1 gr. 'oliva grigiastro', plate II, fresh and fine with good to large margins all round, a very rare single franking tied by horse-shoe cancel to outer letter sheet with "CALTANISSETTA 4 - 10 59" despatch cds alongside, sent locally within Caltanisetta. Certs. Zanini (1972), Colla (2023) Sassone = € 28'000.
Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
Friday 22 November 2024
11:00 h 1 – 785 333: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
18:00 h 10001 – 10131 345: Brazil 1843–1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part II)
Monday 25 November 2024
9:00 h 3001 – 3226 334: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand – The ‚KOOYONG‘ Collection
11:00 h 786 – 1602 333: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth - North Borneo – The ‘PENMAEN’ Collection
Tuesday 26 November 2024
9:00 h 3501 – 3702 335: Western Australia – The Dr Thomas & Richard Debney Collection
11:00 h 20001 – 20223 346: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World’s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part II)
13:00 h 4001 – 4278 336: Great Britain
- “Victorian Mixed Franking Covers” – The Ray Simpson Collection
- “Experimental Machine Postmarks 1857–1901” – The Jerry Miller Collection
- “Missed Opportunities From 1840–1870 Line Engraved Issues” – The Åke Rietz Collection 15:30 h 4501 – 4963 337: Great Britain & British Commonwealth – Missed Opportunities and Balance of the ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
Wednesday 27 November 2024
9:00 h 5001 – 5274 338: Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan – The Peter Hørlyck Collection (part I)
11:30 h 5501 – 5943 339: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part II)
16:00 h 6001 – 6210 340: Incoming Mail to The Netherlands From All Over the World – The Bouwe Brandsma Collection
Thursday 28 November 2024
9:00 h 1603 – 1713 333: Europe & Overseas - St. Helena – The Frank Gilberg Collection
10:00 h 6501 – 6711 341: Ionian Islands – The André Bollen Collection
12:00 h 7001 – 7122 342: Foreign Post Offices in the Levant – The ‘SAWAYA’ Collection (part I)
13:00 h 7501 – 7549 334: Italian States, Kingdom & Republic – The ‘KOOYONG’ Collection
13:30 h 1714 – 2401 333: Europe & Overseas Europe A–O
- Zeppelin – Pionierpost – Die Sammlung Eckhard Förster (Teil I)
- Finland – “Finnish Pre-Stamp Covers; Feldpost; Collection From the Period of Russian Rule over Finland; Finnish Railway TPO Covers” – The Eric Keefe Collections
Friday 29 November 2024
9:00 h 2402 - 2991 333: Europe & Overseas Europe P–Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part III) Asia / Africa Collections & Accumulations
14:00 h 9001 – 9369 344: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Nationale Gross-Gold-Sammlung Technik und Landschaft 1949–60
17:00 h 9370 – 9599 344: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Saturday 30 November 2024
10:00 h 8001 – 8058 343: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil III)
11:00 h 8101 8119 334: Schweiz – Die Sammlung ‚KOOYONG‘
11:15 h 8201 – 8509 344: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayon I dunkelblau, Rayon II
14:30 h 8510 – 8713 344: Altschweiz Rayon I hellblau, Rayon III, Strubel, Sitzende und Stehende Helvetia, Ziffer, UP
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Lot #2154 - italien staaten sizilien
2 gr. azzuro from plate I in gemelli franking with 2 gr. 'azzuro vivo' from plate III, two fresh and fine examples with fair to large margins all round, tied by horse-shoe cancel to outer letter sheet with oval LEONFORTE despatch handstamp and "PALERMO 7 MAR. 59 ARRIVO" cds alongside, both in black. One sideflap missing, nevertheless an attractive combination cover, signed A. Diena Sassone = EUR 2'875.
Lot #2155 - italien staaten sizilien
2 gr. cobalto from plate II, tied by horse-shoe cancel to entire letter with two-line "MESSINA 23 MARZ" despatch handstamp and "PALERMO 25 MAR. 59 ARRIVO" cds alongside, both in black. An attractive combination cover, cert. Sorani (2001) Sassone = EUR 3'000.
Lot #2156 - italien
1862: 40 c. 'rosso carminio scuro' showing variety: imperforated at base, a fresh adhesive with full margin at base with 'filetto di riquadro', tied on the vessel by "VIA DI MARE (I)" handstamp in black with "P.D." handstamp and French "ITALIE 2 MARS 63 AMB M. CENIS" entry cds alongside, both in red, on entire letter to Marseille. Reverse with GENOVA and TORINO transit as well as two French ambulant cds (March 3). Very rare usage, one of only...
Lot #2157 - italien
Regno, combination usage of Sardinian and Italian adhesives 1863 (Jan. 25): Sardinia IV. emission 5 c. 'verde' and 40 c. 'rosso carmino' in mixed franking with Italy Regno 1863 (Jan) 15 c. blue, three fine and fresh adhesives with vivid colours, tied by ANCONA cds in black to piece. An appealing and rare 'patriotic' usage to pay the 60 centesimi rate. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1987) Zanaria & Serra 0,60 G = € 8'500 on cover.
