Pamphlets, magazines and other printed matter could be sent at a rate of 2c per 4 ounces or fraction thereof, effective August 1, 1864, through May 31, 1867.
Estimate $400.00 - $500.00
Winter 2025 Sale
By: Americana Stamps
Americana Stamps Winter 2025 Sale
We are excited to present to you our Winter 2025 sale, debuting as our first Live Auction on our new auction platform. With over 830 incredible lots, this auction aims to recapture the heart and joy of philately by showcasing the history and philatelic significance of each lot, while also providing insights to educate and excite collectors of all levels.
Our mission is to deliver a fresh, innovative auction experience that puts high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and philatelic history at your fingertips.
We have designed our auction so that for each lot, you can expect the following, whenever available:
- High-Resolution imagery of ALL aspects of the item
- Links to reference articles/research material
- Links to philatelic certifications
- Census Data
- Provenance
This auction is designed to become a “living” census and repository of references to engage, educate, and excite collectors for years to come.
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- US Stampless (139) Apply US Stampless filter
- US Stamps and Postal History (185) Apply US Stamps and Postal History filter
- Western Express Postal History (47) Apply Western Express Postal History filter
Lot #5025 - US Stamps and Postal History
Lot #5026 - US Stamps and Postal History
5c Red Brown, Strip of 3, tied by grids and red New York Paid 12 cds on small cover to Paris with Lancaster PA Dec 21 1863 cds. Straightline "PAID" wtih manuscript "15" and manuscript "Steamer from Boston for Liverpool" Boxed red PD. Calais receipt cds.
Estimate $1,500.00 - $2,000.00
Lot #5027 - US Stamps and Postal History
"F." grill, single tied by blue segmented cork cancel with matching "Fishersville, N.H. Mar. 9" postmark on cover to Controcoville, N.H.
Estimate $50.00 - $75.00
Lot #5028 - US Stamps and Postal History
A Depot was a place where shipped goods were stored, often co-located with a railroad station. If a town grew up around it, that would then be the origin of the name.
Some railroad depots served as post offices. They accepted and cancelled mail and delivered it to the trains.
Estimate $75.00 - $100.00
Lot #5029 - US Stamps and Postal History
Estimate $100.00 - $150.00
Lot #5030 - US Stamps and Postal History
1870 1c Ultramarine, tied by oval PORTLAND, ME with ornament in center negative cancel, on all over orange embossed advertising cover for GEORGE STINSON & CO PUBLISHERS, to Binghampton NY. Backflap unsealed, complete, stained. Corners bumped.
Estimate $200.00 - $300.00
Lot #5031 - US Stamps and Postal History
1870 1c Ultramarine, tied by negative AUGUSTA fancy cancel, on all over advertising cover for True & Co Publishers Augusta, Maine. Addressed to Sam'l May, Shohola Pike Co, Pennsylvania. Edge wear. Stains and small hole at right. Backflap open, complete.
Estimate $200.00 - $300.00
Lot #5032 - US Stamps and Postal History
1870 1c Ultramarine, tied by oval Portland, ME ornament in center negative fancy cancel, on all over green advertising cover for H. HALLETT & CO, PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS & ENGRAVERS. Addressed to Char. W. Davis, Chelsea, VT Box 233. Rcvd. 6 OCT 1880 on reverse.
Estimate $200.00 - $300.00
Lot #5033 - US Stamps and Postal History
Portland, Maine large negative fancy cancel, obliterates 1c Plimpton U116. Addressed to Chas A Carleton, Cumberland Mills.
Estimate $300.00 - $400.00
Lot #5034 - US Stamps and Postal History
THE FAST MAIL NY & CHIC R.P.P. CDS on Temperance Hotel, Syracuse, N.Y advertising cover
Estimate $40.00 - $50.00
Lot #5035 - US Stamps and Postal History
"CHICAGO ILL. AM PKT PAID" on reverse.
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5036 - US Stamps and Postal History
"New Orleans La. Ex. Sta. Mar 2" cds on illustrated cover for the North, Central & South American Exposition and addressed to A. W. Billie.
Estimate $75.00 - $100.00
Lot #5037 - US Stamps and Postal History
#R24 tied with manuscript cancel on yellow cover with manuscript "Livermore Ny/May 1864" postmark.
The “Due 6.” manuscript indicates that this cover was likely caught, held for postage, and then sent on to Waddington, NY.
Used during war time.
Ex Newman
Estimate $150.00 - $250.00
Lot #5038 - US Stamps and Postal History
Canceled by pen grid o Bradford, Ct with manuscript "196"
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5039 - US Stamps and Postal History
1852, 1¢ blue, type IV. Horizontal pair used with 3¢ dull red (11), tied by black grid cancels on folded letter sheet from New Orleans to France. Rated 5 cents for the Br. Packet Open Mail Rate. Manuscript "British Royal Mail"
Estimate $250.00 - $400.00
Lot #5040 - US Stamps and Postal History
Red Philadelphia,Pa/Paid/Jan 27, 1859 cds.
10 Feve 60/11 Feve 60/16 Feb 60 arrival stamps.
Manuscript “Poste restante”, which is a term used by the post office where the mail was kept and held for an agreed period until collected by the addressee.
Unlikely that it took a year in transit, with Phil cds Likely in error.
Estimate $500.00 - $850.00
Lot #5041 - US Stamps and Postal History
Louisville KY to France
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5042 - US Stamps and Postal History
Datelined New Orleans 2 January 1861. Red Jan 8 New York 12 cds and black 22 Jan 1861 arrival handstamp with red framed "P.D." Manuscript "Steam Ship"
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5043 - US Stamps and Postal History
Red Jan 12 Boston paid 12 cds with oange Calias 25 Jan 64 arrival handstamp and red framed "P.D." Manuscript No 36"
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5044 - US Stamps and Postal History
Red Jan 12 Boston Paid 12 cds with manuscript "Via Liverpool Steamship." Black Boston Packet handstamp on reverse.
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5045 - US Stamps and Postal History
Red August New York 12 cds. Calais 27 Oct 1861 arrival datestamp with matching framed "P.D."
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5046 - US Stamps and Postal History
10c Type III, Strip of 3, on folded cover to Germany with red
Red N. York cds, and blue Prern & Co New Orleans oval handstamp. Various handstamps. Very rare.
Estimate $300.00 - $500.00
Lot #5047 - US Stamps and Postal History
Red Chicago AM.PKT.3 PAID and PAID AM MR 2660 LONDON.
Estimate $600.00 - $850.00
Lot #5048 - US Stamps and Postal History
Manuscript "via New York" and "Per Steamer Oct 20"
Boston Br. Pkt cds
London paid cds
Liverpool cds
Estimate $750.00 - $1,000.00
Lot #5049 - US Stamps and Postal History
24c Gray Lilac on cover to England. Black Rhode Island Feb 11 1861 cds with a clear strike of a red "19" credit handstamp.
Estimate $750.00 - $1,000.00