ample to large margins, showing the constant variety for this position, cancelled with black Maltese Cross, small stain at upper right, else fine Gi. AS73 = £5'000
Lot #20169 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 11, lettered KL, ample to large margins with sheet margin at right, showing partial "..wards the RIGHT HA..." inscription, neatly-cancelled with two strikes of red Maltese Cross, trace of small repair at lower left, but a stamp of tremendous beauty, and a great rarity, being the unique recorded marginal example from this plate with a red Maltese Cross Gi. AS73e = £25'000.
Lot #20170 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, lettered OE, good to large margins all around, unobtrusive Maltese Cross cancellation in black, a most appealing example of this rare plate. Cert. RPSL (1989) Gi. AS72 = £4'600.
Lot #20171 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, plate 11, five singles, lettered EI, TH, GA, GE, and PK, most with four margins, touching in places, all cancelled with black Maltese Crosses, a few with creases or other small imperfections, overall very good examples of the rarest plate Gi. AS72 = £23'000.
Lot #20172 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, plate 11, horizontal strip of three, lettered SA-SC, good margins on three sides, touching at right, each showing the "Roller" Flaw at NE corner, cancelled with trio of Maltese Crosses in black, strip slightly rubbed and SA has been skillfullly repaired at left margin, of fine appearance and desirable, multiples from this plate being quite rare Gi. AS72 = £16'600+
Provenance: Corinphila, 11 March, 1980, lot 1908;...
Lot #20173 - grossbritannien
1 d. greyish-black, plate 11, horizontal pair, lettered GE-GF, mostly good to large margins, cancelled with black Maltese Cross, GF with vertical crease, else a fine and scarce multiple Gi. AS72 = £ 12'000.
Provenance: Harmers, 23-4 September, 1935, lot 174.
Lot #20174 - grossbritannien
1 d. black, plate 11, lettered FE, mostly ample margins, tied to folded entire by smudged Maltese Cross in black, from Liverpool to Kendal, with March 8, 1841 cds despatch on reverse, horizontal filing fold, a scarce franking Gi. AS73 = £ 16'000.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More