1924 50 éves az UPU sor Mi 159-173
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Auction House also holds a set of major auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
Auction closing 09:00 (CET) 30th April, 2015
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.com is available until 19:00 CET
The Hungarian lots and the philatelic collections (lot numbers 1-1980 and numbers 8000-8163) are auctioned in Hotel BĂŠke, Budapest (starting at 9:30 CET)
Lot #3498 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1931 Pánamerikai Posta kongresszus záróértékek Mi 590-591 (Mi EUR 79,-)
Lot #3499 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1931 Monsterrat Mi 612-616 A
Lot #3500 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1947 De Falla zeneszerző és Zuloaga festő Mi 948-949
Lot #3501 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1953 Legazpi Mi 1019 (Mi EUR 150.-)
Lot #3502 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1930 Zeppelin képeslap Brazíliába / Zeppelin postcard to Rio de Janeiro 'SEVILLA'
Lot #3503 - Spain Worldwide philately and postal history - Spain
1937 Ajánlott légi levél a Kanári szigetekről helyi kiadású és spanyol bélyegekkel Budapestre / Registered airmail cover from Las Palmas with local and Spanish stamps to Budapest
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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