1871 Kőnyomat vegyes minőségű sor színváltozatokkal (~296.000)
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #250
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #250
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
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- Catalogues - books (64) Apply Catalogues - books filter
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- Hungary (3988) Apply Hungary filter
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- Romania (51) Apply Romania filter
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- vatican (15) Apply vatican filter
- Venezuela (1) Apply Venezuela filter
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- yemen arab republic (1) Apply yemen arab republic filter
Lot #2 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Réznyomat 2 x 2kr, 3kr, 5kr és 15kr (~180.000)
Lot #3 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1867 50kr 'P(ÉNZUTALVÁNY) BUDA' (150.000) (papírelvékonyodás / thin paper)
Lot #4 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1965 Universiade 50f felirat és értékszám nélkül (100.000)
Lot #5 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1926 Pengő-fillér (I.) A sor négyestömbökben ill. csíkokban (100.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #6 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 2. súlyfokozatú ajánlott levél kőnyomat 10kr pár bérmentesítéssel 'SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR' - Wien (sérült)
Lot #7 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1945 Kisegítő portó 1P/10f négyestömb fordított felülnyomással Glatz István tanúsítvánnyal (80.000)
Lot #8 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1928 Pengő-fillér (II.) A sor négyestömbökben ill. csíkokban (60.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #9 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 2kr nyomtatványon 'PEST' - Neusatz (50.000)
Lot #10 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 2kr nyomtatványon enyhe regiszterhajtás a bélyegen 'PEST / LIPÓTVÁROS' - Wien (50.000)
Lot #11 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1883 Újnyomat sor 25kr kivételével postatiszta (70.000)
Lot #12 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 UPU 'D-C' függőleges ívszéli összefüggésben vízszintes párban a 'C' két szélén fogazatlan (30.000)
Lot #13 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 UPU 'D-C' függőleges ívsarki összefüggésben vízszintes párban a 'C' két szélén fogazatlan (30.000)
Lot #14 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1934 LEHE blokk (30.000)
Lot #15 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1932 Nagy Madonna 2P, 5P (30.000) (enyhe törések / light folds)
Lot #16 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1928 Pengő-fillér (II.) B sor négyestömbökben (20.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #17 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Bélyegnap kisív FDC-n (20.000)
Lot #18 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1975 Felszabadulás négyestömbök a Magyar Posta Ajándéka (20.000)
Lot #19 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1963 Újév 40f sárga színnyomat nélkül + támpéldány
Lot #20 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 10kr (20.000) foghibák
Lot #21 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1873 5kr díjjegyes levél + 2 x 5kr réznyomat + a hátoldalon 10kr 'PEST' - Velence
Lot #22 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 10kr díjjegyesből készült luxus postatiszta hamisítvány összehasonlító célra / forgery for comparison
Lot #23 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 3kr hamisítvány összehasonlító célra
Lot #24 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 5kr levélen 'CSOKA' - Pest
Lot #25 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1976 Bélyegnap vágott blokk Magyar Posta Ajándéka (17.000)
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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