1948 Centenárium 60f kétoldali nyomattal (250.000) / Mi 1006 printed on both sides
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #281
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #281
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
English/German website, large sized photos, helpful staff.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
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Lot #2 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1950 Gyermek tévnyomat ívszéli luxuspéldány (190.000+++)
Lot #3 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
Nyíregyháza III 1945 20f Díjjegyes köznapi futott levelezőlap középen függőleges hajtással, redkívül ritka!
Lot #4 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 3kr V. típus '(TÖV)IS' luxus RRR! Orbán fotó attest
Lot #5 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1967 Festmények III. 1.50Ft vágott bélyeg arany színnyomat nélkül. A szakirodalomban ismeretlen. / Mi 2345, gold colour print omitted. Not mentioned in the philatelic literature. Certificate: Glatz
Lot #6 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1918 Repülő posta 1K50f fordított felülnyomattal (**250.000) (garancia nélkül / no guarantee)
Lot #7 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Lánchíd III blokk a ritka álló vízjellel (75.000 + 50% = 112.500) (apró ráncok / small gum creases)
Lot #8 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1926 Pengő-fillér (I) A sor négyestömbökben / Mi 411-426 block of 4 (100.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #9 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1952 1848-as Szabadságharcosok 'B' sor (12:12 fogazás kivéve 30f) FDC (~100.000)
Lot #10 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1964 Tokiói olimpia 1,70Ft ötkarika nélkül (80.000) / colour gold (olympic rings) omitted
Lot #11 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1946 (23. díjszabás) Ajánlott expressz levél 39 ezer billió készpénzes bérmentesítéssel 'SZEGED' - Bradford (USA)
Lot #12 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Kőnyomat 10kr kék illetve tejkék kifogástalan luxus állapotban, ritka! (72.000)
Lot #13 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1954 Rovarok sor 15-ös tömbökben (75.000) / Mi 1354-1363 sets in blocks of 15
Lot #14 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 Lánchíd (III) blokk fekvő vízjellel, szép állapotban
Lot #15 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1918.07.07. Budapest-Bécs repülés 15f Díjjegyes levél Repülő posta 1,50K és 4,50K + Parlament 80f és 1K díjkiegészítéssel RR!
Lot #16 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1931 Kisegítő bélyegek (I) 2f/3f VIII. vj. 25-ös ívdarab (75.000)
Lot #17 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1906 Turul 50f, 2K (61.500)
Lot #18 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1940 Erdélyért sor hajtott és feltekert teljes ívekben (60.000)
Lot #19 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1948 Lánchíd I.-II. blokkok
Lot #20 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1928 Pengő-fillér (II) A sor az 1f és 3f kivételével ívsarki négyestömbökben / Mi 441-454 block of 4 (60.000) (apró ráncok / small creases)
Lot #21 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1942 Királyok 50 sor 6f nélkül feltekeredett ívdarabokban (50.000)
Lot #22 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1871 Könyvnyomat 3kr díjjegyes borítékon helyi levélként 'PEST / LIPÓTVÁROS' - Pest szép és ritka (50.000)
Lot #23 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
Kuk Feldpost 1915 Kisegítő 10K (átlós felülnyomás) (50.000)
Lot #24 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1949 UPU D-C négyes összefüggés, két szélén fogazatlan (40.000)
Lot #25 - Hungary single hungarian issues at a very low starting price
1950 Bem sor ívközéprészes tízes tömbökben, a 60f felül üres mezőkkel, az 1Ft erősen elfogazva (~44.000)
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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