Lot #2158 - italien
1863: Folded letter from 'LONATO' featuring a double-framed cancel in red, with town name in italic on 5 c. and 10 c. stamps from Sardinia. The Sardo-Italian cancel of Lonato in Lombardy is of great rarity. Enzo Diena states in his 1991 certificate that no other pieces are known. Sassone = R2 = € 37'500. Signed by Giulio Bolaffi and A. Bolaffi.
Lot #2159 - italien
1863 (Dec): De La Rue 1 c. 'verde grigio chiaro' in an unused block of four with full unmounted original gum. Cert. A. Diena (1963) Sassone = € 1'650 for unused.
Lot #2160 - italien
1863 (Dec): De La Rue 2 c. 'rosso mattone scuro' in an unused block of four with full original gum. Corner fold in the lower left adhesive, certs. A. Diena (1975), A. Bolaffi (1975) Sassone = € 9'250.
Lot #2161 - italien
1863/91: Selection five unused definitives incl. 1863 De La Rue 5 c. grey-green, 10 c. ochre-orange, 1865 20 c. surcharged on 15 c. sky blue type I, 1867 Torino printing 20 c. blue and 1891 Arms 5 c. green. Five certificates Sassone = € 5'800.
Lot #2162 - italien
1863 (Dec): De La Rue 30 c. bruno in an unused block of four with full unmounted original gum. Cert. Raybaudi (2000) Sassone = € 20'000 for unused.
Lot #2163 - italien
1865 (Jan): De La Rue 15 c. azzuro surcharged 20 centesimi, type II in an unused block of four with full original gum, one stamp with minor toning, the others unmounted og. Cert. Raybaudi (2005) Sassone = € 42'750 for unused.
Lot #2164 - italien
1865 (Jan): De La Rue 15 c. celeste surcharged 20 centesimi, type III in an unused block of four with full unmounted original gum. Cert. Raybaudi (1979) Sassone = € 3'250 for unused.
Lot #2165 - italien
1923 (Dec): Manzoni, compl. set of six values up to 5 l. 'violetto & nero' in unused condition, the 5 l. value with minor gum irregularities. Sassone = € 1'300.
Lot #2166 - italien
1923 (Dec): Manzoni, compl. set of six values up to 5 l. violetto & nero in unused blocks of four with unmounted og. Cert. Raybaudi (1999) Sassone = €17'500.
Lot #2167 - italien
1926: San Francesco 1.25 L. perforated 13.5, well centred, unmounted, very little toning on perfs at the bottom, a rare stamp! Sassone (2024) = € 1650.
Lot #2168 - italien
1928: Filiberto unmounted and well centred set, Sassone € 1875 for normal, € 2312 for well centred.
Lot #2169 - italien
1948 (1. March): 'Santa Caterina da Siena', unused mint set of six values 3 L. to 200 L. in compl. sheets of fifty values each, with compl. sheet margins all round and full original gum. A scarce set in compl. sheets Sassone = Euro 11'350.
Lot #2170 - italien
1950 (29. May): 'Anno Santo' 20 L. violet and 55 L. blue, each in compl. double sheets of 80 values with compl. margins all round and gutter in between, numbered '4408' (20L.) and 6264 (55 L.), full o.g., 50 L. lower sheet with some split perfs. below gutter, otherwise fresh and fine Sassone = Euro 9'920.
Lot #2171 - italien
1950: R-airpostcover with both values of the set 'A. Volta' in blocks of 4 and the 100 L. + 5 L stamp 'Repubblica' to Argentina, signed and certificate Caffaz (2003). The 100 L. stamps is perforated 14¼..
Lot #2172 - italien
1950 (15. July): 'Conferenza Internazionale di Radiodiffusione' 20 L. violet and 55 L. blue in compl. sheets of fifty values each, with compl. sheet margins all round and full original gum, fresh and fine Sassone = Euro 13'600.
Lot #2173 - italien
1951: 'Ginnici', two picture postcards featuring significant frankings: the first, bearing two 5 L. stamps, was sent from Bologna to a family in Locarno; the second postcard, postmarked Firenze 25.V.1951, carries a 10 L. and a 15 L. stamp, addressed to 'Bambini' at the same location, and includes an additional 10 L. stamp from the 'Italy Lavora' set. This postcard depicts 'FIRENZE Lo Stadio'. According to Sassone = € 3100 for the stamps alone...
Lot #2174 - italien
1980: 450 L. 'Castello di Bosa', variety missing colours blue and yellow, printed just in slate, Bolaffi 1626B, Bolaffi = € 4350. Certificate Cilio (2017), stamp comes with normal example.
Lot #2175 - italien
1930: 'Crociera Transatlantica' 7.70 l. unused and unmounted stamp, signed and with certificate Cilio (2020), Sassone = €1300.
Lot #2176 - italien
1933: Airpost Official, Servizio Aereo 'Crociera Nord-Atlantica', in fine unmounted condion, Certificate Raybaudi (1995). Sassone = € 6750.
Lot #2177 - italien FLUGPOSTMARKEN
1934: 10 L. 'Coroncina', overprint of a crown in gold, unmounted example with upper margin, Sassone = € 3600
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More