collectie 1852-1940 gestempeld en gespecialiseerd op plaat, kleur, type, tanding met veel beter materiaal w.b. 30aI, 65C, 80, 101, 104-105, 105P, 121I, 130-131, 217A etc. en klein deel * w.b. 80, persoonlijk beschreven en opgezet in 2 albums, deels gemengde kwaliteit
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
223rd Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 223rd Auction
A spectacular auction including a recent archive find of incoming mail to Amsterdam with valuable covers from France, Great Britain and its colonies (including Hong Kong), Portugal, Switzerland and more. The air mail collection from Hans E. Aitink. Postcards including a unique collection of Surinam.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (686) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (109) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (324) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (350) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1828) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Outside Europa (350) Apply Outside Europa filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (394) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #250 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Lot #251 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2000, op R32 na compleet incl. port, roltanding, dienst, brandkast, telegram, internering etc., klein deel gestempeld ov. * (w.b. zonder gom, nagegomd en **) in 4 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #252 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie port 1870-1947 gestempeld en klein deel *, gespecialiseerd op type, tanding en plaatfouten met uitgebreid emissie 1881, SPECIMEN etc. met veel beter materiaal w.b. * 48Aaf, 49Abf en gestempeld w.b. 1ABf, 2Af, 66f en 68b, tevens postp.verrekenzegels compleet, Internering, dienst en telegram
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #253 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad 1869-1949 meest ** met veel beter materiaal in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #254 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2001 geheel (*)/*/** met vele betere ex. en series w.b. 1-2, 4-5, 12-28, 30-47, 49-100, En Face (gom niet origineel), Meeuwen etc., kwaliteit oudste gedeelte gemengd doch veel ** jaren '30, in 3 luxe Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #255 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1999 vanaf 1899 geheel */** met vele betere ex. en series w.b. nrs. 34-44 *, 100 *, 104-105 *, 130-131 *, En Face, Brandkast etc. in 5 luxe Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #256 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ruim 650 eenheden (losse zegels, paren, strippen en blokken) type Veth gestempeld en */** met velrand en verschillende etsingsnummers uit 4-683 w.b. L en R en enkele roltanding
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #257 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1989 geheel (*)/*/** met vele betere ex. en series w.b. 1-3, 5-6, 27-29, 34-48, 104-105, 130, Veth, Van Konijnenburg en En Face in gemengde kwaliteit (oudste gedeelte grotendeels nagegomd) in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #258 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
emissie 1852, kwalitatief mooi gespecialiseerde collectie met o.a. platen, paren, kleuren en halfrond-stempels, totaal ca. 90 zegels en 13 poststukken keurig opgezet in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #259 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
grootrondstempels collectie A - Z op post(waarde)stukken met betere ex., totaal ca. 1000 ex. in 2 archiefdozen
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #260 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
doos jaarpakketten met ruim EUR 2400 nominaal in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #261 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
emissie 1852, gespecialiseerde collectie met platen, kleuren, iets stempels etc., totaal ca. 150 ex. w.b. 13 paren, nr. 3 in strip van 3 (dunne plek) en 18 poststukken in over het algemeen goede kwaliteit, keurig opgezet in ringband.
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #262 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
puntstempels, collectie tussen 1-257 op diverse waarden emissie 1872 waarbij mooie afdrukken en betere kantoren, totaal ca. 1100 ex. in deels gemengde kwaliteit in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #263 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2001 gestempeld, vrijwel compleet (w.b. 80 en 101) met roltanding (32 vals), dienst, etc., klassiek deels gemengde kwaliteit, in 5 albums in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #264 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1864-1999 (*)/*/** w.b. nrs.4, 48, 49, 77/79, 98/101, 104/105, 130/131 etc. * en 536/537 ** in 5 albums in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #265 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
uitgebreide collectie 1852 t/m 1939 zowel gestempeld als */** met betere ex. w.b. stempels, tandingen, roltanding, port etc. in Leuchtturm album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #266 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
nominaal EUR 2132 in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #267 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
emissie 1867, poststukken (gemengde kwaliteit) met naamstempels, spoorwegbrieven etc, w.b. met nr.7 in strip van 4 (2x), strip van 6, nr. 8 in blok van 4, strip van 4 en strip van 5, nr.9 in paar, nr.10 in paar (2x), 11 enkelfrankering (3x) en nr.12 op deel omslag, in 2 banden
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #268 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-2000 gestempeld, op nrs. 80 en 136-138 na compleet, met tevens roltanding, port en dienst in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #269 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collctie 1852-1950 gestempeld en *, hoofdnummers op nr.80 na compleet incl.61c*, tevens port, dienst, postbewijs en internering kompleet
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #270 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
nominaal NL1(1870x),NL 2(27x), NL5(12x), aangetekend(12x), kerst(260x) en Europa/wereld(206x) in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #271 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1945 w.b. nrs.48, 80 en 101 gest., 104-105 en 130-141 *, tevens port, luchtpost (w.b. 12-13 **) combinaties, etc.
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #272 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1852-1985 met veel beter materiaal w.b. 48 en 80 gestempeld, 42 en 130*, 61b, 131 en 136/138**, port, dienst en kleine collectie Ned.-Indië in 3 ringbanden
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #273 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
emissie1867, nr.7 in blok van 4, 2 strippen van 4, 15 strippen van 3 en 162 horizontale en verticale paren, nr.8 in 3 strippen van 3 en 33 horizontale en verticale paren, nr.9 in 10 paren, nr.10 in 16 paren en nr.11 in 4 paren, zeer overwegend pracht kwaliteit, schaarse koop
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #274 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Voorfilatelie, collectie van ca. 300 poststukken w.b. vele soorten stempels, per diligence, per stoomboot, "met een kar tabak van 4000", "met een mand ledig glaswerk aan boord van de Steenwijkse Beurtman", "verzenden per omnibus" etc. in 4 ringbanden
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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