Abonyi Ernő (1884-1941): Enteriőr. Olaj, vászon, jelzett, keretben, 66×55 cm
International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. International Philatelic & Numismatic Auction #25
Apart from the regular mail auctions, Darabanth Auction House also holds a set of major auctions with carefully selected material and amazing rarities.
In the field of philately we offer auction lots and collections with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe, especially on the historical territories of Hungary;
Worldwide postal history is also represented with highly sought-after lots and collections;
An impressive section of Art and Collectibles lots with rare vintage treasures, rarities.
Auction closing 09:00 (CET) 30th April, 2015
Online bidding for the Worldwide Philately catalogue at www.darabanth.com is available until 19:00 CET
The Hungarian lots and the philatelic collections (lot numbers 1-1980 and numbers 8000-8163) are auctioned in Hotel BĂŠke, Budapest (starting at 9:30 CET)
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Lot #10001 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Bálint Endre (1914-1986): Figurák, maszkok. Monotípia, papír, jelzett, 28×41 cm
Lot #10002 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Bér Rudolf (1924-2004): Olvasó lány. Lavírozott tus papír, jelzett, 30×21 cm
Lot #10003 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Bruck Hermina (1865-1944): Ősz a teraszról. Olaj, vászon, jelzett, keretben, 60×50 cm
Lot #10004 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Bundschun Ottó (1885-?): Pomáz 1928. Akvarell, papír, jelzett, üvegezett keretben, 27×39 cm
Lot #10005 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Deli Antal (1886-1960): Erdőszéle. Szén, papír, jelzett, 25×16 cm
Lot #10006 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Dévényi János (1956-): Félkörívek. Akril, vászon, jelzett, 60×60 cm
Lot #10007 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Dévényi János (1956-): Áramlások. Akril, vászon, jelzett, 60×80 cm
Lot #10008 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Duray Tibor (1912-1988): Gyár a folyóparton. Akvarell, papír, jelzett, üvegezett keretben, 20×26 cm
Lot #10009 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
cca 1940 Ék Sándor, Alex Keil (1902-1975): A szovjet legyőzi a náci Németországot. Propganda grafika. Vegyes technika, papír, jelzett, 32x45 cm
Lot #10010 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Élesdy István (1912-1987): Budavári utca. Akvarell, papír, jelzett, üvegezett keretben, 62×44 cm
Lot #10011 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Farkasházy Miklós (1895-1964): Kapáló asszony. Akvarell, papír, jelzett, 46×34 cm
Lot #10012 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Fassel L'ousa Ferenc (1915-2009): Női portré. Olaj, farost jelzett, keretben, 70×50 cm
Lot #10013 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Walter Hood Fitch (1817-1892): Stadford utcarészlet. Akvarell, papír, jelzett, üvegezett keretben, 17×25 cm
Lot #10014 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Hajós Imre László (1905-1977): Fekvő női akt. Olaj, karton, jelzés nélkül, keretben, 65×95 cm
Lot #10015 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Herpai Zoltán (1951-2011): Boltív. Olaj, farost, jelzett, fa keretben, 40×50 cm
Lot #10016 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Herpai Zoltán (1951-2011): Női portré. Olaj, farost, jelzett, fa keretben, 30×30 cm
Lot #10017 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Hetényi Tibor (1891-1977) Fősör reklámterv. Akvarell, papír, / Beer commercial essay 13x19 cm
Lot #10019 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Hornyánszky Gyula (1924-1995): Andy Warhol. Tus, papír, jelzett, 24×17 cm
Lot #10020 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Hornyánszky Gyula (1924-1995): Mersits Piroska (1926-1988). Tus, papír, jelzett, 24×17 cm
Lot #10021 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Gerő Sándor (1904-1977): Karikatúra Ernst Bevin angol külügyminiszterről. Megjelent a Ludas Matyiban 1947. Tus, ceruza, jelzett. 21x32 cm
Lot #10022 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Gerő Sándor (1904-1977): Karikatúra Mindszenty József bíborosról. Megjelent a Ludas Matyiban 1947. Tus, ceruza, jelzés nélkül, 21x32 cm
Lot #10023 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Gross Arnold (1929-2015): Emlék (próba), rézkarc, papír, jelzett, paszpartuban, üvegezett fa keretben, 14,5×14,5 cm
Lot #10024 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Gross Arnold (1929-2015): Dunapart. Színezett rézkarc, papír, jelzett, foltos, 16,5×15 cm
Lot #10025 - Art & Books & Collectibles Paintings and Graphics
Kacziány Ödön (1852-1933): Éjszaka a tanyán. Olaj, vászon, jelzett, 40×50 cm
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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